Costs 10x less than Datadog

All plans come with a 60-day money-back guarantee.

Get ~2 months free
per month
  • 10 monitors & heartbeats
  • E-mail alerts with 3 minute checks
  • 1 status page
  • 3 GB ingested logs per month retained for 3 days
  • 2B ingested metrics data points retained for 30 days
  • Connect with Slack
  • 2-month incident history
Start for free
Pay as you go
starts at
per month
Everything in free, plus:
  • 1 responder license with access to incident management, on-call, monitoring and status pages
  • Unlimited team members for Logs & metrics
  • Unlimited phone call alerts, SMS, push notifications and webhooks with 30-second checks
  • 30 GB ingested logs per month retained for 7 days
  • 2B ingested metrics data points retained for 30 days
  • On-call calendar with scheduling & escalations
  • Slack-based incident management
  • AI incident silencing
  • Transaction checks
  • Private & customizable status pages
  • 1,000 status page subscribers
  • Reporting & analytics
  • Call routing
  • SSO & SCIM
  • SOC2 Type 2 compliant
  • RBAC & Team-level isolation
Get started in 2 minutes


Incident resolution is a multi-player game. Invite your team and investigate & resolve incidents faster.

Unlimited team members
Free access to Logs and Metrics.

per member per month
Access to Uptime with incident management, on-call, monitoring and status pages with unlimited phone call and SMS alerts.
per license per month



The most advanced external monitoring that checks any URL, IP address, and port. Whether it's your landing page, monolith application, SPA, REST API, or a bare metal server, you can monitor everything.

10 monitors included
Additional 50 monitors
$25 per month
$21 per month
  • Unlimited phone call alerts
  • Up to 30 seconds check frequency
  • Screenshots of errors
  • Unlimited SMS
  • HTTP(s) keyword checks
  • Multi-location & Geo-specific checks
  • Push notifications
  • TCP/UDP port monitoring
  • Multi-step incident verification
  • E-mail alerts
  • AI post-mortem analysis
  • Slack integration
  • SSL monitoring
  • Uptime SLA reporting
  • MS Teams integration
  • TLD expiration monitoring
  • Response time tracking
  • Zapier integration
  • DNS server monitoring
  • Traceroute & MTR diagnosis
  • Ping monitoring
  • Maintenance windows
  • Terraform provider
  • IPv6 support
  • Status pages
  • Webhooks

Transaction monitoring

Playwright-based transaction checks let you monitor vital website interactions by running a real browser instance.

10,000 playwright executions
$4 per month
  • Unlimited phone call alerts
  • Interactive Playwright Snapshots
  • Multi-location & Geo-specific checks
  • Unlimited SMS
  • Generate with Playwright Codegen
  • Multi-step incident verification
  • Push notifications
  • Inspect Playwright artifacts
  • AI post-mortem analysis
  • E-mail alerts
  • Up to 30 seconds check frequency
  • Traceroute & MTR diagnosis
  • Slack integration
  • Screenshots of errors
  • Uptime SLA reporting
  • MS Teams integration
  • Maintenance windows
  • Zapier integration
  • IPv6 support
  • Terraform provider
  • Webhooks

Heartbeats (Cron job monitoring)

Heartbeats let you monitor scheduled jobs like cron jobs or serverless workers. Never lose a database backup again.

10 heartbeats included
Additional 10 heartbeats
$20 per month
$17 per month
  • Unlimited phone call alerts
  • Up to 1 second check resolution
  • AI post-mortem analysis
  • Unlimited SMS
  • Configurable grace period
  • Uptime SLA reporting
  • Push notifications
  • IPv6 support
  • E-mail alerts
  • Zapier integration
  • Terraform provider
  • Slack integration
  • Maintenance windows
  • Status pages
  • MS Teams integration
  • Webhook notifications

Status pages

Get a branded and build credibility with customers. Monitoring and incident management is fully-integrated.

