Monitoring Linux Authentication Logs: A Practical Guide
Linux authentication logs are not just about tracking access to your servers; they're the key to understanding patterns, identifying potential breaches, and enhancing your overall security posture.
Achieving a comprehensive monitoring solution doesn't mean you have to become a security expert overnight or invest in expensive tools.
Through this detailed guide, I'll demonstrate how accessible and effective monitoring Linux authentication logs can be, with a hands-on approach to every step of the process.
We'll delve into:
- Effective strategies for organizing and structuring your authentication logs.
- How to use log monitoring to detect and nullify security risks.
- Visualizing authentication data using graphs and tables.
Let's get started!
Before diving into this guide, ensure you have a Linux server ready, configured
with a non-root user that has sudo
This tutorial uses Ubuntu 22.04 for demonstration, but the principles apply broadly to other Linux distributions.
To begin, connect to your server with the command below, substituting your own details:
ssh <username>@<your_server_ip>
With the server prepared, our first task is to delve into the authentication logs. This will enable you to scrutinize login attempts and spot any activities that don't reflect your usage.
Step 1 — Inspecting Linux authentication logs
After accessing your server, you can examine the authentication logs to understand various security and access-related events. Utilize the command below to monitor the system authentication log file in real-time:
For Ubuntu/Debian systems:
sudo tail -f /var/log/auth.log
For Fedora, Red Hat, or CentOS:
sudo tail -f /var/log/secure
You'll see output similar to this:
Feb 10 15:45:09 ubuntu-lts sshd[47341]: Failed password for root from port 60824 ssh2
Feb 10 15:45:11 ubuntu-lts sshd[47341]: Connection closed by authenticating user root port 60824 [preauth]
Feb 10 15:45:11 ubuntu-lts sshd[47339]: Failed password for root from port 11349 ssh2
Feb 10 15:45:12 ubuntu-lts sshd[47343]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root
Feb 10 15:45:14 ubuntu-lts sshd[47339]: Failed password for root from port 11349 ssh2
Feb 10 15:45:14 ubuntu-lts sshd[47343]: Failed password for root from port 33990 ssh2
Feb 10 15:45:16 ubuntu-lts sshd[47343]: Connection closed by authenticating user root port 33990 [preauth]
Feb 10 15:45:16 ubuntu-lts sshd[47339]: Received disconnect from port 11349:11: [preauth]
Feb 10 15:45:16 ubuntu-lts sshd[47339]: Disconnected from authenticating user root port 11349 [preauth]
Feb 10 15:45:16 ubuntu-lts sshd[47339]: PAM 2 more authentication failures; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root
Feb 10 15:45:18 ubuntu-lts sshd[47345]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost= user=root
Feb 10 15:45:21 ubuntu-lts sshd[47345]: Failed password for root from port 35180 ssh2
. . .
You can also use the journalctl command to view the authentication logs when filtering by the ssh
journalctl -u ssh
This real-time log stream provides insights into authentication attempts, highlighting failed password entries, successful logins, session disconnections, root privilege escalations, and other significant events. Let's look at an example that records a login failure:
Feb 10 15:45:14 ubuntu-lts sshd[47343]: Failed password for root from port 33990 ssh2
The log provides the "who" root
), the "what" (Failed password), the "when"
(Feb 10 15:45:14), the "where" ( and the "how" (ssh2
) of the
authentication event. Thanks to these specifics, it is feasible to track trends
in login origins, methods, and to pinpoint authentication attacks.
As you can see, the system is constantly gathering vast amounts of data, but without actively monitoring these logs, it's impossible to detect malicious activities that can lead to breaches.
In the following step, we'll focus on transforming these log records into a structured JSON format for more efficient parsing, filtering and analysis by log monitoring tools.
Step 2 — Structuring Linux authentication logs
Although the records written to the auth.log
file adhere to the Syslog format,
the log message itself is completely unstructured which
presents a challenge for consistent monitoring.
Log parsing is essential to transform these varied log messages into a uniform, easily analyzable format. This involves transforming each log entry into structured data, isolating critical information like usernames, IP addresses, and other contextual details into distinct fields. For example, you can easily look for which usernames or IP addresses generate the highest number of failed logins when such data is captured in a named attribute.
