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Monitoring Go Apps with OpenTelemetry Metrics

Ayooluwa Isaiah
Updated on November 20, 2024

Modern applications demand robust observability solutions to monitor performance, detect bottlenecks, and ensure seamless user experiences.

OpenTelemetry has emerged as a powerful, standardized framework for capturing telemetry data — including traces, metrics, and logs — from distributed systems. By offering a unified approach to instrumentation, OpenTelemetry allows developers to track and visualize application health across complex architectures.

In this tutorial, we'll focus on implementing OpenTelemetry metrics in a Go application. Starting with the setup of the OpenTelemetry SDK, we'll explore key metric types such as Counter, UpDownCounter, Gauge, and Histogram.

You'll learn how to instrument your application to automatically track HTTP metrics, customize data aggregation, and configure efficient data collection and filtering. Finally, we'll cover how to send your metrics data to an OpenTelemetry Collector, allowing you to route it to a backend of your choice for analysis and visualization.

By the end of this guide, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of how to leverage OpenTelemetry metrics in Go, empowering you to gain actionable insights into your application's performance and health.

Let's get started!


Before proceeding with this tutorial, you'll need to know the basics of metrics in OpenTelemetry.

Step 1 — Setting up the demo project

Let's start by setting up the demo project which is a basic "Hello World" server. Go ahead and clone the GitHub repository to your machine with:

git clone

Then change into the resulting directory:

cd otel-metrics-golang

The project contains a docker-compose.yml file that sets up two services:

      context: .
      target: ${GO_ENV}
    container_name: otel-metrics-demo
      PORT: ${PORT}
      - ./.env
      - 8000:8000
      - otel-metrics-demo-network
      - .:/app

    container_name: otel-metrics-demo-collector
    image: otel/opentelemetry-collector:latest
      - ./otelcol.yaml:/etc/otelcol/config.yaml
      - otel-metrics-demo-network

  • app: runs the application on port 8000, utilizing air for live reloading on file changes.

  • collector: runs the OpenTelemetry Collector and configures it with an otelcol.yaml file.

Before you launch the services, rename the .env.example file to .env as it contains some of the basic configuration that the application needs:

mv .env.example .env

To launch both services, go ahead and execute the command below:

docker compose up

You should see output similar to the following:

. . .
otel-metrics-demo            |
otel-metrics-demo            |   __    _   ___
otel-metrics-demo            |  / /\  | | | |_)
otel-metrics-demo            | /_/--\ |_| |_| \_ v1.52.3, built with Go go1.23.1
otel-metrics-demo            |
otel-metrics-demo            | watching .
otel-metrics-demo            | !exclude tmp
otel-metrics-demo            | building...
otel-metrics-demo            | running...
otel-metrics-demo | 2024/11/04 10:34:15 Starting HTTP server on port 8000
. . .

To test the application, send a request to the root endpoint from a different terminal:

curl http://localhost:8000

The response should be:

Hello world

Now that the services are up and running, let's go ahead and set up the OpenTelemetry SDK in the next step.

Step 2 — Initializing the OpenTelemetry SDK

Before you can instrument your application with OpenTelemetry, you need to install the necessary packages first:

go get \ \ \ \ \ \

This command installs these OpenTelemetry SDK components:

Next, initialize a MeterProvider to manage metrics in your application. Without this step, OpenTelemetry defaults to a no-operation mode where no data is collected.

