OTTL Recipes for Transforming OpenTelemetry Data
The OpenTelemetry Transformation Language (OTTL) is a powerful domain-specific language designed for transforming telemetry data within OpenTelemetry pipelines. While collecting telemetry data is essential for monitoring and observability, the ability to modify and structure this data effectively is key to extracting meaningful insights.
OTTL addresses several common challenges in telemetry data processing, including:
- Standardizing data formats across diverse services
- Enriching telemetry with additional context
- Filtering out unnecessary or sensitive information
- Converting between different data representations
- Correlating data across traces, metrics, and logs
With its declarative syntax, OTTL enables complex transformations in a straightforward and efficient manner. Whether the goal is cleaning up inconsistent data, augmenting telemetry with business context, or preparing data for downstream analysis, OTTL allows modifications at any stage of the collection pipeline.
The following examples showcase practical applications of OTTL for solving real-world telemetry transformation challenges. Each example provides a detailed breakdown of the transformation logic, along with before-and-after data snapshots to illustrate its impact. These patterns serve as adaptable building blocks for addressing specific your telemetry needs.
1. Masking sensitive data in telemetry
- context: span
- replace_pattern(attributes["http.url"], "client_id=[^&]+", "client_id=[REDACTED]")
- replace_pattern(attributes["http.url"], "client_secret=[^&]+", "client_secret=[REDACTED]")
Sensitive credentials, such as client_id
and client_secret
, are often
exposed in HTTP request URLs. To comply with security best practices, this
transformation replaces these values with [REDACTED]
Before OTTL processing:
"span": {
"attributes": {
"http.url": "",
After OTTL processing:
"span": {
"attributes": {
"http.url": "[REDACTED]&client_secret=[REDACTED]",
You can apply the same technique to remove sensitive data from any telemetry attributed.
2. Dropping irrelevant log entries
Unnecessary log entries can increase storage costs and making it harder to find meaningful insights. The rule below filters out log messages containing "Failed password", which may be repetitive failed login attempts that are already handled elsewhere.
error_mode: ignore
- not IsMatch(body, "Failed password")
The IsMatch(body, "Failed password")
function checks if the body of the log
message contains "Failed password". If true
, the log is considered a match.
The not
operator ensures that only logs without the "Failed password" text are
kept, effectively dropping irrelevant entries.
3. Log parsing with OTTL
Traditional log parsing often requires complex regex in multiple stages, but OTTL enables single-step structured data extraction:
- context: log
- merge_maps(attributes, ExtractPatterns(body, "^(?P<timestamp>\\w+ \\w+ [0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+) (?P<hostname>\\S+) (?P<appname>\\S+)(\\[(?P<pid>\\d+)\\]). (?P<event>Failed password) for (invalid user )?(?P<username>\\w+) from (?P<ip_address>[\\d.]+) port (?P<port>\\d+) (?P<protocol>\\w+)$"), "upsert")
This transformation extracts structured fields from system authentication logs into discrete attributes. The pattern matching captures timestamps, hostnames, usernames, IP addresses, and other security-relevant information in a single operation.
Before OTTL processing:
Apr 15 12:34:56 server1 sshd[12345]: Failed password for invalid user admin from port 22 ssh2
After OTTL processing:
"timestamp": "Apr 15 12:34:56",
"hostname": "server1",
"appname": "sshd",
"pid": "12345",
"event": "Failed password",
"username": "admin",
"ip_address": "",
"port": "22",
"protocol": "ssh2"
4. Normalizing attribute keys
When receiving telemetry from legacy systems with inconsistent naming conventions, standardizing attribute keys becomes essential. While string manipulation in traditional data pipelines requires knowing all possible key names beforehand, OTTL provides an elegant solution:
error_mode: ignore
- context: span
- replace_all_patterns(attributes, "key", "-", "_")
- replace_all_patterns(attributes, "key", "\\s", "_")
This transformation automatically converts any attribute key containing spaces or hyphens to use underscores instead. The pattern matching works across all attributes, making it an efficient way to standardize naming conventions without needing to specify each attribute individually.
Before OTTL processing:
"user id": "12345",
"service-version": "1.2.3"
After OTTL processing:
"user_id": "12345",
"service_version": "1.2.3"
5. Filtering high cardinality metrics
Filtering out unnecessary metrics helps reduce noise and optimize telemetry storage. In cases where certain metrics should be dropped based on specific conditions, OTTL provides an efficient way to define filtering logic dynamically.
error_mode: ignore
- 'name == "cpu.usage" and HasAttrOnDatapoint("region", "test")'
This configuration ensures that any metric with the name cpu.usage
is removed
if it contains a datapoint with the attribute region
set to test
. This is
particularly useful for discarding non-production data or test environment
metrics before they reach downstream analysis systems.
