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Practical Logging for PHP Applications with OpenTelemetry

Marin Bezhanov
Updated on September 5, 2024

With the rise of microservices, collecting performance metrics, utilizing distributed tracing, and implementing effective logging strategies have become increasingly crucial for understanding the stability and performance of applications in the context of complex distributed systems. In response to this need, a proliferation of tools and platforms has saturated the market, offering a variety of choices for baking observability right into your PHP applications.

However, the lack of proper standardization across these tools has introduced a lot of complexity and confusion for developers to deal with. Should you use push-based or pull-based monitoring? Should you go for an agent-based or agentless setup? Which formats, protocols, and backends available for traces, metrics, and logs should you choose for your particular use case?

These questions have been troubling developers and organizations for quite some time, and OpenTelemetry attempts to provide a solution by proposing a unified standard for observability instrumentation in applications, irrespective of the specific programming language, framework, or observability backend being used.

OpenTelemetry is a project whose main goal is to provide a consistent and easy-to-understand programming interface that developers can use in their applications to gather telemetry data. It also promotes the use (and provides the implementation) of a standard component for data collection called the OpenTelemetry Collector, which has the capability of exporting data for long-term storage to a wide array of specialized observability backends.

In the following tutorial, you'll learn how to use the OpenTelemetry framework to instrument your PHP applications with code that gathers log data. You'll further witness how the OpenTelemetry SDK helps you correlate that data with other observability signals emitted from your applications (traces in particular) and how all of these can provide a comprehensive overview of the interactions between the microservices in a distributed system, helping you pinpoint and resolve any issues that arise during the application lifecycle.

Without further ado, let's get started!


  • Basic Linux skills.
  • Prior PHP development experience.
  • Familiarity with Docker and Docker Compose.
  • Basic understanding of distributed tracing terminology (spans and traces)
  • Basic understanding of microservice architecture concepts.

If you plan to follow along with the practical examples in this tutorial, it will be helpful to sign up for a free Better Stack account.

Exploring a distributed system

Your main goal in this tutorial will be to work on a distributed system and modify a particular microservice in that system to emit logs using OpenTelemetry. The system consists of several microservices that interact with each other to accomplish a simple but important task. They must continuously inform the customers of a larger business application of certain important events affecting their user accounts. The diagram below provides a bit more clarity:

distributed system architecture

A producer service emits events to an SQS work queue. Each event in the queue holds three critical pieces of information:

  1. id specifies a unique identifier (a v4 UUID) useful for tracking, correlation, and deduplication.
  2. name identifies the event type. There are three unique event types in this system:

    • MaintenanceScheduled notifies about planned maintenance activities that may impact the overall system availability.
    • SuspiciousActivityDetected notifies about unusual activities detected in customer accounts.
    • TermsOfServiceUpdated notifies about important updates to the service agreement terms.
  3. context includes essential details about the emitted event, such as which customer it's addressed to, as well as all additional information required for communicating about the event with the customer.

In practical terms, you may think of the producer service as the messaging submodule of the larger business application. In this example, its sample implementation randomly generates events according to an externally specified SQS_SEND_INTERVAL (set to 15 seconds by default).

Next is the notification-engine service, which is the main focus of this tutorial. It receives event messages from the SQS work queue and takes the following four steps as a result:

  1. It requests an email template that fits the specified event type from the cms service (the cms service will be covered in a moment).
  2. It takes the returned template string and substitutes all template variables with actual values obtained from the event context to construct a valid email message.
  3. It performs a quick A/B test and chooses a suitable email service provider.
  4. It sends the constructed email message to the customer through the selected email service provider.

This tutorial assumes that the email service provider is some popular third-party service such as Mailgun or Postmark. However, both services will be stubbed out locally with Mailpit (an SMTP server simulator), so you won't be integrating with any actual email providers.

As for the cms service, it simulates an internal platform used by designers for creating and managing email templates and other content. The cms exposes a convenient REST API that engineers working on other microservices can use to integrate with it.

Now that you have an idea of how the example distributed system works, it's time to see how to launch all of its services locally.

Running the examples

Clone the repository containing the distributed system example locally:

git clone

Then cd into its folder:

cd otel-php-logging

Issue the following command:

tree -L 1 --dirsfirst

You'll observe the following directory structure:

├── cms
├── notification-engine
├── producer
├── compose.yaml
├── Dockerfile
├── elasticmq.conf
└── otelcol.yaml

3 directories, 4 files
  • The cms, notification-engine, and producer folders contain the source code of each corresponding microservice.
  • compose.yaml serves as a configuration file that defines the services, networks, and volume mounts necessary for launching the entire distributed system locally with Docker (via docker compose).
  • Dockerfile defines the common building steps for making Docker images for each microservice.
  • elasticmq.conf is a configuration file for the ElasticMQ service (queue in compose.yaml) that runs locally as an SQS substitute. Essentially, it tells ElasticMQ to create a new queue named notification-events upon its startup.
  • otelcol.yaml is a configuration file for the OpenTelemetry Collector which acts as a centralized data collection point for metrics, traces, and logs emitted from the microservices in this example (more on that later).

