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A Practical Guide to Distributed Tracing with Jaeger

Ayooluwa Isaiah
Updated on September 1, 2024

Distributed tracing is a technique that empowers you to track requests as they navigate complex distributed systems. It reveals the path of requests, processing times, service connections, and potential failure points.

Jaeger is a leading open-source distributed tracing tool that excels in collecting, storing, and visualizing traces across microservices, enabling comprehensive system monitoring and troubleshooting. Its integration with Kubernetes and support for popular storage solutions like Elasticsearch and Cassandra make it ideal for large-scale, dynamic environments.

In this article, we will explore Jaeger's architecture and provide a step-by-step guide on how to implement tracing with Jaeger, from initial setup to visualizing and analyzing trace data for improved system performance and reliability.

Let's get started!


Before proceeding with this article, ensure that you meet the following requirements:

  • Basic familiarity with Docker and Docker Compose.
  • A recent version of Docker installed on your local machine.
  • A recent version of Go installed (optional).
  • Basic understanding of distributed tracing terminology (spans and traces).

What is Jaeger?

An overview of Jaeger's user interface

Jaeger is a distributed tracing backend that emerged at Uber in 2015 after being inspired by Google's Dapper and Twitter's OpenZipkin. It later joined the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) as an incubating project in 2017, before being promoted to graduated status in 2019.

Its core function is to monitor and troubleshoot distributed applications by providing a clear view of request flows and trace data throughout the system. This allows for the identification of performance bottlenecks, the root cause of errors, and a deeper understanding of service dependencies.

While Jaeger itself doesn't provide tracing instrumentation, it initially maintained OpenTracing-compatible tracers. However, these have been deprecated in favor of OpenTelemetry-based instrumentation, which is the recommended method for generating trace data in the OpenTelemetry Protocol (OLTP) format.

Essentially, OpenTelemetry handles the collection of telemetry data (including logs, metrics, and traces), while Jaeger focuses on the storage, visualization, and analysis of trace data specifically. Jaeger does not support logs or metrics.

Although OpenTelemetry is the preferred approach, Jaeger maintains compatibility with Zipkin instrumentation for those who have already invested in it.

How does Jaeger work?

Jaeger's operation revolves around collecting and analyzing trace data generated by distributed systems. This assumes that your application is already instrumented to produce such data using OpenTelemetry SDKs or compatible libraries.

With that in mind, here's a brief overview of how it all works:

  1. Collection: Instrumented applications generate spans representing units of work within a trace. These spans are then sent to a local OpenTelemetry collector, or directly to the Jaeger collector via OTLP exporters, which aggregates and batches them.

  2. Processing: Jaeger's processing pipeline receives the trace data, validating it, applying sampling to manage volume (if configured), and enriching it with additional details.

  3. Storage: The processed spans are subsequently stored them in a scalable storage backend such as Cassandra or Elsasticsearch.

  4. Ingester (optiona): If a message queue like Apache Kafka buffers the collector and storage, the Jaeger ingester reads from Kafka and writes to the storage.

  5. Querying: The Jaeger query service enables data querying by providing an API to retrieve trace data from the configured storage.

  6. Visualization: Jaeger provides a web interface for querying your trace data and analyzing the results to identify performance bottlenecks, and troubleshoot issues.

Now that you understand the internal mechanisms of Jaeger, let's move on to the practical steps of setting it up in your local environment.

Setting up Jaeger locally

As we explored in the previous section, Jaeger consists of several components working together to manage trace data. For convenient local testing, we'll utilize the all-in-one Docker image which bundles the Jaeger UI, collector, query, and agent components with an in-memory storage.

To run it locally, use the command below:

docker run --rm --name jaeger \
  -p 6831:6831/udp \
  -p 6832:6832/udp \
  -p 5778:5778 \
  -p 16686:16686 \
  -p 4317:4317 \
  -p 4318:4318 \
  -p 14250:14250 \
  -p 14268:14268 \
  -p 14269:14269 \
  -p 9411:9411 \

This command launches a self-contained Jaeger instance, accessible through the UI at http://localhost:16686. It's capable of accepting trace data from various sources, including OpenTelemetry and Zipkin.