Status pages
1 status page included
Additional public status page
$15 per month
$12 per month
Custom CSS & JavaScript
$15 per page per month
$12 per page per month
White-label by removing "Powered by Better Stack" footer
$250 per page per month
$208 per page per month
Password-protected status page
$50 per page per month
$42 per page per month
IP address restricted status page
$250 per page per month
$208 per page per month
Single Sign-On status page authentication
$250 per page per month
$208 per page per month
1,000 subscribers included
Additional 1,000 subscribers
$40 per month
$40 per page per month
Send e-mails from your own domain
$250 per page per month
$208 per page per month
  • Custom sub-domain with HTTP(s)
  • Migration support
  • Embeddable image badge
  • Private status pages
  • Importing existing subscribers
  • Embeddable system status notice
  • White-labeling
  • Screenshots & error logs
  • Google Search opt-out
  • Embedded charts & metrics
  • Password-protected status page
  • Google Analytics pixel
  • Public status subscriptions
  • IP address restrictions
  • Integrate with customer service chat
  • Send e-mails from your domain
  • Single Sign-on status page authentication
  • Integrates with Mixpanel
  • Customizable design
  • Maintenance notices
  • Integrates with Intercom
  • Custom CSS
  • Multi-language i18n support (beta)
  • Integrates with Front
  • Custom JavaScript
  • Integrates with Drift
  • Terraform provider

Reporting & analytics

Advanced analytics let you track team KPIs easily. Analyze incident metrics, on-call duties, and advanced SLAs/SLIs.

Reporting & analytics
$5 per member per month
$4 per member per month
  • Historical uptime SLA
  • AI post-mortems
  • MTTA, MTTR and other incident KPIs
  • Incident cause synthesis
  • On-call duty reports
  • SLA & SLI indicators
  • CSV exportable
  • Team member-based performance

Incident management

On-call & incident management

On-call scheduling & alerting is built-in. Set up duties, get flexible alerting options, and resolve incidents collaboratively.

On-call scheduling for responders
  • Unlimited phone call alerts
  • Countless integrations
  • AI post-mortems
  • Unlimited SMS
  • Second by second incident timeline
  • Manual post-mortems
  • Push notifications
  • On-call calendar & scheduling
  • Collaboration built-in
  • E-mail alerts
  • Smart incident merging
  • Google & Outlook calendar integration
  • Zapier integration
  • Slack incident management
  • On-call calendar ICS export
  • Webhooks
  • Advanced incident escalation rules
  • Reporting & analytics
  • Terraform provider
  • Call routing to current on-call person
  • Unlimited incident history

AI incident silencing

Get your team a good night sleep. Machine learning powered incident silencing automatically snoozes irrelevant incidents, reduces noise, prevents alert fatigue, and improves the team performance.

500 silenced incidents
$50 per month

Slack-based incident management

Automate your incident resolution process with powerful templated workflows directly in Slack.

Basic single-channel integration
Channel-based & Thread-based workflows
$9 per responder license per month
  • /incident command from Slack
  • Basic single-channel integration
  • AI post-mortems
  • Manage on-call schedules
  • Channel per incident
  • Share dashboards, not screenshots
  • Assemble the team, assign ownership
  • Private channel per incident
  • Reporting & analytics
  • Advanced incident workflows
  • Thread per incident
  • Track MTTA, MTTR and more
  • Quick status page updates
  • Automated user synchronization

Call routing

Route incoming phone calls to the current on-call person to create incidents automatically.

Per phone number
$250 per month
$208 per month
  • Available in the USA, CA, EU & UK
  • Customizable welcome message
  • Call transcripts
  • Allow-listing phone numbers
  • No paperwork required
  • Reporting & analytics
  • Available in 50+ languages
  • Advanced incident workflows
  • AI post-mortems



Aggregate all your logs into structured data you can query like a single database with SQL.