To demonstrate how to gather and transform unstructured logs into a structured format, we'll use Vector, a log shipper that stands out for its performance, ease of use, and low resource usage.
Begin by following the official guide to install Vector and prepare your system for advanced log handling.
After installation, create or open the Vector configuration file located at
sudo nano /etc/vector/vector.yaml
Replace its contents with the following configuration:
type: file
- /var/log/auth.log
- auth_logs
type: remap
source: |
. |= parse_linux_authorization!(.message)
.event = {
"category": "authentication"
if contains(.message, "Failed password") { = "failed password"
.context = parse_regex!(.message, r'Failed password for (invalid user )?(?P<username>\w+) from (?P<ip_address>[\d.]+) port (?P<port>\d+) (?P<protocol>\w+)')
} else if contains(.message, "Invalid user") { = "invalid user"
.context = parse_regex!(.message, r'Invalid user (?P<username>\w+) from (?P<ip_address>[\d.]+) port (?P<port>\d+)')
} else if contains(.message, "Accepted") { = "successful login"
.context = parse_regex!(.message, r'Accepted (?P<auth_method>\w+) for (?P<username>\w+) from (?P<ip_address>[\d.]+) port (?P<port>\d+) (?P<protocol>\w+)(: )?(?P<ssh_signature>RSA SHA256:[A-Za-z0-9+/=]+)?')
} else if contains(.message, "Received disconnect") { = "disconnect user"
.context = parse_regex!(.message, r'Received disconnect from (?P<ip_address>[\d.]+)(?: port (?P<port>\d+))?:(?P<error_code>\d+):.*\[(?P<stage>\w+)\]')
} else if contains(.message, "Disconnected") { = "disconnect user"
.context = parse_regex!(.message, r'Disconnected from (invalid |authenticating )?user (?P<username>\w+) (?P<ip_address>[\d.]+) port (?P<port>\d+) \[(?P<stage>\w+)\]')
} else if contains(.message, "session opened for user") { = "session opened"
.context = parse_regex!(.message, r'pam_unix\((?P<service>\S+):(?P<pam_activity>\S+)\): session opened for user (?P<sudo_user>\S+)\(uid=(?P<sudo_user_id>\d+)\) by (?P<username>\S+)?\(uid=(?P<user_id>\d+)\)')
} else if contains(.message, "session closed for user") { = "session closed"
.context = parse_regex!(.message, r'pam_unix\((?P<service>\S+):(?P<pam_activity>\S+)\): session closed for user (?P<sudo_user>\S+)')
} else if contains(.message, "TTY=") { = "sudo command"
.context = parse_regex!(.message, r'(?P<username>\S+) : ((?P<error>.*?) ; )?TTY=(?P<tty>\S+) ; PWD=(?P<pwd>\S+) ; USER=(?P<sudo_user>\S+) ;( COMMAND=(?P<command>.+))?')
} else if contains(.message, "authentication failure") { = "sudo authentication failure"
.context = parse_regex!(.message, r'pam_unix\((?P<service>\S+):(?P<pam_activity>\S+)\): (?P<error>.*?); ?logname=(?P<logname>.*?) ?uid=(?P<uid>\d+) ?euid=(?P<euid>\d+) ?tty=(?P<tty>\S+) ?ruser=(?P<ruser>.*?) ?rhost=(?P<rhost>.*?)( user=(?P<user>\w+))?')
type: console
- parse_auth_log
codec: json
To save time, I'm going to gloss over the configuration details here, but you can check our Vector tutorial to learn more about its concepts and log parsing syntax.
To summarize, the above configuration directs Vector to:
- Read logs from
. - Parse each entry, extracting key information using regular expressions and categorizing events.
- Output the transformed logs to the console in JSON format.
Please note that this example does not accurately parse every single log message
format that could be present in the auth.log
file, but it should suffice for
demonstration purposes.
To activate Vector and see the parsed logs in action, execute:
sudo vector
You will observe the following in your terminal:
2024-02-10T16:24:25.649333Z INFO vector::app: Log level is enabled. level="info"
2024-02-10T16:24:25.650544Z INFO vector::app: Loading configs. paths=["/etc/vector/vector.yaml"]
2024-02-10T16:24:25.753544Z INFO vector::topology::running: Running healthchecks.