Here's the breakdown of the exposed ports:

  • 6831/udp: Accepts jaeger.thrift spans (Thrift compact)
  • 6832/udp: Accepts jaeger.thrift spans (Thrift binary)
  • 5778: Jaeger configuration
  • 16686: Jaeger UI
  • 4317: OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) gRPC receiver
  • 4318: OpenTelemetry Protocol (OTLP) HTTP receiver
  • 14250: Accepts model.proto spans over gRPC
  • 14268: Accepts jaeger.thrift spans directly over HTTP
  • 14269: Jaeger health check
  • 9411: Zipkin compatibility

In this guide, we only need OLTP over HTTP and the Jaeger UI so you can run a shorter version of the command:

docker run \
  --rm \
  --name jaeger \
  -p 4318:4318 \
  -p 16686:16686 \
  -p 14268:14268 \

You should see the following messages in the terminal (truncated for brevity), confirming that the various services are listening on their respective ports:

. . .
{"msg":"Query server started","http_addr":"[::]:16686","grpc_addr":"[::]:16685"}
{"msg":"Health Check state change","status":"ready"}
{"msg":"Starting GRPC server","port":16685,"addr":":16685"}
{"msg":"[core] [Server #7 ListenSocket #8]ListenSocket created"}
{"msg":"Starting HTTP server","port":16686,"addr":":16686"}

When you open http://localhost:16686 in your browser, you should also observe the Jaeger user interface. Since it's backed by an in-memory database, there's not much to see here:

Jaeger search interface in the browser

With Jaeger successfully running, let's now introduce the demo project we'll use to generate trace data for visualization.

Setting up the demo application

Jaeger provides a demo application called HotROD, simulating a ride-sharing service with multiple microservices, all instrumented with OpenTelemetry for trace generation.

A standalone Docker image is also provided for this application so you can run the command below in a separate terminal to get set up:

docker run \
  --rm \
  --name hotrod \
  --link jaeger \
  --env OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT=http://jaeger:4318 \
  -p 8080-8083:8080-8083 \
  jaegertracing/example-hotrod:latest \
. . .
cobra@v1.8.1/command.go:985     Starting all services
frontend/server.go:78   Starting        {"service": "frontend", "address": ""}
customer/server.go:57   Starting        {"service": "customer", "address": ""}
route/server.go:55      Starting        {"service": "route", "address": ""}
driver/server.go:63     Starting        {"service": "driver", "address": "", "type": "gRPC"}

As you can see from the logs, there are four service: frontend, customer, route, and driver. You can access the main user interface by opening http://localhost:8080 in your browser:

HotROD application

The interface displays four customers, and clicking on any of them simulates requesting a ride, showing the assigned driver and estimated arrival time.

You'll also see some other bits of information on the screen:

  1. The web client ID (8258 in my case) on the top left is a random session ID assigned each time you refresh the page.

  2. The driver's licence plate (T757873C) that is responding to the request.

  3. The request ID (req: 8258-1) is an amalgamation of the client ID and a sequence number.

  4. The latency which shows how long the backend took to respond (737ms).

The interface also provides links to view traces generated by the current client or the current request in Jaeger. Clicking the open trace link will open the corresponding trace in the Jaeger UI:

Opening a trace in Jaeger

Next, we'll delve deeper into how to interpret and utilize this trace data in Jaeger for understanding and optimizing your applications.

Examining the HotROD architecture

We've learned that the HotROD application comprises four microservices, but to understand the request flow and interactions, we can leverage Jaeger's ability to automatically generate architecture diagrams.

The previous ride-sharing request provided Jaeger with enough data to create a visual representation. Go to the System Architecture page in the Jaeger UI to see it in action:

Jaeger Force Directed Graph

While the Force Directed Graph is useful for large architectures, for HotROD's smaller scale, switch to the DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) tab:

Jaeger Directed Acyclic Graph

Interpreting the diagram

This diagram reveals the components involved in fulfilling the ride request. We see the frontend initiating calls to three downstream services, two of which further interact with MySQL and Redis.

The graph also indicates the frequency of calls to each service, for example, route was called 10 times, and redis-manual was called 14 times. A single frontend request triggered 27 service interactions.

While this diagram offers a high-level overview, it doesn't detail the request flow or individual service response times. To gain these insights, we'll examine the actual traces in the next section.

Viewing trace data in Jaeger

To view the request trace data in Jaeger, you can click the open trace link in the HotROD interface like you did earlier. Another way is to open the Jaeger search page at http://localhost:16686/search where you'll see all the names of the services in the Services dropdown.

Select the root service (frontend in this case) and click the Find Traces button:

Selecting services and finding traces in Jaeger

You may see more than one trace depending on how long the application has been running, but the one we're interested in here is the trace for the frontend: /dispatch entry which should be the first one on the list:

HotROD frontend trace entry in Jaeger

This entry summarizes the trace, displaying the total spans, any errors, the involved services, and the duration of the backend operation (730.02ms), which might differ slightly from the frontend UI's report due to network latency.

