Sampling in OpenTelemetry: A Beginner's Guide
In distributed tracing, sampling is the process of selectively capturing and analyzing a subset of traces instead of recording every request that flows through a system. This approach is essential because storing and processing every trace at scale would be prohibitively expensive and resource-intensive.
A well-designed sampling strategy ensures that you retain meaningful insights into system behavior while significantly reducing the overhead associated with trace collection, processing, and storage.
There are different sampling techniques, including head-based sampling, where the decision to sample is made at the start of a request, and tail-based sampling, where traces are evaluated after they complete to determine their relevance.
In the following sections, we’ll explore these approaches in depth, but first, let’s establish why sampling is necessary in high-traffic systems.
Why is sampling important?
Sampling is crucial in distributed tracing because modern systems generate an overwhelming volume of trace data.
Without it, storing and processing every trace would impose significant overhead in terms of storage costs, network bandwidth, and computational resources. In extreme cases, this overhead could degrade the performance of the very system you’re trying to observe.
The core idea behind sampling is statistical representativeness—when implemented effectively, sampled traces provide an accurate picture of system behavior while using only a fraction of the resources.
This concept is similar to how election polls predict outcomes by surveying a small yet representative group of voters instead of the entire population.
However, achieving meaningful observability requires a sampling strategy that captures both typical behavior and critical edge cases, such as errors and performance anomalies.
For example, in a system handling millions of requests per hour, collecting traces for just 1% of requests can still yield statistically significant insights into performance trends, bottlenecks, and failure patterns—all while keeping resource consumption manageable.
The key to effective sampling is ensuring a well-balanced and diverse selection of traces that includes both normal operations and exceptional cases. When done correctly, sampling enables teams to maintain high-quality observability without unnecessary overhead.
When to implement sampling
You should consider implementing sampling when:
- Your system processes millions of requests per day, making full trace collection infeasible.
- The volume of trace data is negatively impacting system performance or observability tools.
- Trace storage costs are becoming a significant concern.
- Network bandwidth usage for trace data is growing unsustainably.
However, sampling may not be necessary when:
- Your system has low traffic, allowing full trace collection without major resource concerns.
- You're troubleshooting specific issues, where capturing every trace is necessary for detailed analysis.
- You're working with mission-critical systems, such as those in regulated industries, where missing any trace could lead to compliance or operational risks.
The main tradeoffs to consider with sampling is observability versus resource usage. While sampling reduces observability costs, it potentially means losing some important traces.
This risk can be mitigated through intelligent sampling strategies, but it's still a fundamental tradeoff. The decision often comes down to balancing the cost of collecting and storing traces against the value of having complete trace data for troubleshooting and analysis.
Another consideration is the complexity sampling adds to your observability pipeline. Implementing and maintaining sampling logic, especially sophisticated strategies like adaptive sampling, requires additional engineering effort and ongoing maintenance.
Depending on your needs, it could even be cheaper to allocate extra resources for observability rather than sampling data.
What's involved in sampling?
When a request enters your system, it generates a trace, which consists of multiple spans that track the request’s journey through different services and operations. Sampling determines which traces are retained and sent to an observability backend, and this decision can happen at various points in the request lifecycle.
At the edge of your system, head-based sampling makes immediate decisions about whether to sample a trace as the request first arrives. This is efficient but lacks context about how the request will behave as it flows through the system.
During processing, rate-limiting sampling might kick in at collectors or aggregation points to manage data volume. This approach helps regulate ingestion volume but does not differentiate between high-value and low-value traces.
Tail-based sampling happens after a trace is fully formed, allowing for more intelligent decision-making. By evaluating completed traces, the system can retain those with errors, high latencies, or other indicators of interest while discarding less significant ones.
The sampling process itself involves evaluating sampling rules against trace attributes. These rules might consider factors like service name, customer ID, error status, or duration.
When a trace is sampled, all its spans are typically kept to maintain context. Sampling decisions are propagated through trace context to ensure consistent behavior across services.