2024-02-10T16:24:25.754023Z INFO vector::topology::builder: Healthcheck passed.
2024-02-10T16:24:25.754073Z INFO vector::topology::builder: Healthcheck passed.
2024-02-10T16:24:25.754499Z INFO source{component_kind="source" component_id=auth_logs component_type=file}: vector::sources::file: Starting file server. include=["/var/log/auth.log"] exclu
2024-02-10T16:24:25.755199Z INFO vector: Vector has started. debug="false" version="0.35.0" arch="x86_64" revision="e57c0c0 2024-01-08 14:42:10.103908779"
2024-02-10T16:24:25.755600Z INFO vector::app: API is disabled, enable by setting `api.enabled` to `true` and use commands like `vector top`.
2024-02-10T16:24:25.756187Z INFO source{component_kind="source" component_id=auth_logs component_type=file}:file_server: file_source::checkpointer: Loaded checkpoint data.
2024-02-10T16:24:25.756824Z INFO source{component_kind="source" component_id=auth_logs component_type=file}:file_server: vector::internal_events::file::source: Resuming to watch file. file=
/var/log/auth.log file_position=15899101
{"appname":"sudo","event":{"category":"authentication"},"file":"/var/log/auth.log","host":"ubuntu-lts","hostname":"ubuntu-lts","message":"pam_unix(sudo:session): session closed for user root","source_type":"file","timestamp":"2024-02-10T16:24:24Z"}
{"appname":"sudo","event":{"category":"authentication"},"file":"/var/log/auth.log","host":"ubuntu-lts","hostname":"ubuntu-lts","message":"ayo : TTY=pts/5 ; PWD=/home/ayo ; USER=root ; COMMAND=/usr/bin/vector","source_type":"file","timestamp":"2024-02-10T16:24:25Z"}
{"appname":"sudo","event":{"category":"authentication"},"file":"/var/log/auth.log","host":"ubuntu-lts","hostname":"ubuntu-lts","message":"pam_unix(sudo:session): session opened for user root (uid=0) by ayo(uid=1000)","source_type":"file","timestamp":"2024-02-10T16:24:25Z"}
{"file":"/var/log/auth.log","host":"ubuntu-lts","message":"Feb 10 16:24:25 ubuntu-lts sshd[48693]: Failed password for root from port 54756 ssh2","source_type":"file","timestamp":"2024-02-10T16:24:25.757389859Z"}
The initial messages are Vector's system logs, detailing steps like configuration loading and file monitoring startup. From the highlighted line, Vector begins to output processed log entries.
Each entry is now parsed into a JSON object, with key event details meticulously categorized for easier processing. Let's focus on a specific log entry to examine its composition:
"appname": "sshd",
"context": {
"ip_address": "",
"port": "55488",
"stage": "preauth",
"username": "root"
"event": {
"category": "authentication",
"name": "disconnect user"
"file": "/var/log/auth.log",
"host": "ubuntu-lts",
"hostname": "ubuntu-lts",
"message": "Disconnected from authenticating user root port 55488 [preauth]",
"procid": 48687,
"source_type": "file",
"timestamp": "2024-02-10T16:24:28Z"
This JSON record directly corresponds to the following log line from auth.log
Feb 10 16:24:28 ubuntu-lts sshd[48687]: Disconnected from authenticating user root port 55488 [preauth]
The transformation into JSON shows the power of structured logging through distinct fields for critical information like timestamps in ISO 8601 format, event categories, and other contextual details.
With the logs now in a uniform format, the process of monitoring, searching, and analyzing becomes significantly more efficient, enabling rapid identification of security incidents and operational insights across your system.
In the next section, you will proceed to centralize your server authentication logs in a log management service for easy monitoring.
Step 3 — Centralizing your authentication logs
Before you can monitor your Linux authentication logs with dashboards and alerting, they need to be shipped off the server to a centralized log management platform that supports monitoring features.
One such solution is Better Stack which offers log monitoring with comprehensive incident management built-in so that you can easily monitor your authentication logs and get alerted to possible attacks or other suspicious activity. You can sign up for a free account here.
