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A Complete Guide to Semantic Logger for Ruby on Rails

Ayooluwa Isaiah
Updated on January 30, 2025

While the built-in Ruby logger provides basic logging, it lacks features like context-aware structured logging, asynchronous writes, and multi-destination support. Semantic Logger addresses these limitations by offering:

  • Structured logging in JSON or logfmt.
  • Asynchronous logging to prevent blocking application execution.
  • Multi-destination logging, allowing logs to be sent to files, databases, and external services.
  • Automatic log enrichment with contextual data and metrics.
  • Seamless Rails integration.

In this article, we'll explore how to effectively use Semantic Logger to improve Ruby and Rails application logging, and turn unstructured logs to structured data that facilitates observability.

Let's dive in!

What is Semantic Logger?

Semantic Logger is a high-performance logging framework that brings structured, leveled, and efficient logging to Ruby applications.

It is widely used due to its flexibility, ease of integration with Rails, and ability to log to multiple outputs, such as files, databases, or log management services.

It operates asynchronously by default using a separate logging thread. When your code logs something, the message goes into a queue and a separate thread processes this queue.

This non-blocking behavior ensures that logging does not slow down application execution.

# Asynchronous mode (Default)
class OrderService
  def process_order"Starting order processing")  # Returns immediately
    # Code continues while log writes in background

To ensure that all logs are written before the application exits, Semantic Logger automatically flushes the log queue. You can also trigger a manual flush when necessary with:


If logs need to be written immediately, synchronous mode can be enabled using:


Or, when using a Gemfile:

gem "semantic_logger", require: "semantic_logger/sync"

In this mode, log messages are written in the same thread, meaning execution waits until logging is completed:

# Synchronous (After SemanticLogger.sync!)
class OrderService
  def process_order"Starting order processing")  # Waits for log to be written
    # Code continues only after log is written

The tradeoff is between performance with asynchronous logging and immediacy/reliability with synchronous logging.

Getting started with Semantic Logger

To use Semantic Logger in your Ruby project, add it to your Gemfile:

source ''

gem 'semantic_logger'

Then install it by running:

bundle install
. . .
Fetching semantic_logger 4.16.1
Installing semantic_logger 4.16.1
Bundle complete! 1 Gemfile dependency, 3 gems now installed.
Use `bundle info [gemname]` to see where a bundled gem is installed.

Semantic Logger offers several key components:

  • Logger: The main interface for logging messages with different levels (e.g., info, error).
  • Appenders: Defines where logs are sent (e.g., console, files, external services).
  • Log formatters: Customize log output formats, such as JSON or plain text.

Let's start with a simple setup that logs messages to the console:

require 'semantic_logger'

# Set the default appender to STDOUT
SemanticLogger.add_appender(io: $stdout)

logger = SemanticLogger['MyApp']'Application started')
logger.error('An error occurred')

Before logging with Semantic Logger, you need to specify a destination for the logs with add_appender(). In the snippet above, the logs are directed to the standard output.

You must also create an instance of the Logger class by supplying the name of the class or application as seen above. This ensures that the logging entries from each class are uniquely identified.

You can then call level methods like info(), warn() and others on the logger instance to produce log entries.

This will yield the following output:

2025-01-28 14:06:51.173156 I [1294858:60] MyApp -- Application started
2025-01-28 14:06:51.173174 E [1294858:60 main.rb:8] MyApp -- An error occurred

By default, Semantic Logger includes a timestamp, log level, process and thread ID, logger name, and the message in its output. It also includes the file name and line number in the case of errors.

Instead of creating a logger instance as seen above, you can use the SemanticLogger::Loggable mixin to provide logging capabilities to a class:

class Device
include SemanticLogger::Loggable
def perform_operation'Operation completed') end end device = device.perform_operation

You'll notice that the resulting log entry is correctly attributed to the class:

2025-01-29 18:47:17.464853 I [1711333:60] Device -- Operation completed

Using log levels

Semantic Logger supports the following log levels: trace, debug, info, warn, error, and fatal. These levels allow you to control log verbosity by filtering messages based on severity.