You can launch the entire setup locally by running:

docker compose up -d --build

When you do, Docker images will be built automatically for the cms, notification-engine, and producer microservices, and you'll see the following containers getting started:

 ✔ Container otel-php-logging-postmark-1             Healthy    32.6s
 ✔ Container otel-php-logging-jaeger-1               Healthy    32.6s
 ✔ Container otel-php-logging-queue-1                Healthy    32.6s
 ✔ Container otel-php-logging-mailgun-1              Healthy    32.6s
 ✔ Container otel-php-logging-collector-1            Started    31.1s
 ✔ Container otel-php-logging-cms-1                  Started    32.0s
 ✔ Container otel-php-logging-producer-1             Started    32.0s
 ✔ Container otel-php-logging-notification-engine-1  Started    32.7s
  • The cms, notification-engine, and producer containers run the corresponding microservices. You already know how they work and what they do.
  • The queue container runs ElasticMQ.
  • The mailgun and postmark containers run Mailpit.
  • The collector container runs the OpenTelemetry Collector.
  • The jaeger container runs Jaeger, a popular end-to-end distributed tracing system providing mechanisms for storage, retrieval, and visualization of trace data.

mailgun, postmark, and jaeger all expose convenient web UIs for easier testing and debugging, and you'll be using them all in this tutorial.

They are available at:

  • localhost:18025 for mailgun.
  • localhost:28025 for postmark.
  • localhost:16686 for jaeger.

You'll see how the system works in practice in the next section.

Viewing trace data in Jaeger

All microservices in the provided example have OpenTelemetry tracing instrumentation already setup, so assuming all Docker containers are up and running, you should be able to use Jaeger for exploring and analyzing their trace data to verify that the system works.

Go ahead and open the Jaeger UI, located at localhost:16686. Keep in mind that it takes a minute or so for the first traces to get indexed in Jaeger, so make sure to refresh the UI until all three services (producer, cms, and notification-engine) appear as choices in the Service dropdown. When they do, select producer and click Find Traces:

Jaeger UI main page

You'll see a list of traces capturing the journey of each notification request as it flows through the various services within your distributed system. Keep in mind that some traces may be incomplete if the related inter-service requests are still in-flight at the time of observation.

Click on one of the complete requests to explore this further (the number of reported spans should be five for a complete trace):

Jaeger trace search

You'll see a similar report:

Jaeger trace timeline

The trace timeline shows you the chronological order of events within that specific notification request. This particular request started with the producer pushing a message to the notification-events queue in SQS (i.e., ElasticMQ) and the notification-engine receiving that message a few seconds later.

The notification-engine then started processing the message and asked the cms service for the corresponding email template, to which the cms service responded accordingly. Finally, after assembling the template into a complete email message, the notification-engine contacted the postmark service to deliver the relevant email notification.

It seems like the services are behaving as expected, so the system is working!

You can go ahead and stop the services for now (the -t 0 flag will cause them to shut down immediately without having to wait for the sleep timeouts in the producer and the notification-engine to expire):

docker compose down -t 0

As you can see, tracing can be a really powerful companion for understanding request flow in a distributed system. Yet, there are situations where it's not sufficient to diagnose issues affecting your system's behavior. In many cases, logging can offer a wealth of additional information and help you troubleshoot problems that distributed tracing might not be able to detect alone.

In the next section, you'll explore some relevant examples that clearly illustrate how logging and tracing can be used to complement each other.

Setting up application logging

In this section, you'll be setting up logging for the notification-engine service. You may assume that the other services (cms and producer) are not under your direct control and that your sole responsibility is to make the notification-engine easier to troubleshoot and more observable than it already is.

First, examine what you're starting with, and cd into the notification-engine folder:

cd notification-engine

Open up the composer.json file and explore its contents:

  "autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
      "Demo\\Project\\": "src/"
  "require": {
    "aws/aws-sdk-php": "^3.304",
    "nette/mail": "^4.0",
"open-telemetry/sdk": "^1.0",
"open-telemetry/exporter-otlp": "^1.0",
"ext-opentelemetry": "*"
}, "config": { "allow-plugins": { "php-http/discovery": false } } }

Among other things, you'll notice that the notification-engine application depends on the open-telemetry/sdk and open-telemetry/exporter-otlp packages, as well as the ext-opentelemetry PHP extension.

The OpenTelemetry extension is primarily used for tracing and isn't a mandatory requirement for logging, but it could be useful for that too. I'll explain how it helps with logging later on in this tutorial.

As for the Composer packages:

  • The open-telemetry/sdk package provides a working implementation of the OpenTelemetry specification that you can use to create traces, record metrics, and emit logs from PHP applications. Underneath, it relies on the packages open-telemetry/api, open-telemetry/context, and open-telemetry/sem-conv.
    • open-telemetry/api provides the interfaces described in the OpenTelemetry specification. The SDK essentially implements these interfaces. The API package also ships some dummy (no-op) implementations that you could optionally use for rapid prototyping and testing.
    • open-telemetry/context provides an implementation of the context mechanism outlined in the OpenTelemetry specification. In OpenTelemetry, the Context is a special object used for carrying correlation identifiers (such as trace ID and span ID) across service calls and process boundaries for all of your observability signals (i.e., traces, metrics, and logs).
    • open-telemetry/sem-conv provides a large number of public constants corresponding to the IDs and known values tracked by the OpenTelemetry attribute registry (the attribute registry is part of the OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions specification). As a best practice, you should use these constants in your code whenever possible to ensure consistent naming for the pieces of telemetry flowing through your PHP applications.
  • The open-telemetry/exporter-otlp provides an implementation that, broadly speaking, accumulates the signals generated in your application and sends them over the network to an OTLP collection backend (such as the OpenTelemetry Collector) via either HTTP or gRPC.

Without a doubt, the de facto standard logging library in the PHP world is Monolog, and OpenTelemetry can integrate nicely with it through the open-telemetry/opentelemetry-logger-monolog package.