Included in Pay as you go
30 GB per month retained for 7 days
$0.45 per extra GB
$0.025 per GB per extra week
Multi-tenant querying at regular speed
Single-tenant querying at cloud-scale speed
Host data in your own bucket
  • Schema-less storage
  • Anomaly detection alerts
  • Real-time live tail
  • Unlimited querying
  • Drag & drop query builder
  • One-click filter by context
  • Cloud-scale querying speed
  • Query logs with SQL
  • Unstructed data parsing & enrichment
  • Integrated incident management
  • Transform data with JavaScript
  • Host data in your own S3 bucket
  • Integrated on-call
  • Long-term archival to S3
  • Built-in collaboration
  • Embed charts into status page
  • Convert logs to metrics
  • Shareable dashboards


Visualize metrics with pre-made collaborative dashboards. Generate metrics from logs or collect them via Prometheus, OpenTelemetry or others.

Retained data points
2B included
Additional 1B data points retained
Querying at regular speed
Querying at cloud-scale speed
  • Unlimited querying
  • Anomaly detection alerts
  • Shareable dashboards
  • Cloud-scale querying speed
  • Drag & drop query builder
  • Built-in collaboration
  • Integrated incident management
  • Query metrics with SQL
  • Embed charts into status page
  • Integrated on-call
  • Transform data with JavaScript



Keep your data secure and control your costs by having visibility into your usage. Stay compliant with SOC 2, GDPR, and more.

Single Sign-On with Google
Single Sign-On with Azure
$5 per user per month
Single Sign-On with Okta
$5 per user per month
Generic SAML SSO
Audit logs
$250 per month
$208 per month
  • SOC 2 Type II-compliant
  • Single Sign-On
  • Two-factor authentication
  • SOC 2 report under NDA
  • SSO enforcement
  • 2FA enforcement
  • GDPR-compliant
  • SCIM
  • Custom logs & metrics data residency
  • Role-based access control
  • Team-level isolation
  • Custom VPC deployment

Customer success

Our technical customer team is here to serve you with the tailored experience you're looking for: reach out about migration assistance options or onboarding coaching sessions.

  • E-mail support
  • Shared Slack channel
  • Dedicated customer success manager
  • Chat support
  • Comprehensive documentation
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA)
  • Phone support
  • Product strategy session


We make the process simple for your legal, finance, and procurement teams.

  • Pay by card
  • Pay by wire for enterprise contracts


Reach out for a custom quote.

Find out why the best teams rely on Better Stack.

Frequently asked questions

At Better Stack, we design our products and processes with security in mind. We follow industry-standard best practices to keep your data safe.

Is Better Stack SOC 2 compliant?
Yes, Better Stack is SOC2 Type 2 compliant. Contact us for more details or to access the latest report.
Is Better Stack GDPR compliant?
Yes. For more information, see our Data Processing Agreement. By default, all data is stored in the EU regions in GDPR-compliant DIN ISO/IEC 27001-certified data centers.
Is Better Stack HIPAA compliant?
Better Stack is currently not HIPAA compliant. Contact us if HIPAA is important for you, and we can share more details.
Is Better Stack PCI compliant?
Better Stack does not store personal credit card information for any of our customers. We use Stripe to securely process transactions and trust their commitment to best-in-class security. Stripe is a certified PCI Service Provider Level 1, which is the highest level of certification in the payments industry.
Does Better Stack encrypt data?
Relevant data is encrypted at rest (AES-256) and in transit (HTTPS/TLS).
Does Better Stack back up the data?
Yes. Automated backups are run regularly and data is stored redundantly where appropriate to prevent data loss.
Does Better Stack offer custom data locations?
Yes. We offer custom data locations for enterprise accounts. Contact us to discuss a preferred data location.
Do you conduct regular penetration testing and vulnerability scans?
Yes. We conduct regular penetration testing through third-party pen testers. In addition, we run frequent code reviews, static analysis checks, and dependency vulnerability scans. Our enterprise customers have access to our latest pen test reports.

Is your question not listed here? Please get in touch at

Downtime ends today

Better Stack lets you see inside any stack, debug any issue, and resolve any incident.

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