These levels allow you to control log verbosity by filtering messages based on severity.

logger.trace('Trace message')
logger.debug('Debug message')'Info message')
logger.warn('Warning message')
logger.error('Error message')
logger.fatal('Fatal message')
2025-01-28 15:47:10.416653 I [1330085:60] MyApp -- Info message
2025-01-28 15:47:10.416689 W [1330085:60] MyApp -- Warning message
2025-01-28 15:47:10.416699 E [1330085:60 main.rb:16] MyApp -- Error message
2025-01-28 15:47:10.416724 F [1330085:60 main.rb:17] MyApp -- Fatal message

Semantic Logger follows the standard Ruby and Rails logging interface, so if you're migrating from the default logger, you don't need to modify all existing logging calls.

Setting the default log level

By default, Semantic Logger logs at the info level, meaning that trace and debug messages are ignored unless explicitly enabled.

You can control this by adjusting the global log level with:

SemanticLogger.default_level = :warn

Now, only warn, error, and fatal logs will be recorded.

You can also override the default log level for a specific logger:

class Device
  include SemanticLogger::Loggable

logger.level = :error

This ensures that only logs at error or higher are recorded for the Device class.

You can also control log verbosity without modifying code through an environment variable:

SemanticLogger.default_level = ENV.fetch('LOG_LEVEL', 'info')
# or per logger
logger.level = ENV.fetch('LOG_LEVEL', 'info')

This makes it easy to adjust logging levels in different environments (such as debug in development, warn in production).

Suppressing logs with silence

The silence method allows you to increase the log level for a block of code temporarily. By default, it suppresses all logs below error:

# Silence all logging below :error level
logger.silence do "This will not be logged"
 logger.warn "Neither will this"
 logger.error "But errors will be logged!"

Internally, silence raises default_level to error and restores it after the block.

You can also specify a custom log level:

logger.silence(:warn) do
 logger.warn "warning message" # This will be logged

Some common use cases for logger.silence include:

  • During batch operations where logging each item would be too verbose.
  • When calling noisy third-party libraries.
  • During testing, when you want to suppress certain log output.

However, note that silence does not affect loggers with explicitly set levels—only those relying on the global default.

Structuring your log entries

One of the key benefits of Semantic Logger is its support for structured logging. Instead of just text messages, structured logs are designed for machine parsability, a prerequisite for achieving an observable system.

Since JSON is the most widely used structured format, we'll configure Semantic Logger to output logs in JSON:

SemanticLogger.add_appender(io: $stdout, formatter: :json)'User signed in')

You'll see the output will now be in JSON format:

  "host": "falcon",
  "application": "Semantic Logger",
  "timestamp": "2025-01-28T14:40:03.873527Z",
  "level": "info",
  "level_index": 2,
  "pid": 1327780,
  "thread": "60",
  "name": "MyApp",
  "message": "User signed in",

Note that the JSON output shown above is formatted for readability. The actual entry is always a single-line JSON string ending with a newline character.

This JSON output contains a few additional details not found in the default format such as the host, application, and level_index properties.

The numeric representation of log levels (level_index) makes it easier to perform comparisons and set thresholds programmatically in log management tools.

Image of using level_index in Better Stack

Adding context to your logs

Semantic Logger allows you to enrich logs with contextual data beyond just the log message. Each logging method supports additional parameters:

log.method(<message>, <payload_or_exception> = nil, <exception> = nil, &block)

Here's a breakdown of each parameter:

  • <message> (required if no other parameter is provided): The main log message.
  • <payload_or_exception> (optional): It can either be:
    • A hash: Adds structured key-value data for contextual logging.
    • An exception: If an error object is passed, Semantic Logger will log its message and backtrace.
  • <exception> (optional): If an exception is not provided in <payload_or_exception>, you can pass it here explicitly.
  • &block (optional): The block is evaluated only if the log level is enabled.