Let's quickly recap how Monolog works. In Monolog, a Logger (the main object that you invoke in your PHP code to write logs) uses handlers and processors to fulfill its duties. Whenever you pass a new entry to the Logger, it constructs a new LogRecord object and engages the available processors (if any) to enrich that record with additional pieces of contextual information (e.g., HTTP request data, IP address information, process ID, etc.).

The Logger then cycles through its available handlers and each one decides on a destination that the LogRecord should be sent to (e.g., a local file, a database system, an email server, etc.). In this process, the handler may optionally utilize a specific formatter to convert the raw record into a more structured format (such as JSON or Syslog) before routing it to its final destination.

This is summarized in the sequence diagram below:

Monolog request flow

If you're new to Monolog and don't understand it well enough, you may want to go through our guide, How to Get Started with Monolog Logging in PHP to get familiar with the main concepts.

Now that you have a general idea of how Monolog works, it's time to see how the open-telemetry/opentelemetry-logger-monolog package fits the overall picture. The opentelemetry-logger-monolog package defines a custom Monolog handler. That handler takes in Monolog LogRecord objects and converts them to OpenTelemetry LogRecord objects (OpenTelemetry LogRecord conforms to the Logs Bridge API specification and differs from a Monolog LogRecord).

The handler then routes the converted objects to a special Logger provided to your application by the OpenTelemetry SDK. This is not a Monolog Logger but an OpenTelemetry Logger that provides an integration point with the broader OpenTelemetry instrumentation. From there on, OpenTelemetry instrumentation takes over, and the LogRecord object is sent to the configured destination (the OpenTelemetry Collector) through the OTLP Exporter.

This is summarized in the sequence diagram below:

OpenTelemetry Logger request flow

Another way to view this is that the opentelemetry-logger-monolog handler acts as a bridge between Monolog and OpenTelemetry. Now that you know what it does, you can go ahead and add it to the notification-engine application using the following command:

composer require open-telemetry/opentelemetry-logger-monolog

To ensure that all platform requirements are satisfied, you may prefer to execute the composer require command inside a Docker container running the notification-engine image created earlier by Docker Compose. You only have to mount the local application folder to the container to ensure that the respective changes to the composer.json and compose.lock files will persist, and set the user ID appropriately to avoid permission issues. You can do that with the following command:

docker run -it --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v ./notification-engine:/app notification-engine:0.1.0 composer require open-telemetry/opentelemetry-logger-monolog

You can now open up the main index.php file and construct a new \Monolog\Logger to inject into your Application:


require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';


$sqsClient = new Aws\Sqs\SqsClient(['http' => ['connect_timeout' => 1]]);
$httpClient = new \GuzzleHttp\Client(['connect_timeout' => 1]);
$httpFactory = new \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\HttpFactory();

$handler = new \OpenTelemetry\Contrib\Logs\Monolog\Handler(
$logger = new \Monolog\Logger('notification-engine', [$handler]);
$app = new Demo\Project\Application( $sqsClient, $httpClient, $httpFactory,
); $app->registerSmtpServer('mailgun'); $app->registerSmtpServer('postmark'); $app->run();

This also requires adjusting the Application constructor a little bit to take in the new argument:


namespace Demo\Project;

use Aws\Sqs\SqsClient;
. . .
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Throwable; class Application { /** @var DemoSmtpMailer[] */ private array $smtpServers; public function __construct( private readonly SqsClient $sqsClient, private readonly ClientInterface $httpClient, private readonly RequestFactoryInterface $httpFactory,
private readonly LoggerInterface $logger,
) {} . . .

With that, you're ready to start emitting logs from within the notification-engine.

Add the following lines to the very beginning of the run() and processMessage() methods in the Application class:

. . .
class Application
. . .
    public function run()
$this->logger->info('running notification engine');
. . . } . . . private function processMessage(array $message, int $startTime): void {
$this->logger->info('processing message from SQS queue');
. . . } }

In the next section, you'll learn precisely what the OpenTelemetry instrumentation does internally to emit these log messages.

Understanding the OpenTelemetry SDK

Take another good look at the way $handler is being constructed in index.php:

. . .
$handler = new \OpenTelemetry\Contrib\Logs\Monolog\Handler(
\Monolog\Level::Info, ); . . .

What the \OpenTelemetry\API\Globals::loggerProvider() call does is crucial to understanding how the handler and related OpenTelemetry instrumentation work internally.

When you install the open-telemetry/sdk package, it utilizes the file autoloading mechanism provided by Composer to register a special SdkAutoloader. The SdkAutoloader is called at the beginning of each PHP request and is responsible for bootstrapping the instrumentation provided by the OpenTelemetry SDK. This includes setting up the main Context and initializing the global TracerProvider, MeterProvider, and LoggerProvider factories. These factories can be used for constructing new Tracer, Meter, and Logger objects as needed.

The \OpenTelemetry\API\Globals::loggerProvider() call injects the global LoggerProvider factory into the OpenTelemetry Monolog handler. This factory enables the handler to create and reuse an OpenTelemetry Logger object, which serves as the conduit for passing LogRecords.

