Modern StatusCake
See why the best CTOs choose Better Stack over StatusCake.
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Why choose Better Stack vs. StatusCake
Loved by teams around the world
Software engineers from high-growth startups to Fortune 500 companies choose Better Stack.
Uptime monitoring reimagined
Get a screenshot of the error, and a second-by-second timeline with our fastest 30-second checks.
Unlimited phone call alerts
As well as SMS, e-mail, Slack, Microsoft Teams, and push notifications with our all-you-can-alert pricing. Be the first one to know your site is down.
30s multi-location checks
Each HTTP and ping-based incident is verified from at least 3 locations before we alert you. No more false incidents!
Incident management built-in
Alert the right person on your team at the right time with our on-callscheduling plug in the services you already use including DataDog, and New Relic.
That's just the tip
of the iceberg
Screenshots & error logs
We don't just tell you that your service went down. We also tell you why.
Incident audit timeline
Get second-by-second timeline for every incident with detailed information about what happened and who got alerted.
Ping, SSL & TLD expiration
The most commonly used monitors come built-in and can be configured in a few seconds.
Smart incident merging
30 incidents get created at the same time? Acknowledge them with a single tap and keep your phone from ringing while fixing the issue.
Integrate everything
Plug in the services across all levels of your stack and get up and running in minutes, not days.
Cron job monitoring
Never lose a DB backup! Track your CRON jobs and serverless workers. Get alerted if they don't run correctly.
Save big with
Better Stack
Better Stack replaces a bunch of existing tools. See how our fixed price for a team of 6 compares with PagerDuty, Pingdom, and
See pricingIncident management
Uptime monitoring
Branded status page
6 team members, 60 monitors,
and 2,000 subscribers
6 team members, 60 monitors,
and 2,000 subscribers
Don’t just take our word for it
We're proud to be working with these incredible companies, and thankful for their feedback, suggestions, and support.
Looking for a status page? I recommend
Perfect support, answered my dms
in a couple of minutes, and it's the first actual cool looking status page which allows
custom domains (on the free plan 😱) haven't actually tried it, but it looks good so far.
I tested @BetterUptime for @gamubsapp! So much easier to configure and the interface is better than @FreshworksInc!
By far @BetterUptime has given me more pleasant surprises other tool in this space. We had an outage due to a domain name expiring, and it turns out we can even be alerted about that. Great user experience and UI on top of all the features. How is it not more popular?
One year one tool. @linear won my heart last year. This year so far, @BetterStackHQ is the frontrunner, well designed 👏
I just checked this out, and have never been so happy that I saw an ad 👏
Loved by teams around the world
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in 30 seconds
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infrastructure monitoring platform.
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