Create an otel.go file at the project root with the following contents to set up the OpenTelemetry SDK:

package main

import (

    semconv ""

func setupOTelSDK(
    ctx context.Context,
) (shutdown func(context.Context) error, err error) {
    var shutdownFuncs []func(context.Context) error

    shutdown = func(ctx context.Context) error {
        var err error

        for _, fn := range shutdownFuncs {
            err = errors.Join(err, fn(ctx))

        shutdownFuncs = nil

        return err

    handleErr := func(inErr error) {
        err = errors.Join(inErr, shutdown(ctx))

    res, err := newResource()
    if err != nil {

    meterProvider, err := newMeterProvider(ctx, res)
    if err != nil {

    shutdownFuncs = append(shutdownFuncs, meterProvider.Shutdown)



func newResource() (*resource.Resource, error) {
    return resource.Merge(resource.Default(),

func newMeterProvider(
    ctx context.Context,
    res *resource.Resource,
) (*metric.MeterProvider, error) {
    metricExporter, err := stdoutmetric.New(stdoutmetric.WithPrettyPrint())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    meterProvider := metric.NewMeterProvider(
            // Default is 1m. Set to 3s for demonstrative purposes.

    return meterProvider, nil

This code sets up a metrics system for your Go application using OpenTelemetry. The main configuration work is done in the setupOTelSDK() function which prepares and registers the application's metrics provider, while also providing a mechanism for gracefully shutting down the initialized OpenTelemetry SDK components.

First, a Resource instance is created through the newResource() function which gives the application a unique identity by setting attributes like the ServiceName and ServiceVersion.

Next, a MeterProvider is initialized with newMeterProvider(). To ensure metrics are accessible across the application, this MeterProvider is set as the global provider using otel.SetMeterProvider(). This allows you to acquire a Meter instance anywhere in your application using otel.Meter()

For exporting the collected metrics data, a stdoutmetric exporter is configured to output metrics to the console, providing a straightforward way to test or debug or configuration. The exporter is set to output data every three seconds instead of every minute to for a quicker feedback cycle.

Now, modify your main.go file to incorporate the OpenTelemetry setup:

package main

import (


func init() {
    _ = godotenv.Load()

func main() {
ctx := context.Background()
otelShutdown, err := setupOTelSDK(ctx)
if err != nil {
defer func() {
err = errors.Join(err, otelShutdown(ctx))
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Write([]byte("Hello world!"))
log.Println("Starting HTTP server on port 8000")
if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8000", mux); err != nil {
log.Fatal("Server failed to start:", err)

Here, the setupOTelSDK() function is called to initialize OpenTelemetry, and a deferred function (otelShutdown()) ensures clean shutdown of the SDK resources when main() completes.

You should start seeing the following output in your terminal every three seconds:

  "Resource": [
      "Key": "",
      "Value": {
        "Type": "STRING",
        "Value": "my-service"
      "Key": "service.version",
      "Value": {
        "Type": "STRING",
        "Value": "0.1.0"
      "Key": "telemetry.sdk.language",
      "Value": {
        "Type": "STRING",
        "Value": "go"
      "Key": "",
      "Value": {
        "Type": "STRING",
        "Value": "opentelemetry"
      "Key": "telemetry.sdk.version",
      "Value": {
        "Type": "STRING",
        "Value": "1.31.0"
  "ScopeMetrics": null

The Resource array contains key-value pairs representing resource metadata, while ScopeMetrics is used to group metrics sharing the same instrumentation scope. Since we're yet to instrument any metrics, the ScopeMetrics property is null.

With this foundational setup in place, let's proceed to automatically instrument the server with some metrics through the otelhttp package.

Step 3 — Automatically instrument HTTP server metrics

OpenTelemetry provides automatic instrumentation for common libraries to help you save time and let you focus on business-specific metrics. Since our server uses Go's net/http package, we'll use the corresponding instrumentation package which is otelhttp.

If you're using a different framework (e.g., Gin), you can find the appropriate instrumentation library in the OpenTelemetry Registry.

To install otelhttp, run:

go get

After installing otelhttp, update your main.go file as follows:

package main

import (
    . . .

) . . . func main.go() { . . .
handler := otelhttp.NewHandler(mux, "/")
log.Println("Starting HTTP server on port 8000")
if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8000", handler); err != nil {
log.Fatal("Server failed to start:", err) } }

The otelhttp.NewHandler() function wraps the request multiplexer (mux), adding both metric and trace instrumentation. Since we haven't set up a trace provider, traces will default to a no-op implementation.