The SdkAutoLoader, however, only does all this if the environment variable OTEL_PHP_AUTOLOAD_ENABLED is explicitly defined and set to true. This is already done for the notification-engine through the provided Dockerfile:

FROM composer:2.7.2 AS composer
FROM php:8.3.6-cli-alpine3.19

# Copy `composer` binary to main image.
COPY --from=composer /usr/bin/composer /usr/bin/composer

# Install OpenTelemetry and Protobuf extensions.
RUN apk update \
    && apk add --virtual .build_deps $PHPIZE_DEPS \
    && pecl install opentelemetry-1.0.3 \
    && pecl install protobuf-4.26.1 \
    && docker-php-ext-enable opentelemetry protobuf \
    && apk del --no-network .build_deps \
    && rm -rf /tmp/pear ~/.pearrc

# Copy application source code to main image.
COPY --chown=www-data:www-data . /app

# Define OpenTelemetry environment variables.
ENV OTEL_PROPAGATORS=baggage,tracecontext
# Install Composer packages and run the application. USER www-data WORKDIR /app RUN composer install --no-dev CMD ["-f", "index.php"]

Among the many things the Dockerfile does is establish a sensible set of defaults for the OpenTelemetry environment variables. Besides OTEL_PHP_AUTOLOAD_ENABLED, it sets a few more:

  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT specifies the destination that telemetry data from the application should be sent to. It defaults to http://collector:4318 which corresponds to the collector service defined in the provided compose.yaml.
  • OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_PROTOCOL specifies the exact protocol to be used for sending telemetry data to the collector endpoint. It defaults to http/protobuf, which means that raw telemetry data will be serialized to a binary protobuf representation and then sent to the collector over HTTP (other possible values are grpc, http/json, and http/ndjson).
  • OTEL_PROPAGATORS specifies the context propagation mechanisms available for processing telemetry data. It defaults to baggage,tracecontext, which means that the headers described by the Baggage specification and the Trace Context specification (namely: baggage, traceparent, and tracestate) can be used for establishing and retaining relationships between telemetry data emitted from different microservices (more on that later).
  • OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER specifies the default output mechanism for exporting trace data. It defaults to otlp, which means that the OTLP exporter (open-telemetry/exporter-otlp) will be used.
  • OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER specifies the default output mechanism for exporting metric data. It defaults to none, which means that metric data isn't going to be exported anywhere.
  • OTEL_LOGS_EXPORTER specifies the default output mechanism for exporting log data. It defaults to none, which means that log data isn't going to be exported anywhere.

As all three services (cms, notification-engine, and producer) share the same Dockerfile, the notification-engine will get the value none for OTEL_LOGS_EXPORTER, which will prevent it from emitting logs. You should therefore go ahead and modify its service definition in the provided compose.yaml file as follows:

. . .
    image: notification-engine:0.1.0
      context: notification-engine
      dockerfile: ../Dockerfile
      <<: *aws-settings
      CMS_API_URL: http://cms
      OTEL_SERVICE_NAME: notification-engine

By setting the OTEL_LOGS_EXPORTER to otlp, you're instructing the SdkAutoloader to create a global LoggerProvider that constructs Logger objects configured to pass LogRecords to the embedded OTLP exporter which sends these LogRecords to a collector over HTTP.

On the other hand, the OTEL_LOGS_PROCESSOR variable specifies a processor that the OpenTelemetry Logger should use when handling LogRecords. Don't confuse this with a Monolog log processor. Here, the processor's job is to group the data so it can be processed more efficiently, not to enrich it.

The diagram below summarizes this:

LogRecord flow diagram

The simple log processor passes every LogRecord created with a call to $this->logger directly to the configured OTLP exporter. A more common value here is batch. The batch log processor puts LogRecord objects into a buffer and sends them to the exporter in bulk at regular intervals or when the buffer exceeds a certain size.

This is usually the more desired option in a production environment, as it leads to a bit more balanced and predictable load on the collector backend. However, records won't appear instantly in the logging backend, which is something you'd probably want to avoid in development as it may slow down your debugging efforts. That's what makes simple a more suitable choice for this tutorial.

You may have also noticed the OTEL_SERVICE_NAME environment variable. It specifies a unique name for your service to act as an identifier in logs and traces. Its value is always included in every piece of telemetry data leaving the service. All three services defined in the compose.yaml file (cms, producer, and notification-engine) have an established OTEL_SERVICE_NAME.

To sum this up, at the start of each PHP request, the SdkAutloader utilizes the provided OTEL_* environment variables to configure the OpenTelemetry instrumentation for your application according to your preferences. With logging in particular, it configures the global LoggerProvider, which is responsible for creating (and configuring) Logger objects. The OpenTelemetry Monolog handler relies on this global LoggerProvider to construct its Logger object, which sends LogRecords to their final destination.

Understanding the OpenTelemetry Collector

At this point, the notification-engine contains all the instrumentation necessary for sending log records to the OpenTelemetry Collector. However, the precise role of the collector remains somewhat unclear.

It's important to understand that the OpenTelemetry Collector is not an observability backend. It's rather a sophisticated data processor capable of receiving all kinds of observability signals from external applications and routing them to appropriate observability backends for long-term storage, analysis, and visualization.

A collector consists of receivers, processors, and exporters linked together by pipelines.

  • Receivers determine how telemetry data may enter the collector. They can be push-based (i.e., external applications pushing data by connecting to the collector) or pull-based (i.e., the collector pulling data by connecting to external applications).
  • Processors can optionally batch, filter, sanitize, and transform incoming telemetry data before it's passed to an exporter.
  • Exporters are responsible for sending processed data to external observability backends for long-term storage and analysis.
  • Pipelines act as the glue between receivers, processors, and exporters. They orchestrate the flow of telemetry data from receivers through processors to exporters.