Upon signing into Better Stack, direct your attention to the Logs & Metrics dashboard. Navigate to Sources found within the left sidebar and initiate a new source by clicking Connect source:
For the source setup, label it as Linux Authentication Logs and choose Vector as the integration platform:
Following the source creation, you'll be presented with a Source token; ensure to copy this token for subsequent steps:
Back on your server, it's time to refine your /etc/vector/vector.yaml
configuration to incorporate Better Stack as a log forwarding destination:
. . .
type: "console"
- "parse_auth_log"
codec: "json"
type: "http"
method: "post"
- "parse_auth_log"
uri: ""
codec: "json"
strategy: "bearer"
token: "<your_source_token>"
This modification instructs Vector to not only locally display the parsed logs
but also securely transmit them to Better Stack over HTTP. Once you've updated
the configuration file, quit the existing vector
process with Ctrl-C
relaunch it:
sudo vector
With this setup, your authentication logs will be systematically forwarded to Better Stack. To verify successful transmission, visit the Better Stack dashboard again and explore the Live Tail feature.
Observing your logs being streamed in real time confirms a successful integration, thus ensuring comprehensive visibility into your server's authentication activities without the need for direct server access:
Although the logs are now centralized, your log monitoring journey has only just begun. The next step is to harness these logs for proactive monitoring and alerting, which we will explore in the following section.
Step 4 — Setting up a log monitoring dashboard
With your authentication logs now centralized, it's time to unlock their full potential by visualizing critical data points. Creating a comprehensive dashboard enables you to effortlessly monitor key metrics such as login attempts, active sessions, and other significant events that may require further scrutiny.
Start by heading to the Dashboards section in Better Stack, then click Create dashboard:
While Better Stack offers a variety of predefined dashboard templates, we'll opt for a Blank dashboard to illustrate customization capabilities.
Next, select the Linux Authentication Logs source from the Presets menu and click the Save button.
With the source selected, click the Create chart button and select the SQL expression option on the resulting page:
Dashboard charts can be created in various ways, but one of the most flexible is through SQL queries. The default query counts the number of logs received in the selected sources over the selected period (last 3 hours by default). This data is then plotted on a line chart to show the authentication and authorization activity over time.
Click the Save chart button on the top right, then return to your dashboard. You will be greeted with the following screen showing the chart you just created:
From here, you can rename, re-configure, or remove it as needed.
In the next section, we'll examine how to set up log fields for grouping purposes so that they may subsequently be used in dashboard queries.
Step 5 — Selecting metrics to query
Before you can create visual representations of your log data, you must be familiar with the structure of the records. Take, for example, a log entry representing a failed login attempt:
"appname": "sshd",
"context": {
"ip_address": "",
"port": "14347",
"protocol": "ssh2",
"username": "root"
"event": {
"category": "authentication",
"name": "failed password"
"file": "/var/log/auth.log",
"host": "ubuntu-lts",
"hostname": "ubuntu-lts",
"message": "Failed password for root from port 14347 ssh2",
"procid": 177242,
"source_type": "file",
"timestamp": "2024-02-15T17:27:40Z"
Brute force attacks typically involve numerous attempts at guessing username and password combinations. While the passwords are not recorded in the logs, it's straightforward to identify the most frequently targeted usernames and trace the source of these attacks through the fields present in such log entries.
Conversely, a successful login event provides similar data, augmented with authentication methods and SSH signatures:
"appname": "sshd",
"context": {
"auth_method": "publickey",
"ip_address": "",
"port": "23793",
"protocol": "ssh2",
"ssh_signature": "RSA SHA256:8Gdo7Q35uybWwTaGAoWrQXowqn0MEGaErerTlpR7nTM",
"username": "ayo"
"event": {
"category": "authentication",
"name": "successful login"
"file": "/var/log/auth.log",
"host": "ubuntu-lts",
"hostname": "ubuntu-lts",
"message": "Accepted publickey for ayo from port 23793 ssh2: RSA SHA256:8Gdo7Q35uybWwTaGAoWrQXowqn0MEGaErerTlpR7nTM",
"procid": 177261,
"source_type": "file",
"timestamp": "2024-02-15T17:35:05Z"
To leverage the ingested fields for dashboard queries, you must add it to the Logs & metrics section in your source advanced settings.