Once you're done modifying the source code, the server will automatically restart:

. . .
otel-metrics-demo            | main.go has changed
otel-metrics-demo            | building...
otel-metrics-demo            | running...
otel-metrics-demo            | 2024/11/04 17:20:08 Starting HTTP server on port 8000
. . .

Now, send a request to the root endpoint as before:

curl http://localhost:8000
Hello world

The ScopeMetrics portion of the output will be populated now with the otelhttp instrumentation scope and its three default metrics:

  "Resource": [. . .],
  "ScopeMetrics": [
      "Scope": {
        "Name": "",
        "Version": "0.56.0",
        "SchemaURL": ""
      "Metrics": [
"Name": "http.server.request.size",
"Description": "Measures the size of HTTP request messages.", "Unit": "By", "Data": { "DataPoints": [ { "Attributes": [. . .], "StartTime": "2024-10-30T09:24:38.457932153+01:00", "Time": "2024-10-30T09:24:47.460096693+01:00", "Value": 0 } ], "Temporality": "CumulativeTemporality", "IsMonotonic": true } }, {
"Name": "http.server.response.size",
"Description": "Measures the size of HTTP response messages.", "Unit": "By", "Data": { "DataPoints": [ { "Attributes": [. . .], "StartTime": "2024-10-30T09:24:38.457933515+01:00", "Time": "2024-10-30T09:24:47.460100785+01:00", "Value": 12 } ], "Temporality": "CumulativeTemporality", "IsMonotonic": true } }, {
"Name": "http.server.duration",
"Description": "Measures the duration of inbound HTTP requests.", "Unit": "ms", "Data": { "DataPoints": [ { "Attributes": [. . . ], "StartTime": "2024-10-30T09:24:38.457935351+01:00", "Time": "2024-10-30T09:24:47.460101534+01:00", "Count": 1, "Bounds": [0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000], "BucketCounts": [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "Min": 0.044231, "Max": 0.044231, "Sum": 0.044231 } ], "Temporality": "CumulativeTemporality" } } ] } ] }

At the time of writing, the latest version of the otelhttp instrumentation automatically generates three metrics which are:

  1. http.server.request.size: A Counter that tracks the cumulative size of all HTTP request messages.
  2. http.server.response.size: A Counter that tracks the cumulative size of all HTTP response messages.
  3. http.server.duration: A Histogram that measures the duration of inbound HTTP requests, with data grouped into predefined buckets for analyzing response times.

All three metrics share similar attributes which have been truncated in the above example. In the next steps, you'll learn to refine or drop metrics that aren't essential to reduce storage or bandwidth. Then, we'll look at creating custom metrics specific to your needs.

Step 4 — Dropping unwanted metrics

When using automatic instrumentation with OpenTelemetry, you may encounter metrics or attributes that aren't relevant to your needs, potentially creating an overload of data. You can filter out these unwanted metrics using custom views. In this step, you will drop the http.server.request.size and http.server.response.size metrics generated by the otelhttp instrumentation.

To drop these metrics, modify your newMeterProvider() function like this:

package main

import (
    . . .
. . . ) . . . func newMeterProvider( ctx context.Context, res *resource.Resource, ) (*metric.MeterProvider, error) { metricExporter, err := stdoutmetric.New(stdoutmetric.WithPrettyPrint()) if err != nil { return nil, err }
dropRequestSizeView := metric.NewView(
Name: "http.server.request.size",
Scope: instrumentation.Scope{
Name: "",
metric.Stream{Aggregation: metric.AggregationDrop{}},
dropResponseSizeView := metric.NewView(
Name: "http.server.response.size",
Scope: instrumentation.Scope{
Name: "",
metric.Stream{Aggregation: metric.AggregationDrop{}},
meterProvider := metric.NewMeterProvider( metric.WithResource(res), metric.WithReader(metric.NewPeriodicReader(metricExporter, // Default is 1m. Set to 3s for demonstrative purposes. metric.WithInterval(3*time.Second))),
metric.WithView(dropRequestSizeView, dropResponseSizeView),
return meterProvider, nil

In this snippet, we created two views: one for http.server.request.size and another for http.server.response.size. Each view uses the metric.AggregationDrop{} to tell OpenTelemetry to drop these metrics and they are passed to the metric.NewMeterProvider() function to ensure that they are applied during metric collection.