The easiest way to understand all of this is to go through the otelcol.yaml file, which provides configuration to the local OpenTelemetry Collector:

    endpoint: jaeger:4317
      insecure: true
      receivers: [otlp]
      processors: [batch]
      exporters: [otlp/jaeger]

Let's go through this file, section by section, starting with the receivers:


This fragment declares a single push-based receiver of type otlp. This means that the receiver will expect incoming payloads formatted in accordance with the OTLP format specification. The protocols setting specifies that the payloads should be sent over HTTP. Thus, when the OpenTelemetry Collector starts up, it will launch a new HTTP server listening for incoming OTLP-encoded requests on port 4317.

The processors come next:


Processors are entirely optional. They serve as an intermediary between the receivers and the exporters and allow you to perform operations on the received data before a pipeline sends it to an exporter. Here, the fragment configures a batch processor, whose purpose is to group collected data into batches in order to reduce the number of individual network requests needed for transmitting that data to an external backend (thus improving the overall network performance).

And then come the exporters:

    endpoint: jaeger:4317
      insecure: true

This fragment declares a single exporter of type otlp named jaeger (the labeling format <type>/<name> can be used not only for declaring exporters but also for receivers, processors, and pipelines). Here, the name jaeger carries no special meaning (you could have easily named it otlp/foo with equal success) other than providing a reference to that specific exporter in subsequent pipeline configurations.

The endpoint setting specifies jaeger:4317 as the destination address, which points to the local Jaeger instance declared in the provided compose.yaml file. Since the local Jaeger container exposes its default OTLP endpoint over an insecure HTTP connection, the insecure option of the tls setting has to be set to true. Otherwise, connections between the OpenTelemetry Collector and Jaeger would fail due to TLS handshake errors.

Finally, you have the pipelines configuration:

  extensions: [health_check]
receivers: [otlp]
processors: [batch]
exporters: [otlp/jaeger]

The pipeline declared above is of type traces (which means it only works on trace data), and it configures the OpenTelemetry Collector to pass all data received through the otlp receiver for batching to the batch processor before eventually sending it to Jaeger through the otlp/jaeger exporter.

As you can see, the configuration format is quite straightforward and flexible enough to allow you to easily customize how data is received, processed, and exported within the OpenTelemetry Collector with the help of pipeline definitions. The following section will teach you how to create a pipeline for receiving log data and exporting it to an external logging backend for visualization.

Configuring a logging backend

Now that you have a clear picture of how pipeline definitions work in the OpenTelemetry Collector, the next step is to configure a logging backend for storing and visualizing logs emitted from the notification-engine service. This section will guide you through the process by using Better Stack as the logging backend.

You'll have to set up a new log source on Better Stack first. Log into your Better Stack account and navigate to Logs & Metrics > Sources:


Click Connect source:

Connect source

Input a Name (e.g., OpenTelemetry tutorial) and specify OpenTelemetry as the Platform. When you're ready, click Create source:

Create source

You'll be redirected to a new page confirming that the source was created. From the Basic Information section displayed on that page, grab the value listed under the Source token field and store it somewhere safe for later use. You'll need this value in a moment when tweaking the OpenTelemetry Collector configuration file (I have intentionally left the token unmasked on the screenshot below, but please make sure to keep your token safe and don't share it freely with others):

Source token

Open up the otelcol.yaml file and apply the following changes:

- key: better_stack_source_token
value: <your_source_token>
action: insert
batch: exporters: otlp/jaeger: endpoint: jaeger:4317 tls: insecure: true
endpoint: ""
service: pipelines: traces: receivers: [otlp] processors: [batch] exporters: [otlp/jaeger]
receivers: [otlp]
processors: [batch, attributes/betterstack]
exporters: [otlp/betterstack]

Once more, let's go through the changes, section by section.

You've added a new processor of type attributes named betterstack:

    - key: better_stack_source_token
      value: <your_source_token>
      action: insert

The attributes processor inserts a new attribute named better_stack_source_token to each received log record and assigns it a value of <your_source_token> (here, replace <your_source_token> with the actual token that you copied earlier from the Better Stack UI, e.g., mine was cQp1jhkzNgqRYXF1RrGHUkd8).

Moving on, you've added a new exporter of type otlp, also named betterstack:

  endpoint: ""

That exporter instructs the OpenTelemetry Collector that collected telemetry data can be sent to an OTLP receiver endpoint available at

Lastly, you've added a new pipeline of type logs, also bearing the name betterstack, that connects everything together:

  receivers: [otlp]
  processors: [batch, attributes/betterstack]
  exporters: [otlp/betterstack]

The betterstack pipeline takes all log records collected from the default otlp receiver and sends them (sequentially) to the batch processor and then to the attributes/betterstack processor. As a result, each log record receives the better_stack_source_token attribute. The processed records are then sent to the Better Stack OTLP endpoint through the otlp/betterstack exporter. As each emitted record contains a better_stack_source_token attribute, the OTLP receiver knows how to properly route the record to the correct log source on Better Stack ("OpenTelemetry tutorial") so you can view it accordingly.

Now that everything is configured, restart all services to emit your first log records:

docker compose up -d --build

Go back to the Better Stack web UI and click on Live tail:

Live tail

After a minute or so, you'll see the first set of log messages appearing in the Better Stack UI:

Log records

The integration works! But to understand the real advantage of logs, it's best to go through a few practical examples showing you how logging can be used to troubleshoot issues affecting your distributed system. You'll explore this in the next section.

Using logs for troubleshooting

In this section, you'll see that logging can be helpful in many error scenarios, where trace data may not be sufficient for fully identifying particular issues. You'll go through several practical examples to guide you through that realization:

  • Detecting breaking changes in the SQS event schema.
  • Detecting response errors in the CMS service.
  • Detecting mail service connectivity errors.

Error scenarios

Let's see these in action.