Practical implementation usually involves configuring samplers in your instrumentation code, setting up sampling rules in collectors or agents, and ensuring your observability backend is configured to handle the sampled data appropriately.
Modern observability platforms often provide additional capabilities like adaptive sampling that automatically adjusts rates based on traffic patterns, and intelligent sampling that ensures important traces (like those containing errors) are always captured, making the sampling process more dynamic and context-aware.
Understanding Head-based sampling
Head-based sampling makes the sampling decision at the very start of a request, typically at the service entry point.
When a request enters the system, the sampler determines whether to sample the request based on a predefined criteria such as random probability or specific request attributes.
This decision is then propagated throughout the entire trace lifecycle so that downstream services do not have to do extra work recording spans if the trace is not sampled.
The key advantage of head-based sampling is its simplicity and efficiency. Since the decision is made early (typically at the start), you avoid the overhead of collecting spans that would ultimately be discarded.
However, the main drawback is that decisions are made without knowing the request's eventual outcome or importance. You might miss capturing important traces containing errors or performance issues that weren't apparent at the start.
To prevent this, you can implement tail-based sampling since it can make informed sampling decisions after seeing the complete trace. Let's look at how it works next.
Understanding Tail-based sampling
Tail-based sampling makes sampling decisions after a trace completes, allowing decisions based on the full trace context including duration, errors, and complete request behavior.
This typically happens at a collector or aggregation point where traces are temporarily buffered before the sampling decision is made, and it allows the system to retain the most valuable traces while discarding routine, less informative traces.
The biggest advantage of tail-based sampling is its ability to selectively retain traces that provide meaningful insights into system behavior and performance. For example you could:
- Keep all traces where any service returns a 5xx error.
- Sample traces with unusual latency patterns, like when the request duration exceeds your SLO thresholds.
- Retain a larger share of traces that went through specific critical paths.
- Capture traces from specific high-value customers while discarding those from free-tier users.
Since the decision is made at the end of a trace’s lifecycle, the sampling decision is more intelligent so that traces that meet the criteria you're after are always kept.
Challenges of tail-based sampling
While tail sampling sounds like the ideal way to surface the most important traces while controlling the volume of data, it comes with its own set of challenges. Without proper planning, it can introduce complexity and operational overhead that outweigh its benefits.
Let's explore some of the most important things to consider before adopting a tail-based sampling approach to distributed tracing:
Resource consumption: Since all spans must be temporarily stored and processed before sampling decisions can be made, substantial processing and storage resources need to be dedicated to the sampler even for traces that will ultimately be discarded. This is a scaling challenge as the demand grows linearly with traffic volume.
Late-arriving data and completeness: Determining when a trace is actually complete is fundamentally challenging since spans often arrive out of order or can be delayed for a variety of reasons. You must make the difficult trade-off between waiting for potentially late spans and making timely decisions at the risk of losing visibility by discarding interesting data.
Latency in decision marking: Tail sampling also introduces a delay between span generation and sampling decisions, as it needs to collect enough trace data to make informed choices. This added latency will affect your ability to observe your systems in real-time.
Sampling policy complexity: Creating and maintaining effective sampling policies is inherently complex since they must balance multiple factors depending on how sophisticated your distributed systems are. As they evolve, these policies require ongoing refinement to remain effective.
Implementing trace sampling with OpenTelemetry
In OpenTelemetry, sampling can be implemented at both the SDK level (in your application code) and at the collector level. Let's look at both approaches in this section.
Head-based sampling
Using the OpenTelemetry SDK is the best approach when you need head-based sampling, where the sampling decision is made at the beginning of a request. This ensures that only selected traces are recorded and sent downstream, reducing overhead at the source. The SDK supports multiple built-in samplers:
- AlwaysOn: Samples every trace which is useful in development or testing environments, or in low-traffic systems where you want complete visibility. This is the default behavior if no sampling is specified.