Once you save the changes, those metrics will be excluded from the output, leaving only http.server.duration:

  "Resource": [. . .],
  "ScopeMetrics": [
      "Scope": {
        "Name": "",
        "Version": "0.56.0",
        "SchemaURL": ""
      "Metrics": [
          "Name": "http.server.duration",
          "Description": "Measures the duration of inbound HTTP requests.",
          "Unit": "ms",
          "Data": {
            "DataPoints": [
                "Attributes": [. . . ],
                "StartTime": "2024-10-30T09:24:38.457935351+01:00",
                "Time": "2024-10-30T09:24:47.460101534+01:00",
                "Count": 1,
                "Bounds": [0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000],
                "BucketCounts": [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
                "Min": 0.044231,
                "Max": 0.044231,
                "Sum": 0.044231
            "Temporality": "CumulativeTemporality"

If you have many metrics to drop, it might become tedious to create individual views for each one. Instead, you can use a custom view with regular expressions to drop multiple metrics at once:

. . .

func newMeterProvider(
    ctx context.Context,
    res *resource.Resource,
) (*metric.MeterProvider, error) {
    metricExporter, err := stdoutmetric.New(stdoutmetric.WithPrettyPrint())
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

re := regexp.MustCompile(`http\.server\.(request|response)\.size`)
var dropMetricsView metric.View = func(i metric.Instrument) (metric.Stream, bool) {
// In a custom View function, you need to explicitly copy
// the name, description, and unit.
s := metric.Stream{
Name: i.Name,
Description: i.Description,
Unit: i.Unit,
Aggregation: metric.AggregationDrop{},
if re.MatchString(i.Name) {
return s, true
return s, false
meterProvider := metric.NewMeterProvider( metric.WithResource(res), metric.WithReader(metric.NewPeriodicReader(metricExporter, // Default is 1m. Set to 3s for demonstrative purposes. metric.WithInterval(3*time.Second))),
) return meterProvider, nil }

This solution uses a regular expression to match both http.server.request.size and http.server.response.size metrics and apply the Drop aggregation to them. If a metric matches the regex, the view drops it; otherwise, the metric is retained.

With these strategies, you can manage the amount of metric data generated, keeping only what's useful to prevent added costs.

In the following steps, we'll focus on create custom metrics tailored to your specific use cases.

Step 5 — Creating a Counter metric

To demonstrate the creation of a Counter metric, let's track the cumulative number of HTTP requests received by the server.

Edit your main.go file to include the new metric setup:

package main

import (
    . . .

type metrics struct {
httpRequestCounter metric.Int64Counter
func newMetrics(meter metric.Meter) (*metrics, error) {
var m metrics
httpRequestsCounter, err := meter.Int64Counter(
metric.WithDescription("Total number of HTTP requests received."),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m.httpRequestCounter = httpRequestsCounter
return &m, nil
. . . func main() { . . .
meter := otel.Meter(os.Getenv("OTEL_SERVICE_NAME"))
m, err := newMetrics(meter)
if err != nil {
mux := http.NewServeMux() mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
attribute.String("http.route", r.URL.Path),
w.Write([]byte("Hello world!")) }) . . . }

The metrics struct will hold all the metrics we'll be creating in this tutorial, and NewMetrics() is used to initialize it. It accepts a meter (retrieved with otel.Meter()) and returns the pointer to the metrics instance.