Detecting breaking changes in the SQS event schema

Before you begin, please stop the notification-engine and producer services as this example will require their modification:

docker compose down -t 0 producer notification-engine

Consider a scenario where the maintainers of the producer service unintentionally introduced a breaking change to the event schema without realizing or giving you a prior notice. For instance, they renamed the name field to type. You can simulate this by modifying the toArray method of the Event abstract class in the producer service as follows:


namespace Demo\Project\Event;

use Faker\Generator;

abstract class Event
. . .
    public function toArray(): array
        return [
            'id' => $this->id,
'type' => $this->name,
'context' => $this->getContext(), ]; } . . . }

Rebuild and recreate the producer and notification-engine services:

docker compose up -d --build producer notification-engine

If you open up Jaeger and find the traces for the producer service, you'll see some odd results:

producer traces

Only the earliest trace includes information about the notification-engine service, and there are only two spans recorded instead of the expected five. Furthermore, any subsequent traces only include a single span from the producer service and nothing more.

In this case, tracing properly shows you what's happening but not why. There's an issue somewhere along the service chain, but it cannot be identified with tracing alone.

There's not much information on Better Stack either:

producer traces

Indeed, it appears that the notification-engine initially received a message from the producer, but there's no indication of any other log records emitted after that.

You may find one interesting correlation, though. Take a look at the trace ID of the earliest trace recorded in Jaeger after recreating the services:

Jaeger trace ID

And compare it to what's reported on Better Stack:

Better Stack trace ID

The IDs are identical! Thanks to the OpenTelemetry SDK, the trace ID associated with the initial message emitted from the producer (eb57346) has been propagated to the notification-engine log record. This allows you to easily correlate log records with distributed traces across all of your services, which is one of the most significant benefits of using OpenTelemetry instrumentation for logging throughout your applications rather than directly integrating them with external logging backends.

As no further log records are being emitted from the notification-engine service, it appears that something went wrong at runtime but was not properly reported.

If you execute the following command:

docker compose ps -a --format '{{.Status}}' notification-engine

You'll see that the notification-engine service has exited with a status code of 1:

Exited (1) About a minute ago

It now makes sense why subsequent traces only report spans from the producer service, and why no further log records are listed on Better Stack—there is simply no notification-engine running.

Go ahead and examine the notification-engine container logs:

docker compose logs notification-engine

The following error will be reported:

notification-engine-1  |
notification-engine-1  | Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /app/src/Application.php on line 70
notification-engine-1  | Demo\Project\Helper\Str::kebab(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type string, null given, called in /app/src/Application.php on line 70

Why was this error logged in the Docker container but not on Better Stack? The key lies in the run method of Application class in the notification-engine service. Its current implementation relies on the following error-handling logic:

. . .
class Application
. . .
    public function run()
        $this->logger->info('running notification engine');
        while (true) {
            try {
            } catch (Throwable $e) {
} } } . . . }

By default, the error_log call sends the error message to the STDERR stream of the container. You can, however, easily replace this with a call to $this->logger, provide a clearer message to describe the event that you are logging, and include the original exception for additional context:

. . .
class Application
. . .
    public function run()
        $this->logger->info('running notification engine');
        while (true) {
            try {
. . .
            } catch (Throwable $e) {
$this->logger->alert('terminating notification engine', ['exception' => $e]);
exit(1); } } } . . . }

Restart the notification-engine to see how this changes the situation:

docker compose up -d --build notification-engine

An ALERT message now appears on Better Stack:

Better Stack alert log

If you expand the record and delve into its context, you'll see the exact exception that triggered the alert condition:

log record exception context

By using the recorded trace ID (in this case, b671a2f169245bd3500e063166d01fa0), you can also easily locate the relevant trace in Jaeger:

locate Jaeger trace

If that's hard to find visually, you can always use the search box:

Jaeger trace search

This provides a lot more info about the problem, and by going through the recorded stack trace, you can easily narrow the issue down to the following line in Application.php:

$url = sprintf('%s/api/v1/templates/%s', getenv('CMS_API_URL'), Str::kebab($event['name']));

$event['name'] is expected to be a string, but it appears to be null. To confirm that this is the issue, you may add further details about the event being processed to the log records emitted from the processMessage method as follows:

. . .
class Application
. . .
    private function processMessage(array $message, int $startTime): void
// decode raw message body to JSON
$event = json_decode($message['Body'], true);
$this->logger->info('processing message from SQS queue', ['event' => $event]);
// retrieve template from CMS $url = sprintf('%s/api/v1/templates/%s', getenv('CMS_API_URL'), Str::kebab($event['name'])); $response = $this->httpClient->sendRequest( $this->httpFactory->createRequest('GET', $url) ); . . . }

Rerun the notification-engine service, and let's see what happens:

docker compose up -d --build notification-engine

A new set of log messages appears on Better Stack:

Better Stack log messages

When you look into the context of the newly recorded log message, it becomes absolutely clear that the event contains a type field instead of a name field, proving that the event schema has been broken and a fix needs to be implemented:

process message event context

You can use this information to either ask the maintainers of the producer service to implement a fix or to adapt the notification-engine service yourself to work with the new event format. Either way, none of the traces showed you this data, so here logging complemented them to help you identify the issue.

Before proceeding with the next example, go ahead and revert the changes that you made the producer service:

git restore producer

Additionally, stop all running services to clean up the event queue and erase all traces recorded so far:

docker compose down -t 0

Let's continue with the next example.

Detecting response errors in the CMS service

This example will require modifying the notification-engine and the cms services. Consider a scenario where the team maintaining the cms service updates its API endpoints, and the old URI used for retrieving templates (/api/v1/templates/{key}) is no longer available.