Clicking the entry opens the timeline view, revealing details about the trace. The left side shows the hierarchy of calls, while the right side presents a Gantt chart visualizing each span's timing.

Trace timeline view in Jaeger with Gantt chart

Red circles with exclamation marks signify error-generating calls. Clicking these spans reveals details like the error tag and captured logs explaining the error ("redis timeout" in this case):

Jaeger Trace timeline showing redis-manual error in HotROD trace

Understanding the timeline view

The trace timeline visualizes the chronological sequence of events within the ride-sharing request. Each colored bar on the Gantt chart signifies a span (a unit of work performed by a service), showing its duration and timing relative to other spans in the trace.

In this specific request:

  1. The frontend service receives a /dispatch request, initiating the process.
  2. The frontend then makes a GET request to the /customer endpoint of the customer service.
  3. The customer service executes a SELECT SQL query on MySQL, returning the results to the frontend.
  4. Upon receiving the results, the frontend makes an RPC call to the driver service (driver.DriverService/FindNearest), which then makes multiple calls to Redis (some failing).
  5. After the driver service completes, the frontend executes a sequence of GET requests to the /route endpoint of the route service.
  6. Finally, the results are sent back to the external caller and displayed in the HotROD UI.

This demonstrates the power of tracing in understanding request flow within distributed systems. In the following section, we'll explore the specific contents of a span in Jaeger for deeper insights.

Digging deeper into spans

Each span within a trace holds a wealth of information so let's expand the root span (frontend /dispatch) in the trace timeline to explore its contents. The header displays the operation name, start time, duration, and the service responsible for the span. As the root span, it encompasses the entire trace duration.

The root span in Jaeger

The span consists of three sections:

1. Tags

These are key-value pairs attached to individual spans for capturing context-specific information like HTTP status codes, database query parameters, or custom attributes. OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions provide standardized attribute names for common scenarios, ensuring consistency and portability across systems.

2. Process

Process tags are associated with the entire service and added to all its spans. These include details like hostname, version, environment, and other static attributes.

3. Logs

Logs captured during a span's execution offer insights into the service's behavior in a specific operation. These logs can also be viewed through Docker (docker logs hotrod), but Jaeger provides a more focused view within the trace context.

Understanding service behavior through span logs

HotROD frontend service logs in Jaeger

Span logs can reveal application actions without requiring you to delve into the code. Here's a summary of the frontend service operation according to the logs:

  1. It requests customer data (with customer_id=123) from the customer service.

  2. Upon receiving the customer's location (115,277), it forwards it to the drivers service to find nearby drivers.

  3. Once drivers are found, the route service is called 10 times (matching the number of drivers) to calculate the shortest routes between driver and customer locations.

  4. The driver with the shortest route is dispatched, and the estimated arrival time (eta) is recorded.

By combining Gantt charts, span tags, and span logs, Jaeger offers a holistic view of distributed workflows, allowing easy navigation between high-level overviews and detailed analysis of individual operations.

Diagnosing and fixing performance issues

One of the primary advantages of distributed tracing lies in its capability to diagnose and pinpoint performance bottlenecks within complex systems. In this section, we'll discuss how to interpret Jaeger's trace timeline and span details to identify the sources of latency in the HotROD application.

Analyzing the trace timeline

Let's return to the high level overview of the trace timeline in Jaeger:

Overview of HotROD trace timeline in Jaeger

From the timeline, we can make the key observations:

  1. The initial customer service call is critical as it blocks further progress. It consumes nearly 40% of the total time, indicating a prime target for optimization.

    Initial call to customer service

  2. The driver service initially issues a FindDriverIDs request to the redis-manual backend which retrieves a set of driver IDs closest to the user's location as seen in the logs.

    driver service initial request span

  3. After obtaining the driver IDs, the system queries the redis-manual service to fetch each driver's data. However, these queries are executed sequentially, forming a distinct "staircase" pattern in the trace timeline. This sequential execution appears unnecessary and inefficient, as these queries could be performed concurrently to significantly reduce the overall latency.

    driver service sequential request span

  4. The route service calls demonstrate a concurrent execution pattern, where multiple requests are handled simultaneously, but not fully in parallel. The maximum number of concurrent requests is limited to three, indicating the use of a fixed-size thread pool or similar mechanism to manage the execution. This suggests an opportunity for optimization, as increasing the pool size or exploring alternative concurrency models could potentially improve overall performance.

    route service request spans

Even a cursory examination of the timeline reveals potential areas for improvement. Some optimizations are straightforward, like parallelizing Redis and route queries, while others, like improving the customer service query, require further investigation.