Before OTTL processing:
"name": "cpu.usage",
"datapoints": [
{ "value": 75, "attributes": { "region": "test" } },
{ "value": 80, "attributes": { "region": "us-east" } }
"name": "memory.usage",
"datapoints": [
{ "value": 60, "attributes": { "region": "test" } }
After OTTL processing:
"name": "memory.usage",
"datapoints": [
{ "value": 60, "attributes": { "region": "test" } }
6. Parsing JSON body into attributes
Logs often contain structured data encoded as JSON within the log body. Extracting these fields into attributes allows for better indexing, filtering, and querying. Instead of manually parsing JSON in downstream systems, OTTL enables automatic transformation at the telemetry pipeline level.
error_mode: ignore
- context: log
- merge_maps(attributes, ParseJSON(body), "upsert") where IsMatch(body, "^\\{")
- flatten(cache)
- merge_maps(attributes, cache, "upsert")
This transformation checks if the log body contains a JSON object, then extracts its fields into log attributes while preserving nested structures. The flatten(cache) step ensures that deeply nested JSON fields can be accessed as top-level attributes.
Before OTTL processing:
"body": "{\"user\": \"alice\", \"status\": \"active\", \"details\": { \"role\": \"admin\" }}"
After OTTL processing:
"attributes": {
"user": "alice",
"status": "active",
"details.role": "admin"
7. Reusing conditions for server spans
Span kinds in OpenTelemetry define the relationship between spans in a trace. Leveraging these structural elements enables efficient attribute management through shared conditions:
error_mode: ignore
- context: span
- set(attributes["http.route.server"], attributes["http.route"])
- delete_key(attributes, "http.route")
This transformation applies multiple attribute modifications specifically to server spans. The shared condition eliminates redundancy and ensures consistent processing of server-side telemetry data.
Before OTTL processing:
"attributes": {
"http.route": "/api/v1/users"
After OTTL processing:
"attributes": {
"http.route.server": "/api/v1/users"
8. Elevating Kubernetes metadata to resource Level
In Kubernetes environments, pod metadata often needs to be promoted from metric datapoints to resource attributes for proper service discovery and attribute enrichment:
- context: datapoint
- set(resource.attributes["k8s.pod.ip"], attributes["k8s_pod_ip"])
This transformation moves pod IP information from datapoint attributes to resource attributes, enabling proper integration with Kubernetes metadata processors while maintaining the original telemetry structure.
Before OTTL processing:
"resource": { },
"metric": {
"datapoints": [{
"attributes": {
"k8s_pod_ip": ""
After OTTL processing:
"resource": {
"attributes": {
"k8s.pod.ip": ""
"metric": {
"datapoints": [{
"attributes": {
"k8s_pod_ip": ""
9. Classifying response performance tiers
In service monitoring, categorizing response times into performance tiers enables quick identification of latency patterns and service level compliance:
error_mode: ignore
- context: span
- set(attributes["service.performance.tier"], "Slow") where duration_ms > 1000
- set(attributes["service.performance.tier"], "Medium") where duration_ms > 500 && duration_ms <= 1000
- set(attributes["service.performance.tier"], "Fast") where duration_ms <= 500
This transformation automatically classifies spans based on their duration, creating standardized performance tiers for consistent monitoring and alerting across services.
Before OTTL processing:
"name": "process_payment",
"duration_ms": 750,
"attributes": {}
After OTTL processing:
"name": "process_payment",
"duration_ms": 750,
"attributes": {
"service.performance.tier": "Medium"
10. Filtering logs by environment
When managing logs across multiple microservices environments, filtering debug-level logs from specific environments helps maintain focused logging. The Filter processor enables precise log filtering based on both log content and resource attributes:
error_mode: ignore
- IsMatch(body, ".*DEBUG.*") and resource.attributes["environment"] == "production" and resource.attributes["cluster"] == "primary"
This transformation filters out debug logs specifically from the production primary cluster. The filter combines log content analysis with resource attribute matching to provide granular control over log retention.
Before OTTL processing:
"body": "DEBUG: Connection pool initialized",
"resource": {
"environment": "production",
"cluster": "primary"
"body": "ERROR: Connection failed",
"resource": {
"environment": "production",
"cluster": "primary"
After OTTL processing:
"body": "ERROR: Connection failed",
"resource": {
"environment": "production",
"cluster": "primary"
Final thoughts
The examples presented demonstrate how OTTL can solve common telemetry challenges like data standardization, sensitive data handling, error tracking, and performance monitoring. These patterns can be adapted and combined to address a wide range of real-world observability needs.
By leveraging OTTL's capabilities, organizations can better manage their telemetry data, improve monitoring effectiveness, and gain deeper insights into their systems' behavior and performance.
Thanks for reading!
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