To create a Counter metric, you need to use the appropriate function depending on whether you're counting integers (meter.Int64Counter()) or floating point numbers (meter.Float64Counter()).

Once the counter is created, you can increment its value through the Add() method shown above. You can also add attributes to a metric through the attributes package as shown.

The server will restart automatically when you save your changes, so you can go ahead and repeat the request to the server root as before. You'll start seeing the new metric in a new instrumentation scope:

  "Resource": [. . .],
  "ScopeMetrics": [
      "Scope": {
        "Name": "",
        "Version": "0.56.0",
        "SchemaURL": ""
      "Metrics": [. . .]
      "Scope": {
        "Name": "otel-metrics-demo",
        "Version": "",
        "SchemaURL": ""
      "Metrics": [
"Name": "http.server.requests",
"Description": "Total number of HTTP requests received.", "Unit": "{requests}", "Data": { "DataPoints": [ { "Attributes": [ { "Key": "http.route", "Value": { "Type": "STRING", "Value": "/" } } ], "StartTime": "2024-10-30T12:08:52.480835467+01:00", "Time": "2024-10-30T12:09:04.482299763+01:00", "Value": 1 } ], "Temporality": "CumulativeTemporality", "IsMonotonic": true } } ] } ] }

Step 6 — Creating an UpDownCounter metric

An UpDownCounter metric allows you to track values that can increase or decrease, making it ideal for monitoring the number of active requests. In this step, we'll create an UpDownCounter metric to track in-progress requests.

Edit your main.go file to add the activeRequestUpDownCounter:


. . .

type metrics struct {
    httpRequestCounter         metric.Int64Counter
activeRequestUpDownCounter metric.Int64UpDownCounter
} func newMetrics(meter metric.Meter) (*metrics, error) { var m metrics httpRequestsCounter, err := meter.Int64Counter( "http.server.requests", metric.WithDescription("Total number of HTTP requests received."), metric.WithUnit("{requests}"), ) if err != nil { return nil, err }
activeRequestUpDownCounter, err := meter.Int64UpDownCounter(
metric.WithDescription("Number of in-flight requests."),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
m.httpRequestCounter = httpRequestsCounter
m.activeRequestUpDownCounter = activeRequestUpDownCounter
return &m, nil } . . .

The activeRequestUpDownCounter tracks active requests. It is incremented when a request is received and decremented once the response is sent. This allows you to see a live count of in-progress requests. The time.Sleep() call simulates a delay to keep requests active longer, which helps observe the activeRequestUpDownCounter changes.

Next, update the root route as follows to see it in action:

mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
            attribute.String("http.route", r.URL.Path),

m.activeRequestUpDownCounter.Add(r.Context(), 1)
time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)
w.Write([]byte("Hello world!"))
m.activeRequestUpDownCounter.Add(r.Context(), -1)

Once you save the file, send some traffic to the server root using a tool like wrk:

wrk -t 10 -c400 -d 10s --latency "http://localhost:8000"

This command runs a 10-second test with 10 threads and 400 connections, simulating high traffic.

With the load test in progress, you'll see the number of request in-progress which will eventually be 0 when the wrk command exits.

  "Scope": {
    "Name": "otel-metrics-demo",
    "Version": "",
    "SchemaURL": ""
  "Metrics": [
    . . .
"Name": "http.server.active_requests",
"Description": "Number of in-flight requests.", "Unit": "{requests}", "Data": { "DataPoints": [ { "Attributes": [], "StartTime": "2024-10-30T15:08:44.081618023+01:00", "Time": "2024-10-30T15:09:32.082396312+01:00",
"Value": 250
} ], "Temporality": "CumulativeTemporality", "IsMonotonic": false } } ] }

Step 7 — Creating a Guage metric

A Gauge metric in OpenTelemetry is used to track values that fluctuate over time without being accumulated across time periods. This is particularly useful for metrics like memory usage, which vary based on application state.