Simulating a high traffic scenario

To further understand how the service handles increased load, let's simulate a scenario with numerous concurrent requests. You can either rapidly click customer buttons in the HotROD UI or use the following command:

seq 1 50 | xargs -I {} -n1 -P10  curl --header "Baggage: session=9000,request=9000-{}" "http://localhost:8080/dispatch?customer=392"

This command generates 50 concurrent requests with custom baggage headers (session and request ID) for tracking. If using the browser, you'll find similar details in the request headers:

Baggage request header in Chrome DevTools

Upon returning to Jaeger's Search page and refreshing, you'll likely see a surge in traces. Sort them by Longest First to identify the most time-consuming requests:

Trace results sorted by longest first in Jaeger

You might observe that the longest trace now takes significantly longer than the initial single request (e.g., 3.15 seconds vs. 730ms in my case), indicating significant performance degradation under higher load.

Identifying the bottleneck

Examining the longest trace reveals that the MySQL query now dominates the overall duration, consuming approximately 86% of the total time. This query is the primary bottleneck hindering the service's scalability.

Expanding the SQL SELECT span reveals logs that explain the delay:

SQL SELECT span expanded in Jaeger

  1. The "Waiting for lock behind 8 transactions" event shows that the current request has to wait for eight other requests to complete their queries first before it is able to continue. It also provides the identities of the eight requests through the blockers property (as supplied by the request portion of the Baggage header)

  2. Approximately 2.4 seconds later, the other requests are finally done and it's able to acquire the lock. It also mentions that there are two other requests waiting behind it and provides their identities as well.

These logs suggest the application is configured to allow only one database connection at a time, causing significant contention and delays when multiple requests are made concurrently.

Examining the source code and fixing the bottleneck

The only way to assess if our inference is correct is to grab the source code. You can do this by cloning the Jaeger repository to your machine:

git clone

Navigate into the jaeger directory, then open the examples/hotrod/services/customer/database.go file in your text editor:

cd jaeger
code examples/hotrod/services/customer/database.go

In this file, you'll find code simulating a single database connection shared across goroutines, along with a default latency for queries:

. . .

func (d *database) Get(ctx context.Context, customerID int) (*Customer, error) {
    d.logger.For(ctx).Info("Loading customer", zap.Int("customer_id", customerID))

    ctx, span := d.tracer.Start(ctx, "SQL SELECT", trace.WithSpanKind(trace.SpanKindClient))
            String(fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM customer WHERE customer_id=%d", customerID)),
    defer span.End()

if !config.MySQLMutexDisabled {
// simulate misconfigured connection pool that only gives one connection at a time
defer d.lock.Unlock()
// simulate RPC delay
delay.Sleep(config.MySQLGetDelay, config.MySQLGetDelayStdDev)
if customer, ok := d.customers[customerID]; ok { return customer, nil } return nil, errors.New("invalid customer ID") }

The highlighted section intentionally creates a bottleneck by locking the database connection and introducing a delay. However, the application also includes configuration flags to disable these bottlenecks for demonstration purposes.

If you have Go installed on your machine, you can change into the examples/hotrod directory, and build the program with:

cd examples/hotrod
go build

A new hotrod binary will now be available in your current working directory. To discover the available flags, run the help subcommand:

./hotrod help
HotR.O.D. - A tracing demo application.

. . .

  -b, --basepath string                  Basepath for frontend service(default "/")
  -c, --customer-service-port int        Port for customer service (default 8081)
  -d, --driver-service-port int          Port for driver service (default 8082)
-D, --fix-db-query-delay duration Average latency of MySQL DB query (default 300ms)
-M, --fix-disable-db-conn-mutex Disables the mutex guarding db connection
-W, --fix-route-worker-pool-size int Default worker pool size (default 3)
. . .

The three highlighted flags provided for fixing the performance issues we observed. You can use --fix-db-query-delay/-D to reduce the fixed default latency of 300ms for SQL queries, and --fix-disable-db-conn-mutex/-M to disable the blocking behavior.