You can include custom attributes in logs to provide more details about events:'User logged in', { user_id:, ip: request.remote_ip, session_id: })

They will appear in the logs under the payload key:

  "host": "falcon",
  "application": "Semantic Logger",
  "timestamp": "2025-01-28T14:40:03.873527Z",
  "level": "info",
  "level_index": 2,
  "pid": 1327780,
  "thread": "60",
  "name": "MyApp",
  "message": "User signed in",
"payload": {
"user_id": 123,
"session_id": "abc123"

You can also log exceptions either in the second or third parameter as follows:

  raise 'Something went wrong'
rescue StandardError => e
logger.error('An error occurred', { request_id: 123 }, e)
# or
logger.error('An error occurred', e)

In either case, an exception object will be included in the log entry with the type of error, the error message, and a stack trace:

  . . .
  "exception": {
    "name": "RuntimeError",
    "message": "Something went wrong",
    "stack_trace": [
      "main.rb:20:in `<main>'"

If an exception has a cause (nested error), Semantic Logger will include both in the same entry:

  . . .
"exception": {
"name": "RuntimeError",
"message": "Failed to write to file", "stack_trace": [ "main.rb:24:in `rescue in oh_no'", "main.rb:19:in `oh_no'", "main.rb:28:in `<main>'" ],
"cause": {
"name": "IOError",
"message": "not opened for reading", "stack_trace": [ "main.rb:22:in `read'", "main.rb:22:in `oh_no'", "main.rb:28:in `<main>'" ] } } }

Contextual logging with tagged

Semantic Logger provides a convenient way to add contextual metadata to multiple log entries using the tagged method.

It ensures that all logs within a specific block share common attributes, making it easier to trace related events.

Here's how to use it:

class WeatherStation
  include SemanticLogger::Loggable

  def initialize(station_id)
    @station_id = station_id

  def calibrate_sensors'Starting sensor calibration', { station_id: @station_id, maintenance_type: 'calibration' })'Wind sensor calibrated', { bearing_adjusted: true, previous_direction: 'NW' })

# Initialize the station
station ='STATION-SFO-01')

SemanticLogger.tagged(facility: 'SFO Airport', region: 'Bay Area') do

You'll notice that both log entries produced within the block contain a named_tag property with the shared facility and region fields:

  "host": "falcon",
  "application": "Semantic Logger",
  "timestamp": "2025-01-29T19:08:29.310165Z",
  "level": "info",
  "level_index": 2,
  "pid": 1733346,
  "thread": "60",
"named_tags": {
"facility": "SFO Airport",
"region": "Bay Area"
"named_tags": { "name": "WeatherStation", "message": "Wind sensor calibrated", "payload": { "bearing_adjusted": true, "previous_direction": "NW" } }

This way, you can easily include relevant contextual attributes to your log entries without manually passing metadata in each log call.

Working with appenders

Semantic Logger supports logging to multiple destinations beyond the console, including:

  • A text file,
  • Any HTTP, UDP, or TCP endpoint,
  • Log management services Better Stack, Papertrail, New Relic, etc,
  • Error tracking tools,
  • Databases like MySQL or MongoDB.

To configure where logs are sent, use the add_appender() method:

SemanticLogger.add_appender(io: $stdout) # Logs to the standard output

You can also specify multiple appenders to store logs in different formats and locations simultaneously. For example, you can log to a file and the console with this configuration:

SemanticLogger.add_appender(io: $stdout, formatter: :color)
SemanticLogger.add_appender(file_name: 'application.log', formatter: :json, level: :error)

With this setup, all logs will be written to the console in a colorized format:

Semantic Logger in Ruby in colorized format

While the application.log will only contain the logs with error severity or greater in JSON format:

{"host":"falcon","application":"Semantic Logger","timestamp":"2025-01-29T04:38:40.643648Z","level":"error","level_index":4,"pid":1425652,"thread":"60","file":"main.rb","line":15,"name":"MyApp","message":"Error message"}
{"host":"falcon","application":"Semantic Logger","timestamp":"2025-01-29T04:38:40.643675Z","level":"fatal","level_index":5,"pid":1425652,"thread":"60","file":"main.rb","line":16,"name":"MyApp","message":"Fatal message"}

If you're logging to a file, ensure to configure log rotation on the server or container.

For more appender configurations, refer to the Semantic Logger documentation.

Collecting performance measurements through logs

Semantic Logger provides a simple way to track metrics such as durations and counts directly in the log entries.

