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The Missing Guide to OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions

Ayooluwa Isaiah
Updated on October 14, 2024

Imagine a bustling city with various districts, each speaking its unique language. Communication is difficult, misunderstandings are frequent, and progress is slow. This is often the reality of modern software systems, where different components generate telemetry data labeled in inconsistent and confusing ways.

For instance, one component might record the user's location as, while another uses customer_location or simply geo. This lack of standardization creates a significant burden for engineers who need to analyze this data, forcing them to spend valuable time deciphering meanings and manually correlating information.

OpenTelemetry's Semantic Conventions offer a solution: a universal language for telemetry data. By adhering to these conventions, you can ensure that your data is consistently labeled and easily understood by everyone, regardless of the instrumentation used.

Think of it as a common set of road signs and traffic signals for your software city. With clear and standardized communication, traffic flows smoothly, and everyone can easily navigate and understand the system.

This allows observability tools to automatically analyze data, identify issues, and provide insights, freeing you to focus on building and improving your applications instead of getting lost in translation.

In this article, you will learn the importance of using the OpenTelemetry semantic conventions to create standardized and interoperable telemetry data.

What are semantic conventions?

OpenTelemetry Semantic conventions GitHub

Semantic conventions are standardized guidelines for naming and structuring your telemetry data. They ensure that data collected from different systems and services is consistently structured, making it easier to correlate, compare, and analyze across various tools.

These conventions build on past efforts, such as the Elastic Common Schema (ECS), which aimed to standardize log data fields. In 2023, the ECS project was merged with OpenTelemetry's semantic conventions, making it the canonical way to structure telemetry attributes. Unlike ECS, OpenTelemetry's conventions are vendor-agnostic and apply to logs, metrics, and traces to enable seamless cross-signal analysis.

To manage the evolution of these conventions without disrupting existing tools, OpenTelemetry employs telemetry schemas. These schemas ensure that changes to the conventions maintain compatibility with analysis tools, and provide stability and consistency across different observability signals.

Semantic conventions stability explained

Some examples of stable semantic conventions

When a semantic convention is marked as stable, the names and structures of attributes and resources are production-ready and unlikely to change in future releases.

Before reaching stability, semantic conventions may be marked as experimental. These are conventions that are still under evaluation and may change based on feedback, usage, or evolving needs.

Some examples of experimental semantic conventions

Conventions can also become deprecated when a newer standard replaces them. During the deprecation phase, the older convention remains available but may be removed in future updates.

Deprecated semantic conventions

Usually, there is a transition period where both the old and new conventions coexist to allow for a smoother migration.

For instance, in late 2023, OpenTelemetry stabilized the HTTP Semantic Conventions by merging existing conventions with Elastic Common Schema attributes, dropping less useful ones, and standardizing units.

This update resulted in breaking changes for some attributes, such as renaming http.method to http.request.method, http.client_id to client.address, and so on.

Currently, most OpenTelemetry SDKs continue to output the old attributes by default, so you'll need to opt into the stable version with the OTEL_SEMCONV_STABILITY_OPT_IN environmental variable, which can be set to either:

  • http: emit the stable HTTP semantic conventions only.
  • http/dup: emit both the old and the stable conventions to enable a gradual migration.

In multi-language environments, you must ensure that all OpenTelemetry SDKs are aligned to avoid inconsistencies in telemetry output.

Resource semantic conventions

In OpenTelemetry, a Resource represents the entity that generates telemetry data, which could be a service, process, container, host, or any other system component.

The purpose of this entity is to describe what the resource is and how to identify it. For example, a web service running on a virtual machine in a cloud environment may have a unique instance ID, be deployed in a specific region, and belong to a particular service group or environment.

The semantic conventions for resources determines how these details are structured consistently across various resource types. The only required attribute for a Resource is, which identifies the entity producing the telemetry. This is often set using the OTEL_SERVICE_NAME environment variable:


Other notable attributes under the service namespace include:

  • service.version: a version number like 1.2.0 or a git hash like 4dc21822d08f4a504b6dd4790e23dcf343777c17.
  • helps distinguish instances of the same service that exist at the same time.
  • service.namespace: provides a way to group a collection of related services.

Otel semantic conventions resource service

There are several other attribute groups such as telemetry.* which describes the instrumentation responsible for generating the telemetry data, process.* which documents the process responsible for the telemetry, host.* for providing context about the host environment, and even cloud.* for describing cloud resources.

Here's an example of a Resource object in the OTLP data model which provides a structured representation of metadata about the environment where the telemetry data is being generated (a Node.js process in this case):

  resource: {
    attributes: {
      '': 'adservice',
      'telemetry.sdk.language': 'nodejs',
      '': 'opentelemetry',
      'telemetry.sdk.version': '1.26.0',
      '': 60,
      '': '/usr/local/bin/node',
      'process.executable.path': '/usr/local/bin/node',
      'process.command_args': ['/usr/local/bin/node', '/node/app/server.js'],
      'process.runtime.version': '20.17.0',
      '': 'nodejs',
      'process.runtime.description': 'Node.js',
      'process.command': '/node/app/server.js',
      'process.owner': 'root',
      '': 'a4e67b9cd391',
      'host.arch': 'amd64'

The Resouce entity is typically auto-populated by the OpenTelemetry SDK in use, but you can also use the resource processor to add or modify resource attributes as needed.

Trace semantic conventions

Trace semantic conventions

Spans in OpenTelemetry track operations within your application and offer deep visibility into their execution. They are particularly valuable in distributed systems, where they can propagate across services to provide a complete view of how requests flow through different distributed components.

Each span can be annotated with attributes specific to the operation it represents, such as the method invoked, operation status, or metadata like user ID or request payload. Some attributes are general and applicable across many operations, while others are context-specific.