In this section, you'll set up a Gauge metric to monitor the memory usage of your Go application. We'll use the ObservableGuage instrument since the measurement cycle isn't tied to a specific event.

Here's how to set it up:

package main

import (
    . . .
. . . ) type metrics struct { httpRequestCounter metric.Int64Counter activeRequestUpDownCounter metric.Int64UpDownCounter
memoryUsageObservableGuage metric.Int64ObservableGauge
} func newMetrics(meter metric.Meter) (*metrics, error) { var m metrics httpRequestsCounter, err := meter.Int64Counter( "http.server.requests", metric.WithDescription("Total number of HTTP requests received."), metric.WithUnit("{requests}"), ) if err != nil { return nil, err } activeRequestUpDownCounter, err := meter.Int64UpDownCounter( "http.server.active_requests", metric.WithDescription("Number of in-flight requests."), metric.WithUnit("{requests}"), ) if err != nil { return nil, err }
m.memoryUsageObservableGuage, err = meter.Int64ObservableGauge(
"Memory usage of the allocated heap objects.",
func(ctx context.Context, o metric.Int64Observer) error {
memoryUsage := getMemoryUsage()
return nil
m.httpRequestCounter = httpRequestsCounter m.activeRequestUpDownCounter = activeRequestUpDownCounter return &m, nil }
func getMemoryUsage() uint64 {
var memStats runtime.MemStats
currentMemoryUsage := memStats.HeapAlloc
return currentMemoryUsage
. . .

It starts by creating a special gauge called memoryUsageObservableGuage designed to hold an Int64ObservableGauge instrument which will be responsible for tracking memory usage.

A callback function is registered using metric.WithInt64Callback(). Inside the function, getMemoryUsage() fetches the current memory usage, and Observer() reports this value to the monitoring system.

Since the metrics are being collected every three seconds, this means the callback function (and therefore the memory measurement) will execute every three seconds.

  "Name": "system.memory.heap",
  "Description": "Memory usage of the allocated heap objects.",
  "Unit": "By",
  "Data": {
    "DataPoints": [
        "Attributes": [],
        "StartTime": "2024-10-31T10:29:12.906723195+01:00",
        "Time": "2024-10-31T10:29:24.909464553+01:00",
        "Value": 619032 // The memory usage in bytes

Step 8 — Creating and customizing Histograms

Histograms are useful for tracking distributions of measurements, such as the duration of HTTP requests. In OpenTelemetry, creating a Histogram metric is straightforward. You can use meter.Float64Histogram() or meter.Int64Histogram() depending on the measurement type.

requestDurHistogram, _ := meter.Float64Histogram(
    metric.WithDescription("The duration of an HTTP request."),

With the Histogram instrument created, you can then call Record() to record an observation:

http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  start := time.Now()

  // do some work in an API call

  duration := time.Since(start)
requestDurHistogram.Record(r.Context(), duration.Seconds())

The default bucket boundaries for histograms in OpenTelemetry are optimized for millisecond durations:

[0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000]

If these boundaries don't fit your use case (e.g., if you're measuring in seconds), you can customize them using metric.WithExplicitBucketBoundaries():

requestDurHistogram, err := meter.Float64Histogram(
    metric.WithDescription("The duration of an HTTP request."),
metric.WithExplicitBucketBoundaries(0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10),

Recent updates in OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions have renamed http.server.duration to http.server.request.duration, with measurement units in seconds instead of milliseconds. However, the otelhttp instrumentation currently still emits the older metrics by default, although there is ongoing work to support the new metric conventions in a future release.

While you can use views to update the metric name, unit, and bucket boundaries, since we cant change how the values are being observed, the resulting metric observation will be useless.

// Don't do this
serverDurationView := metric.NewView(
        Name: "http.server.duration",
        Scope: instrumentation.Scope{
            Name: "",
        Name: "http.server.request.duration",
        Unit: "s",
        Aggregation: metric.AggregationExplicitBucketHistogram{
            Boundaries: []float64{0.005, 0.01, 0.025, 0.05, 0.075, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10},

A better solution is using the OpenTelemetry Collector to rename and transform the metrics using the Metrics Transform Processor. We'll look at some examples of this in a future tutorial.