Head back to the Sources section, locate Linux Authentication Logs, and select Configure from the options menu.
On the resulting page, find the Logs to metrics tab and click on it, then scroll to the Group by section where default groupings are available for immediate use.
To add custom groupings, such as querying using the context.username
fill in the inputs as follows:
- Column name:
. - SQL expression: Utilize
JSONExtract(json, 'context', 'username', 'Nullable(String)')
. TheJSONExtract()
function parses a JSON record and extracts a value of the provided ClickHouse data type which isNullable(String)
in this case. This data type is chosen here since not all records will contain acontext.username
field so we're making it nullable to prevent errors. You can examine other ClickHouse data types here. - Codec: Opt for
String (LowCardinality, ZSTD)
for efficient compression of string data.
Once you're done, click the Add button to add it to the list, then add the following groupings as well:
event_name JSONExtract(json, 'event', 'name', 'Nullable(String)') String (LowCardinality, ZSTD)
ip_address JSONExtract(json, 'context', 'ip_address', 'Nullable(String)') String (LowCardinality, ZSTD)
auth_method JSONExtract(json, 'context', 'auth_method', 'Nullable(String)') String (LowCardinality, ZSTD)
The Group by section should now look like this:
Once you save the changes, you should see a message informing you when the newly added metrics will be available for querying.
Refreshing the page after the stated time should clear the message, confirming that they are now ready to be used in your SQL queries.
In the next section, we'll use each custom grouping above to query and filter the authentication log data, then plot the results on various charts.
Step 6 — Visualizing successful and failed logins
Moving forward, let's enrich our dashboard with visual representations that aggregate and highlight the pattern of successful and failed login attempts over time.
Navigate to the Dashboards section and select your previously created dashboard. To add a new visualization, click the + icon at the top right corner and opt for Log filtering. In the query space provided, input:"failed password"
This query specifically isolates records tagged "failed password" under the
field, allowing you to scrutinize the influx of such events to your
For the visualization type, select a bar chart:
Once you've configured the chart, consider naming it something descriptive, like SSH Login Attempts, then finalize by hitting the Save chart button.
Return to your main dashboard screen to see the chart in action:
The data reveals an unrelenting flow of scanning and brute force attacks, manifesting as a consistent rate of failed login attempts each hour on this server. With access to both the usernames and IP addresses associated with these attempts, you can further organize this information into a comprehensive table for deeper analysis.
Create a new chart, and choose the SQL expression option, then populate the editor with the following contents:
SELECT username as "User", countMerge(events_count) AS "Attempts"
FROM {{source}}
WHERE {{time}} BETWEEN {{start_time}} AND {{end_time}}
AND event_name = 'failed password'
AND username IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY username
ORDER BY "Attempts" DESC
This SQL command aggregates failed login attempts by distinct usernames within the chosen timeframe, ordering the results to spotlight the most frequent targets.
Next, adjust the Chart settings to display this data as a table. This visualization will reveal the top usernames attackers attempted to compromise:
Following a similar approach, create another chart to aggregate attack origins by IP address with the SQL query below. Remember to set this chart as a table for a clear data representation.
SELECT ip_address as "IP Address", countMerge(events_count) AS "Attempts"
FROM {{source}}
WHERE {{time}} BETWEEN {{start_time}} AND {{end_time}}
AND event_name = 'failed password'
AND ip_address IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY ip_address
ORDER BY "Attempts" DESC
Lastly, to track successful logins, utilize the following SQL query to capture successful login events and display them in a table format:
SELECT {{time}} as "Timestamp", username as "User", ip_address as "IP Address", auth_method as "Auth method"
FROM {{source}}
WHERE {{time}} BETWEEN {{start_time}} AND {{end_time}}
AND event_name = 'successful login'
ORDER BY "Timestamp" DESC
If you need to generate successful login records, try logging in and out of your server a few times.
Your dashboard should now look like this:
With this setup, you're able to easily see both failed and successful login attempts, alongside the most frequently targeted usernames and source IP addresses.
In the next section, you'll add alerting mechanisms to augment this setup, ensuring you're promptly notified of any abnormal occurrences or potential security breaches.