For example, you can track the execution time of a block of code through the measure methods:


These methods track execution time and can include custom payload data:

logger.measure_info 'Sleep for 3 seconds' do
  sleep 3

Once the block completes, the log entry includes the execution duration:

  . . .
"duration_ms": 3003.161854983773,
"duration": "3.003s",
"name": "MyApp", "message": "Sleep for 3 seconds" }

To reduce log volume, you can log only if an operation exceeds a given duration:

logger.measure_info 'I took more than a second', min_duration: 1000 do
  # log only if this block takes more than a second to run

This is useful for identifying slow operations without cluttering logs with fast executions.

You can also associate a custom metric name with the log entry to make it easier to aggregate and visualize such data in log monitoring tools:

logger.measure_info 'called external API', metric: 'ExternalAPI/request_time' do
  # call external API
  . . .
  "duration_ms": 1002.2141790250316,
  "duration": "1.002s",
  "name": "MyApp",
  "message": "called external API",
"metric": "ExternalAPI/request_time"

If you're looking for a dedicated metrics instrumentation tool, check out Prometheus or OpenTelemetry

Integrating Semantic Logger in Rails

Semantic Logger integrates seamlessly with Rails to enable structured, high-performance logging throughout your application.

To replace Rails' default logger with Semantic Logger, you can modify your config/application.rb file as follows:

require_relative "boot"

require "rails/all"

require "semantic_logger"
Bundler.require(*Rails.groups) module Myapp class Application < Rails::Application
config.logger = SemanticLogger["Rails"]
SemanticLogger.add_appender(io: $stdout, formatter: :color)
end end

To replace Rails' default logger with Semantic Logger, modify config/application.rb:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  def hello"Info message")
render html: "hello, world!" end end
2025-01-29 11:28:00.133910 I [1597443:puma srv tp 001] ApplicationController -- Info message

For a more straightforward setup, use the rails_semantic_logger gem, which automatically replaces the Rails logger:

gem "rails_semantic_logger"

It also automatically replaces the default loggers for:

  • Sidekiq
  • Bugsnag
  • Mongoid
  • Mongo
  • Moped
  • Resque
  • Sidetiq
  • DelayedJob

By using rails_semantic_logger, all logs from your Rails app and these dependencies will follow the configured Semantic Logger format.

Once Semantic Logger is integrated, Rails' logs will start to appear in its default format:

2025-01-29 10:25:53.991568 I [1573174:puma srv tp 001] (44.9ms) ApplicationController -- Completed #hello -- {:controller=>"ApplicationController", :action=>"hello", :format=>"*/*", :method=
>"GET", :path=>"/", :status=>200, :view_runtime=>10.91, :db_runtime=>0.0, :queries_count=>0, :cached_queries_count=>0, :allocations=>4581, :status_message=>"OK"}

You can also include the source code file name and line number where the message originated by setting config.semantic_logger.backtrace_level to the desired level:

config.semantic_logger.backtrace_level = :info # The default is :error

Now, each log entry includes the source file (subscriber.rb) and line number (138) to help with debugging efforts:

2025-01-29 10:37:59.904835 E [1578977:puma srv tp 001 subscriber.rb:138] (43.2ms) ApplicationController -- Completed #hello -- {:controller=>"ApplicationController", :action=>"hello", :format=>"*/*", :method=>"GET", :path=>"/", :status=>500, :view_runtime=>8.12, :db_runtime=>0.0, :queries_count=>0, :cached_queries_count=>0, :allocations=>4698, :status_message=>"Internal Server Error"}

Customizing the Rails log output

By default, Rails logs several entries for each request it receives:

2025-01-29 10:47:56.985250 I [1582027:puma srv tp 001 remote_ip.rb:96] Rack -- Started -- {:method=>"GET", :path=>"/", :ip=>"::1"}
2025-01-29 10:47:56.996849 D [1582027:puma srv tp 001] (0.097ms) ActiveRecord -- ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load -- {:sql=>"SELECT \"schema_migrations\".\"version\" FROM \"schema_migratio
ns\" ORDER BY \"schema_migrations\".\"version\" ASC /*application='Myapp'*/", :allocations=>23, :cached=>nil}
2025-01-29 10:47:57.014109 D [1582027:puma srv tp 001] ApplicationController -- Processing #hello
2025-01-29 10:47:57.059583 D [1582027:puma srv tp 001] ActionView -- Rendering -- {:template=>"html template"}
2025-01-29 10:47:57.059645 I [1582027:puma srv tp 001 subscriber.rb:138] (0.017ms) ActionView -- Rendered -- {:template=>"html template", :allocations=>10}
2025-01-29 10:47:57.059922 I [1582027:puma srv tp 001 subscriber.rb:138] (45.7ms) ApplicationController -- Completed #hello -- {:controller=>"ApplicationController", :action=>"hello", :forma
t=>"*/*", :method=>"GET", :path=>"/", :status=>200, :view_runtime=>5.29, :db_runtime=>0.0, :queries_count=>0, :cached_queries_count=>0, :allocations=>4802, :status_message=>"OK"}

A typical request emits the following entries:

  • A "Started" entry when Rails receives a new HTTP request.
  • A "Processing" entry when Rails starts executing a controller action.
  • A "Rendered" entry when a view template is rendered.
  • A "Completed" entry once the request is fully processed.

Except for "Completed", all other logs are at the debug level and only appear in development or testing environments.

You can turn off specific log entries (Started, Processing, or Rendered) in config/application.rb:

config.rails_semantic_logger.started    = false
config.rails_semantic_logger.processing = false
config.rails_semantic_logger.rendered   = false

You'll also notice that entries generated by the ActionController and ActiveRecord are converted to semantic data:

2025-01-29 10:47:56.985250 I [1582027:puma srv tp 001 remote_ip.rb:96] Rack -- Started -- {:method=>"GET", :path=>"/", :ip=>"::1"}
2025-01-29 10:47:56.996849 D [1582027:puma srv tp 001] (0.097ms) ActiveRecord -- ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load -- {:sql=>"SELECT \"schema_migrations\".\"version\" FROM \"schema_migratio
ns\" ORDER BY \"schema_migrations\".\"version\" ASC /*application='Myapp'*/", :allocations=>23, :cached=>nil}
2025-01-29 10:47:57.059922 I [1582027:puma srv tp 001 subscriber.rb:138] (45.7ms) ApplicationController -- Completed #hello -- {:controller=>"ApplicationController", :action=>"hello", :forma
t=>"*/*", :method=>"GET", :path=>"/", :status=>200, :view_runtime=>5.29, :db_runtime=>0.0, :queries_count=>0, :cached_queries_count=>0, :allocations=>4802, :status_message=>"OK"}

You can disable this conversion with:

config.rails_semantic_logger.semantic = false

The messages will now appear as follows:

2025-01-29 11:09:53.608201 I [1590493:puma srv tp 001] Rails -- Started GET "/" for ::1 at 2025-01-29 11:09:53 +0100
2025-01-29 11:09:53.625462 D [1590493:puma srv tp 001] ActiveRecord::Base --   ActiveRecord::SchemaMigration Load (0.1ms)  SELECT "schema_migrations"."version" FROM "schema_migrations" ORDER
 BY "schema_migrations"."version" ASC /*application='Myapp'*/
2025-01-29 11:09:53.657161 I [1590493:puma srv tp 001] Rails -- Completed 200 OK in 16ms (Views: 1.9ms | ActiveRecord: 0.0ms (0 queries, 0 cached) | GC: 0.3ms)

Modifying request completion entries

By default, Rails includes details like HTTP method, controller action, response status, and execution times in the "Completed" log.

However, you can enhance these logs by adding custom metadata through the append_info_to_payload method:

class OrdersController < ApplicationController
  def show
    @order = Order.find(params[:id])
    render json: @order

def append_info_to_payload(payload)
payload[:order_id] = @order&.id
payload[:customer_id] = @order&.customer_id
payload[:total_amount] = @order&.total_amount
payload[:payment_status] = @order&.payment_status

When this controller processes a request, the log entry will now include order details:

2025-01-29 11:26:23.411208 I [1595209:puma srv tp 002] (6.049ms) OrdersController -- Completed #show -- {:controller=>"OrdersController", :action=>"show", :format=>"*/*", :method
=>"GET", :path=>"/order", :status=>200, :view_runtime=>0.77, :db_runtime=>0.0, :queries_count=>0, :cached_queries_count=>0, :order_id=>12345, :customer_id=>789, :total_amount=>299.99, :payment_st
atus=>"paid", :allocations=>635, :status_message=>"OK"

If you need request-wide metadata across all controllers, define append_info_to_payload in ApplicationController:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  def append_info_to_payload(payload)
    payload[:remote_ip] = request.remote_ip
    payload[:user_agent] = request.user_agent

Now, every request log will automatically include the client's IP address and browser details.

Enabling structured JSON logging

To enable structured logging in Rails with Semantic Logger, configure the log format in config/application.rb:

. . .

module Myapp
  class Application < Rails::Application
config.semantic_logger.add_appender(io: $stdout, formatter: :json)
config.rails_semantic_logger.format = :json
end end

All the log entries will now be presented in JSON format:

{"host":"falcon","application":"Semantic Logger","environment":"development","timestamp":"2025-01-29T10:00:23.007882Z","level":"info","level_index":2,"pid":1586842,"thread":"puma srv tp 001"
,"duration_ms":45.08242005109787,"duration":"45.1ms","name":"ApplicationController","message":"Completed #hello","payload":{"controller":"ApplicationController","action":"hello","format":"*/

Adding log tags

To include global metadata in every log entry, use the config.log_tags option. This ensures application or request-wide attributes are automatically added to all logs.

Here's an example that modifies config/application.rb to include the request ID in every log entry:

module Myapp
  class Application < Rails::Application
    . . .
config.log_tags = {
request_id: :request_id
end end

With this configuration, all log entries will contain a request_id inside the named_tags field:

  "host": "falcon",
  "application": "Semantic Logger",
  "environment": "development",
  "timestamp": "2025-01-29T17:07:36.005944Z",
  "level": "debug",
  "level_index": 1,
  "pid": 1698257,
  "thread": "puma srv tp 001",
"named_tags": {
"request_id": "701a41a3-19ef-4c5e-9df5-1d00cf415ed1"
"name": "Rack", "message": "Started", "payload": { "method": "GET", "path": "/", "ip": "::1" } }

This is a handy way to correlate all the logs generated by a single request without manually adding request_id in every log statement.

Centralizing and monitoring your Rails logs

So far, we've explored how to configure Semantic Logger, customize its log output, and integrate it into Rails applications. The next step is centralizing your logs to enable sophisticated log analysis, and long-term storage.

Instead of managing logs on individual servers, using a log management service such as Better Stack allows you to:

  • Aggregate logs from multiple environments in one place.
  • Monitor application health and detect anomalies in real time.
  • Set up proactive alerts to catch issues before they impact users.
  • Correlate logs with metrics and traces for deeper insights.

Better Stack Telemetry interface

The recommended approach is logging to the console or a file and using a log forwarder such as Vector, Fluentd, or the OpenTelemetry Collector to route logs to their final destination.

This decouples logging from log storage, ensuring that your application remains agnostic to the final log destination. It also means that log processing and aggregation are handled externally which helps avoid additional performance overhead.

If logging to the console or a file is not practical in your environment, Semantic Logger supports direct integrations with various services through its appenders.

  appender: :http,
  url:      "",
  formatter: :json,
  header: {"Authorization" => "Bearer <token>"}

Final thoughts

We've covered a lot of ground in this tutorial around how Semantic Logger enhances logging in Ruby on Rails applications.

By offering everything required for a robust logging system, along with flexibility and easy customization, Semantic Logger stands out as a strong choice for your next Ruby project.

I hope this article has helped you understand how to integrate Semantic Logger in your Ruby and Rails projects. For more details, be sure to check out the official Semantic Logger documentation.

Thanks for reading, and happy logging!

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Article by
Ayooluwa Isaiah
Ayo is a technical content manager at Better Stack. His passion is simplifying and communicating complex technical ideas effectively. His work was featured on several esteemed publications including, Digital Ocean, and CSS-Tricks. When he's not writing or coding, he loves to travel, bike, and play tennis.
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