Step 9 — Sending metrics data to an OpenTelemetry backend

After setting up your application to collect metrics, the next step is to send them to an OpenTelemetry backend for analysis and visualization. A common and recommended approach is to route this data through the OpenTelemetry Collector, which can then process and forward the metrics to a backend of your choice. This setup offers flexibility, as the Collector can integrate with various backends. In this step, we'll send the collected metrics to Better Stack.

Start by creating a free Better Stack account. Once signed in, go to the Telemetry dashboard. Under the Sources menu, click Connect source:

Connect source

Name the source Golang Metrics and set the platform to OpenTelemetry, then click Create source:

Creating a source in Better Stack

You'll see a page displaying the details of your new source. Copy the source token for use in the OpenTelemetry Collector configuration:

Copy the source token

If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, you'll see a "Waiting for metrics" message:

Waiting for metrics

Return to your text editor, and open the otelcol.yaml file. Replace the <source_token> placeholder with the token you just copied:

        endpoint: otel-metrics-demo-collector:4318

      - key: better_stack_source_token
value: <source_token>
action: insert batch: exporters: prometheusremotewrite/betterstack: endpoint: service: pipelines: metrics: receivers: [otlp] processors: [batch, attributes/betterstack] exporters: [prometheusremotewrite/betterstack]

Next, return to your terminal and install the otlpmetrichttp exporter with:

go get

Once installed, modify your metricExporter as follows:

package main

import (

"" "" semconv "" ) . . . func newMeterProvider( ctx context.Context, res *resource.Resource, ) (*metric.MeterProvider, error) {
metricExporter, err := otlpmetrichttp.New(ctx)
if err != nil { return nil, err } . . . }

This instructs your Go application to send the metrics to the HTTP endpoint configured with the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT environmental variable which is http://otel-metric-demo-collector:4318.

You may now run the command below to restart the services so that your updated configuration take effect:

docker compose restart

Once the containers are restarted, send a request to the server root to generate some metrics:

curl http://localhost:8000

Now, return to your Better Stack Dashboard. You will see a Metrics received message confirming that the metrics are now being ingested into Better Stack.

Metrics received in Better Stack

From here, you can explore the automatic OpenTelemetry dashboard in Better Stack to visualize your metrics. We'll cover advanced visualization and analysis in a future tutorial.

Final thoughts

In this tutorial, we explored the essentials of setting up and using OpenTelemetry metrics in a Go application, covering everything from setting up counters and gauges to customizing histograms.

Starting with the OpenTelemetry SDK setup, we saw how to instrument applications with meaningful metrics, automatically track HTTP server metrics, and manage data efficiently by filtering out unnecessary metrics.

We then examined how to send these metrics to an OpenTelemetry Collector, creating a flexible pipeline that can route telemetry data to multiple backends for advanced analysis and visualization. This setup offers a powerful way to gain insight into application performance, identify bottlenecks, and monitor resource usage over time.

With OpenTelemetry, you have a unified framework for handling distributed tracing, metrics, and logs, making it easier to adopt observability as an integral part of your application's lifecycle.

By leveraging these tools, you can build more resilient applications, improve performance, and enhance the user experience. The next steps could include exploring distributed tracing with OpenTelemetry or configuring custom processors in the OpenTelemetry Collector for even more control over data flows.

Thanks for reading, and happy monitoring!

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Ayooluwa Isaiah
Ayo is the Head of Content at Better Stack. His passion is simplifying and communicating complex technical ideas effectively. His work was featured on several esteemed publications including, Digital Ocean, and CSS-Tricks. When he’s not writing or coding, he loves to travel, bike, and play tennis.
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Monitoring Node.js Apps with OpenTelemetry Metrics
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