Step 7 — Setting up alerting policies
After visualizing essential events and metrics through charts and tables, the next step is to incorporate alert mechanisms to ensure that you're promptly notified of significant occurrences or deviations from the norm, allowing for swift action.
As an example, let's set up an alert for any successful root
login attempts.
Start by creating a new visualization and apply the following criteria through the Log filtering option:"successful login" context.username=root
Opt for a bar chart to visually inspect any occurrences. Should there be no recorded successful root logins within your specified timeframe, expect to see an empty chart.
Next, proceed to the Alerts section and initiate a new alert configuration:
Here, set up the alert to trigger upon any occurrence, setting the threshold to
to ensure any root login activates the notification.
Within Advanced settings, default notification methods (such as email) are sufficient for this demonstration, though customization is available for specific needs.
Under Advanced settings, you can configure how the alert should be delivered and when, but we'll use the default settings here (via email).
After configuring, save your settings and revisit the dashboard to observe the new chart.
To test the alert, access your server via SSH as the root
ssh root@<your_server_ip>
Allow a brief period for the dashboard to update, whereupon the recent root login will be reflected in your visualization and subsequently in the "Successful logins" table.
An email alert detailing the root login event will be dispatched to you, signaling the system's effective monitoring and alerting capability:
This framework of monitoring and alerting can be extended to cover a range of other scenarios, such as:
- Repeated authentication failures for usernames that match a valid user, which could reveal potential leaks before a compromise.
- Successful logins from strange IP addresses not in a whitelist.
- Credential stuffing attacks where an attacker mixes and matches breached login credentials to try and match a real user account.
- Successful logins that use password authentication instead of key-based authentication.
- Privilege escalation to
by users not on a whitelist. - Frequent failed attempts to gain root access, which could imply an attacker's presence within the system.
In the next section, you will use the monitoring insights to further secure your system and prevent recurrence of the issue.
Step 8 — Taking action by securing your server
Continuously monitoring your Linux authentication logs has highlighted the relentless attack attempts that servers face. Therefore, it's necessary to adopt robust security measures to safeguard them as much as possible.
To enhance your server's defenses, consider implementing the following strategies:
- Disabling root login over SSH to reduce the risk of unauthorized system control.
- Changing the default SSH port from
to reduce the volume of automated attacks. - Disabling password authentication in favor of more secure SSH keys.
- Utilizing a firewall to restrict access, blocking all unauthorized entry points.
- Use Fail2Ban to dynamically ban IPs that exhibit suspicious behavior, such as excessive failed login attempts.
- Restricting permissions rigorously, ensuring users have only the access they need, thereby limiting potential damage from compromised accounts.
- Setting up multi-factor authentication.
- Adopting port knocking as a stealth method to hide SSH ports from attackers.
A practical example: disabling root login over SSH
Following the above section, let's configure the server to turn off root access via SSH so that logging in as root is no longer possible.
On your server, edit the SSH configuration file with root privileges:
sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Find the line that reads PermitRootLogin
, uncomment it, and change it to no
If the line doesn't exist, add it:
PermitRootLogin no
Save your changes and restart the SSH service to enforce the new policy:
sudo systemctl restart sshd
Attempt to SSH as root
to verify the setting is enforced:
ssh root@<your_server_ip>
The login attempt should be rejected, indicating root SSH access is correctly disabled:
Received disconnect from <your_server_ip> port 22:2: Too many authentication failures
Disconnected from <your_server_ip> port 22
By implementing these measures, you'll significantly strengthen your server
against intrusions. If a root
login alert is triggered after these settings
are applied, it's a clear indicator of a security compromise, necessitating
immediate investigation (perhaps the PermitRootLogin
setting was re-enabled).
For comprehensive server hardening, explore additional security practices such as the ones detailed in this GitHub repository.
Final thoughts
In this article, we've explored the steps for collecting, transforming, and monitoring Linux authentication logs to proactively detect and respond to security threats within your server infrastructure.
With Better Stack, we've demonstrated how centralized logging coupled with powerful visualization and alerting tools can significantly enhance your ability to oversee and secure your server environment.
Thanks for reading, and happy monitoring!
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