You can simulate this scenario by commenting out the template route in the index.php file of the cms service:

. . .
// Add routes $app->get('/api/v1/templates/{key}', function (Request $request, Response $response, array $args) use ($eventToTemplateMap, $tracer) { $parent = Globals::propagator()->extract($request->getHeaders()); $span = $tracer->spanBuilder('HTTP GET /api/v1/templates/{key}')->setSpanKind(SpanKind::KIND_SERVER)->setParent($parent)->startSpan(); $key = $args['key']; if (isset($eventToTemplateMap[$key])) { $body = file_get_contents($eventToTemplateMap[$key]); $response->getBody()->write($body); } else { $response->withStatus(404); $span->setStatus(StatusCode::STATUS_ERROR, sprintf('Key "%s" not found', $key)); } $span->end(); return $response; });

Restart all services to see what's going to happen:

docker compose up -d --build

The earliest trace in Jaeger shows only four spans (instead of five) and no errors. That's interesting. Go ahead and open this trace:

Jaeger traces

It appears that notification-engine executed all of its steps successfully, and an email notification was sent through the postmark service, yet no interaction with the cms service has been recorded:

Jaeger trace

This is strange, as the notification-engine is supposed to obtain the email template body from the cms service before sending out any notifications, but nothing unusual appears in Better Stack for this trace ID as well:

Jaeger trace

Expand the log record and examine which customer the notification was addressed to by digging into the event context:

email address

The reported recipient appears to be, and the related trace indicates that the notification was sent through the postmark service. You can use the web UI of the postmark service (localhost:28025) to check what the user received exactly.

Navigate to localhost:28025, input the email address into the presented search bar, and hit Enter to find the result:

email search

Once you open the matching message, a disaster strikes: instead of receiving a properly formatted email message, the customer got a printout of the Slim framework 404 page:

email message body

This reveals two issues:

  • The cms service tracing instrumentation doesn't seem to capture spans for routes that don't exist. This is a problem that the team behind the cms service should address, yet it affects the data that you see in your distributed tracing backend and prevents the real issue from being detected more easily.
  • The notification-engine service that you are responsible for is obviously not handling erroneous HTTP responses correctly, and there's no adequate logging and tracing instrumentation to provide sufficient details about the problem. While the tracing instrumentation could eventually be improved by parsing the HTTP response codes when recording the sendRequest spans (e.g., marking them as errors when the response code is anything other than 200), logging can provide an additional safety net by capturing detailed information about unsuccessful responses.

Stop the notification-engine container:

docker compose down -t 0 notification-engine

Go ahead and make the following modifications to the Application.php file:

. . .
class Application
. . .
    private function processMessage(array $message, int $startTime): void
        $event = json_decode($message['Body'], true);
        $this->logger->info('processing message from SQS queue', ['event' => $event]);

        // retrieve template from CMS
        $url = sprintf('%s/api/v1/templates/%s', getenv('CMS_API_URL'), Str::kebab($event['name']));
        $response = $this->httpClient->sendRequest(
$request = $this->httpFactory->createRequest('GET', $url)
// log CMS service response errors.
$statusCode = $response->getStatusCode();
if ($statusCode !== 200) {
$message = sprintf('Received %d response from CMS service', $statusCode);
$this->logger->error($message, [
'method' => $request->getMethod(),
'url' => $request->getUri(),
. . . } }

Recreate the notification-engine container and let's see what's going to happen:

docker compose up -d --build notification-engine

This time the traces only show three spans instead of four, because a return statement was added to prevent the notification-engine from sending emails when the cms service returns a non-200 response:

Jaeger traces

Each request properly stops after the first HTTP GET call, indicating a potential issue at that particular step:

Jaeger trace

Thanks to the newly added $this->logger->error() call, there's now also sufficient information on Better Stack to suggest that something might be wrong with the cms service.

Better Stack error log

The log record context reports useful details about the HTTP request, which you can use as additional clues for troubleshooting the issue:

Better Stack error log context

This is an excellent example where log data complements trace data. The traces show you that something wrong is happening, and the logs show you why it is happening. By combining these two pieces of information, you can quickly pinpoint the root cause of the problem and take appropriate action to resolve it efficiently.

With that, it's time to explore one final example, but first, go ahead and revert your changes to the cms service:

git restore cms

Then stop all currently running services to clear all data and start fresh in the next example:

docker compose down -t 0

Detecting mail service connectivity errors

Start all services once again:

docker compose up -d --build

In this last example, consider that one of the two email providers you've been using went down. For instance, you can simulate this by stopping the mailgun container:

docker compose down -t 0 mailgun

The tracing instrumentation in the notification-engine service is advanced enough to highlight the error in the tracing backend.

trace error

If you explore the specific span, you'll see additional information indicating that the notification-engine is unable to resolve the hostname of the mailgun service:

span error

Although helpful, what this information fails to convey is whether this error is fatal or not (in other words, whether the notification-engine can recover from it automatically or not). Thanks to the logging code you added in the previous examples, the logs on Better Stack indicate that the notification-engine encountered a critical error (ALERT) resulting in the abrupt termination of the notification-engine service:

Better Stack alert error message

This requires immediate attention! And because you're also including the exception stack trace in the log record, it's easy to identify the root cause of the issue and troubleshoot it efficiently:

exception context

This is another example of log data complementing trace data to let you evaluate the severity of a given problem and prioritize its resolution accordingly.

