Explore documentation

Google Cloud & Better Stack integration

Automatically create Uptime incidents from Google Cloud Monitoring alerts

Connecting Google Cloud and Better Stack

1. In the Uptime dashboard

  1. Log into your Uptime dashboard and on the left panel click Integrations
  2. Click the Importing data tab
  3. Scroll down and look for the Cloud monitoring section
  4. Find the Google Monitoring card and click the Add button
  5. In the new window, name your Google Monitoring integration (e.g.: Backend service) and click Save changes. Don't close the Uptime dashboard just yet, you'll need it in a moment.

2. In the Google Cloud Monitoring Notifications settings

  1. Click on Add new in the Webhooks section
  2. Copy and enter the Google Cloud Monitoring Endpoint URL found in the Uptime Google Cloud Monitoring integration settings
  3. Enter the Webhook Name: Uptime Webhook
  4. Click Test Connection to enable the save button
  5. Click Save to save the webhook settings

3. In a particular Alert Policy you want to set up alerts for

  1. Click Edit on the policy
  2. Scroll down to the Your Notification Channels section
  3. Click Add Notification Channel
  4. Once again click Add Notification Channel
  5. Select Webhook with Token Authentication in the first select box
  6. Select Uptime Webhook in the second select box
  7. Click Add
  8. Scroll down and click Save to apply the changes to the policy