- AlwaysOff: Use this if you'd like to disable tracing entirely.
- TraceIdRatioBased: This allows you to capture a configurable percentage of traces (such 10% of requests).
- ParentBased: Respects the sampling decision of the parent span if one exists. If there's no parent span, it delegates to a configured root sampler.
You configure any of these directly in your application's OpenTelemetry initialization:
import { getNodeAutoInstrumentations } from "@opentelemetry/auto-instrumentations-node";
import { OTLPTraceExporter } from "@opentelemetry/exporter-trace-otlp-http";
import { NodeSDK } from "@opentelemetry/sdk-node";
import { TraceIdRatioBasedSampler } from "@opentelemetry/sdk-trace-node";
const exporter = new OTLPTraceExporter();
const sdk = new NodeSDK({
traceExporter: exporter,
instrumentations: [getNodeAutoInstrumentations()],
sampler: new TraceIdRatioBasedSampler(0.1), // sample 10% of traces
Another way to configure head-sampling is through the following environmental variables:
export OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER="traceidratio"
After implementing head-based sampling, it's crucial to understand how to check sampling status and make decisions during span processing.
The span.IsRecording()
method tells you whether the current span is recording
data, which is different from checking if it's sampled.
A span can be recording even if it won't ultimately be exported. This is important when deciding whether to add attributes or events to spans:
By checking this attribute, you can avoid unnecessary work on spans that won't be exported.
const span = tracer.startSpan("my-operation");
if span.isRecording() {
// do your expensive computation here
Tail-based sampling
Tail-based sampling in OpenTelemetry is implemented at the collector level so you need to configure your applications to send all traces to the OpenTelemetry Collector.
In your collector configuration, set up the tail sampling processor:
decision_wait: 10s # How long to wait for traces
num_traces: 100 # Maximum traces to keep in memory
expected_new_traces_per_sec: 1
name: retain-payment-service,
type: string_attribute,
string_attribute: {
values: [payment-service]
receivers: [otlp]
processors: [tail_sampling, batch]
exporters: [otlp/jaeger]
The tailsamplingprocessor
allows you specify a variety of options to control
how traces are sampled and when. The most important one is policies
where you
can specify one or more polices that should be used to make a sampling decision.
In this above snippet, a simple policy is defined that retains a trace if any of
its spans was generated by the payment-service
With this configuration in place, only requests that pass through the
are retained while all others are dropped. You can then
forward the retained spans to the observability backend for inspection and
Limitations of OpenTelemetry's tail-based sampling
The journey with client-hosted tail-based sampling solutions like the OpenTelemetry Collector starts simply enough.
You can deploy a collector to centralize your sampling decisions and, with modest traffic, everything works smoothly. The collector buffers spans in memory, makes informed sampling decisions, and life is good.
But as your system grows, cracks begin to appear. Tail sampling requires all spans from a trace to arrive at the same collector instance for decision-making.
With a single collector, this isn't an issue. But as your trace volume increases, that lone collector starts struggling under the memory pressure of buffering all those spans. The CPU strain of processing span attributes for sampling decisions becomes noticeable.
However, you can't just add more collectors and call it a day. You need to ensure that all spans from the same trace reach the same collector instance, or you'll end up with fragmented traces and poor sampling decisions.
This forces you to implement routing mechanisms or sticky sessions, adding new layers of complexity to your system. This load balancing exporter was developed with this problem in mind.
High availability and disaster recovery also present significant challenges. If a collector instance fails, all buffered traces in that instance could be lost. Implementing redundancy and failover mechanisms for tail sampling adds another layer of complexity to the system architecture.
This is why many organizations eventually turn to vendor-hosted solutions that can provide more robust and scalable tail-based sampling capabilities without the operational overhead of managing the sampling infrastructure themselves.
Vendor solutions typically offer built-in high availability, automatic scaling, and even more advanced strategies (like adaptive sampling) to make more sophisticated decisions and ultimately end up with useful data to meaningfully observe your systems.
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