This wraps up the troubleshooting examples, and you can stop all running services:

docker compose down -t 0

Understanding the OpenTelemetry PHP extension

One last thing to discuss before wrapping up this tutorial is the OpenTelemetry PHP extension. Earlier, I mentioned that the OpenTelemetry extension is not mandatory for using the OpenTelemetry SDK to set up logging instrumentation for your application.

The main advantage of using the OpenTelemetry extension is to prevent cross-cutting concerns from leaking into your core business logic. In other words, the extension allows you to separate your observability code from your core application code.

Internally, the OpenTelemetry extension uses the Zend Observer API introduced in PHP 8.0 to intercept function calls, so it can hook onto methods and execute arbitrary logic right before a method starts running and then again right before the method is about to return. This allows for seamlessly integrating observability features into your source code without cluttering it with logging statements.

The OpenTelemetry extension exposes a global function called hook that can be used for that purpose. As always, this is best illustrated with an example, so consider a scenario where your main goal is to extract the following $this->logger calls out of the main run method defined in the Application class of the notification-engine service:

. . .
class Application
. . .
    public function run()
$this->logger->info('running notification engine');
while (true) { try { $this->processQueue(); } catch (Throwable $e) {
$this->logger->alert('terminating notification engine', ['exception' => $e]);
exit(1); } } } } . . . }

Go ahead and remove the highlighted lines, ensuring there are no $this->logger calls left in the run method.

Next, under the ./src/Instrumentation folder of the notification-engine service, create a new file named Logging.php and populate it with the following contents:


namespace Demo\Project\Instrumentation;

use Demo\Project\Application;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Throwable;
use function OpenTelemetry\Instrumentation\hook;

class Logging
    public static function register(LoggerInterface $logger)
            pre: static function (Application $app, array $params, string $class, string $function, ?string $filename, ?int $lineno) use ($logger) {
                $logger->info('running notification engine');

            post: static function (Application $app, array $params, $returnValue, ?Throwable $exception) use ($logger) {
                if ($exception) {
                    $logger->alert('terminating notification engine', ['exception' => $exception]);
                return $returnValue;

This file defines a new Logging class, which exposes a single public static method named register. The register method makes two calls to the hook function provided by the OpenTelemetry extension.

The first call attaches a pre callback to the run method in the Application class:

    pre: static function (Application $app, array $params, string $class, string $function, ?string $filename, ?int $lineno) use ($logger) {
        $logger->info('running notification engine');

As a result, a $logger->info('running notification engine'); call will always precede the execution of the run method in the Application class.

The second call attaches a post callback to the processQueue method in the Application class:

    post: static function (Application $app, array $params, $returnValue, ?Throwable $exception) use ($logger) {
        if ($exception) {
            $logger->alert('terminating notification engine', ['exception' => $exception]);
        return $returnValue;

As a result, a $logger->alert('terminating notification engine') call will always precede the return of the processQueue method in the Application class.

Logging and other observability statements can be separated from your main application logic thanks to this mechanism. Activating the hooks is as easy as invoking the register method from your index.php file:

. . .
$handler = new \OpenTelemetry\Contrib\Logs\Monolog\Handler(
$logger = new \Monolog\Logger('notification-engine', [$handler]);
. . .

Recreate and rebuild all services to verify that this works:

docker compose up -d --build

Then go ahead and stop the mailgun service (like in the previous example) to trigger a fatal error:

docker compose down -t 0 mailgun

Navigate back to the Better Stack interface and check what's logged:

Better Stack logs

As you can see, everything works like before, with the only difference that the two original logging statements were removed from the main Application class and placed into a dedicated Logging class responsible for the centralization of all logging-related concerns. That's how you can use the hook function provided by the OpenTelemetry PHP extension to keep your code more clean and organized.

Final thoughts

You've covered a lot of ground with this tutorial, and you should now have a solid idea of what OpenTelemetry is and how it can help you with logging in your PHP applications.

To learn more about the OpenTelemetry project, consider visiting the official website and exploring the documentation. I found the PHP Language API & SDK section particularly useful when researching how OpenTelemetry could be integrated into PHP applications.

For tracing in particular, the OpenTelemetry Registry is a great place to find numerous auto-instrumentation libraries that cover many of the popular PHP frameworks, libraries, and extensions, such as Laravel, Guzzle, PDO, and many more. I personally find the traces they generate a bit too generic, though, and prefer to exert more control over my telemetry data by writing customized instrumentation code and storing it in a separate Instrumentation package in my applications (this is a bit opposite to what the official documentation suggests, so use that approach with caution, and choose the method that yields the best results for your specific use case).

If you want to learn more about configuring the OpenTelemetry Collector, I'd suggest digging into the opentelemetry-collector and opentelemetry-collector-contrib repositories on GitHub, and more specifically, their respective receiver, exporter, and processor subfolders. They contain comprehensive documentation and examples that can help you understand how to set up and customize the collector according to your specific needs.

Finally, if you're interested in learning more about the internals of the OpenTelemetry PHP extension (and know a little bit of C), I highly recommend checking out the opentelemetry-php-instrumentation repository on GitHub, where its source code is located. It should give you a lot of additional insights on how it works internally and integrates with the Zend Observer API.

As always, remember to test your OpenTelemetry instrumentation thoroughly before deploying your applications to production to ensure that the captured data is accurate, useful, and easy to work with.

Thanks for reading, and until next time!

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Article by
Marin Bezhanov
Marin is a software engineer and architect with a broad range of experience working with Go, Java, PHP, and JS. He is passionate about exploring new technologies and staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends, and he loves sharing his knowledge through technical writing and teaching.
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