The purpose of trace semantic conventions is to standardize span names, kinds (such as client or server), and attribute keys. Some attributes must be added at the start of the span due to sampling concerns, and others have their values governed using a list of well-known values.

These conventions ensure consistency when describing operations like HTTP requests, database queries, and messaging interactions, allowing services to produce uniform telemetry data that simplifies comparison, aggregation, and troubleshooting across distributed systems.

For example, tracing an HTTP request involves capturing attributes like http.request.method, user_agent.original, and http.request.status_code to ensure consistent key details across all HTTP-based spans. Similarly, for database queries, attributes such as db.system, db.query.text, and db.user standardize the emitted telemetry regardless of the database driver.

For example, a span describing a database query could contain attributes that look like this:

  attributes: {
    'db.system': 'postgresql',
    '': 'ads',
    'db.connection_string': 'postgresql://adservice:5432/ads',
    '': 'adservice-db',
    'net.peer.port': 5432,
    'db.user': 'postgres',
    'db.statement': "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'public' AND table_name = 'users'"

Metric semantic conventions

Metric semantic conventions

Metric semantic conventions provide guidelines for naming and structuring metric data emitted by programs. These conventions ensure consistency and clarity in how metrics are captured and interpreted.

1. Naming rules

Metric names should follow a clear convention to indicate the type of data being measured. For example, <entity>.limit refers to a metric representing a constant total, while <entity>.utilization tracks the fraction of usage from that total. These guidelines also cover pluralization and using qualifiers like count or total in names.

2. Instrument units

Metrics often include a unit of measurement to specify what is being measured (e.g., seconds, bytes, requests) to ensure that they are meaningful and comparable across systems. In OpenTelemetry, metric units must adhere to the Unified Code for Units of Measure. There are also other rules for dimensionless measurements, annotations for integer counts (like {request}), durations, and more.

3. Instrument types

Metrics are categorized into different types based on what they represent, such as Counter, Histogram, UpDownCounter, CounterObserver, and others.

4. Metric attributes

Metric attributes follow the same naming conventions as spans. If attributes are specific to a metric, they should be namespaced under the metric. However, more general attributes can be used across multiple metrics.

5. Requirement levels

Metric semantic conventions also define different requirement levels to guide how instrumentation libraries should implement and emit metrics. These levels help ensure that essential metrics are always available while allowing for optional metrics based on specific needs.

The three requirement levels are: Required, Recommended, and Opt-In. For example, metric attributes that may have high cardinality can only be defined at the Opt-In level.

Log semantic conventions

Log semantic conventions

Unlike traces and metrics, OpenTelemetry provides no API or SDK for creating log data. Instead, it focuses on collecting logs from existing logging frameworks and infrastructure, enriching them with additional context (such as trace and span IDs), and formatting them in a way that allows correlation across various sources.

The semantic conventions for logs are still evolving and currently focus on specifying attributes that can be used for log identification (such as log.record.uid), preserving the original log content before processing (log.record.original), and specifying the media to which the log was emitted (log.file.* for files and log.iostream for the stdout or stderr streams).

Additionally, they also specify how exceptions and feature flag evaluations should be represented in a log record to ensure compatibility with their span counterparts.

Event semantic conventions

Event semantic convention

In OpenTelemetry, events are time-stamped annotations attached to spans that provide additional context or detail about notable moments during the span's lifecycle. They are used to capture key actions or state changes, such as errors, milestones, or other significant occurrences within an operation being traced.

Currently, the semantic conventions for events specify that each event must have a required name (, an optional payload (body) of any type, and relevant attributes for additional context. The conventions also guide when to use attributes versus body fields for storing data.

In the future, specific event types may be standardized with well-defined payload structures and field semantics, while others may retain user-defined formats.

Naming custom attributes

Attributes provide extra dimensions and context to your telemetry data, be it logs, traces, metrics, or events. While OpenTelemetry's semantic conventions define many standard attributes, you may need to create custom attributes for specific business needs.

Before creating a custom attribute, consult the attributes registry to ensure that a standard attribute doesn't already exist. If you do need to create a new one, ensure to follow the attribute naming guidelines which are summarized below:

  • Attribute names should be lowercase and use dots for namespaces to avoid clashes (e.g. service.version).
  • Names should not overlap with namespaces. For example, having precludes service.instance from being an attribute.
  • Common and well-known abbreviations are allowed but avoid ambiguous ones.
  • Attribute names should not be reused even after renaming.
  • Attribute names should have the same semantics across spans, logs, metrics, and resources.
  • Use singular names for single entities (like and plural entities with array values (like process.command_args).
  • For company-specific attributes, prefix with the reverse domain name (such as com.example.<attribute>)
  • Avoid using existing namespaces for custom attributes, as this may result in future conflicts.
  • For widely applicable attributes, consider submitting a proposal to OpenTelemetry for standardization.

Final thoughts

Achieving observability means being able to seamlessly query and understand your system's behavior using the combined strengths of logs, metrics, and traces, enriched with meaningful metadata.

OpenTelemetry's semantic conventions play a key role by providing industry-standard guidelines for describing common components and scenarios to ensure that telemetry data is always structured and labeled consistently across domains.

As you familiarize yourself with these conventions and learn how to create custom attributes, you'll see the benefits extend beyond just your own work—impacting teams and systems across your organization.

For the most up-to-date information on all things OpenTelemetry, always consult the official documentation.

Thanks for reading!

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Article by
Ayooluwa Isaiah
Ayo is the Head of Content at Better Stack. His passion is simplifying and communicating complex technical ideas effectively. His work was featured on several esteemed publications including, Digital Ocean, and CSS-Tricks. When he’s not writing or coding, he loves to travel, bike, and play tennis.
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