Status announcement

Embedding a status announcement

Embedding a status announcement ensures users are informed about ongoing service status directly on your site. The announcement remains hidden and only appears when your status page indicates service degradation.

Add an embedded announcement to your site:

  1. Go to Status pages → select the status page.
  2. Go to Advanced settings.
  3. Navigate to Embed the announcement into your site.
  4. Add the provided <script> before the closing </body> tag on your site.
  5. (Optional) Set a target URL for the announcement.
  6. (Optional) Customize the announcement’s design using custom CSS.
  7. Click Save changes.

The announcement remains hidden by default and does not affect your site's performance.

Adding a system status announcement

A system status announcement is a temporary message that allows you to share important updates with your audience.

Add a system status announcement:

  1. Go to Status pages → select the status page.
  2. Go to Advanced settings.
  3. Navigate to Share significant news and enter your announcement.
  4. (Optional) Notify your subscribers about the update.
  5. Click Save changes.

The announcement is removed automatically when the text field is empty.

The system status announcement does not update automatically based on service status. Manually update it in Share significant news when needed.