Let's go ahead and apply these flags to the HotROD application to see their effect. Ensure to stop the existing Docker container with the command below before launching the new instance:

docker container stop hotrod

Now launch the new instance with:

./hotrod all -D 50ms -M

The services should all start right up as before:

fix: overriding MySQL query delay       {"old": "300ms", "new": "50ms"}
fix: disabling db connection mutex
Starting all services
Starting        {"service": "frontend", "address": ""}
Starting        {"service": "customer", "address": ""}
Starting        {"service": "route", "address": ""}
Starting        {"service": "driver", "address": "", "type": "gRPC"}

In a new terminal, repeat the high traffic scenario command with a different session ID:

seq 1 50 | xargs -I {} -n1 -P10  curl --header "Baggage: session=9001,request=9001-{}" "http://localhost:8080/dispatch?customer=392"

After the requests complete, refresh Jaeger's search page and filter by Last 5 Minutes to see the latest traces, sorting by Longest First:

Viewing the latest trace data in Jaeger

The highest reported latency is now 1.88 seconds which is a significant improvement from the previous result, although the trend of increasing latency per request continues.

Clicking on a few traces shows that the SQL SELECT span now takes around 50-100ms to complete showing that it is no longer the bottleneck in this operation.

SQL SELECT trace is no longer the bottleneck

You'll also observe that the requests to the route service are exhibiting the staircase pattern, and there is a significant gap between each request, leading to latency still being relatively high and continuing to increase per additional request.

Requests to the route service exhibits staircase pattern

This suggests the bottleneck lies in how the route service is called, not within the service itself. Examining the services/frontend/best_eta.go file confirms this:

. . .
// getRoutes calls Route service for each (customer, driver) pair
func (eta *bestETA) getRoutes(ctx context.Context, customer *customer.Customer, drivers []driver.Driver) []routeResult {
    results := make([]routeResult, 0, len(drivers))
    wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
    routesLock := sync.Mutex{}
    for _, dd := range drivers {
        driver := dd // capture loop var
        // Use worker pool to (potentially) execute requests in parallel
        eta.pool.Execute(func() {
            route, err := eta.route.FindRoute(ctx, driver.Location, customer.Location)
            results = append(results, routeResult{
                driver: driver.DriverID,
                route:  route,
                err:    err,
    return results

The getRoutes() function receives the customer information and list of drivers that was retrieved earlier from the drivers service. It then executes the route service asynchronously for each driver through a pool of goroutines (eta.pool.Execute()). The pool size is configured according to the config.RouteWorkerPoolSize which defaults to 3 as you can see below:

. . .
func newBestETA(tracer trace.TracerProvider, logger log.Factory, options ConfigOptions) *bestETA {
    return &bestETA{
        customer: customer.NewClient(
            logger.With(zap.String("component", "customer_client")),
        driver: driver.NewClient(
            logger.With(zap.String("component", "driver_client")),
        route: route.NewClient(
            logger.With(zap.String("component", "route_client")),
pool: pool.New(config.RouteWorkerPoolSize),
logger: logger, } } . . .
var (
    . . .
    // RouteWorkerPoolSize is the size of the worker pool used to query `route` service.
    // Can be overwritten from command line.
    RouteWorkerPoolSize = 3
    . . .

This explains why we initially saw three parallel requests to the route service when we initially analyzed a single request trace. As the number of requests increases, the pool becomes saturated and we're only able to execute one additional request when a worker becomes free. This explains why you're now seeing one request at a time and why there are gaps between requests (since all workers are in use at the time).

The fix for this is increasing the number of workers in the pool which can be done through the -W/--fix-route-worker-pool-size option. Since goroutines are quite cheap (only a few kilobytes allocation), you can set this to a relatively high number like 10,000 depending on the maximum number of requests you'd like to be active at a given time.

Go ahead and restart the HotROD server by pressing Ctrl-C and typing:

./hotrod all -D 50ms -M -W 10000

The logs report that the worker pool size was indeed updated:

fix: overriding MySQL query delay       {"old": "300ms", "new": "50ms"}
fix: disabling db connection mutex
fix: overriding route worker pool size {"old": 3, "new": 10000}
Starting all services

When you simulate the high traffic experiment once again and observe the new traces, you will see that the command finishes much quicker than before:

seq 1 50 | xargs -I {} -n1 -P10  curl --header "Baggage: session=9002,request=9002-{}" "http://localhost:8080/dispatch?customer=392"

Opening the latest traces now reports the highest latency to be around 380ms, and you can see that all requests to the route service are now performed in parallel:

Updated traces in Jaeger

HotROD route service requests are not parallelized

With these simple steps, you've been able to significantly improved the performance of the service just by reading the traces, understanding where the bottlenecks are, and fixing the issues.

Final thoughts

In this guide, we explored Jaeger's capabilities as a powerful distributed tracing tool, enabling us to monitor and troubleshoot complex microservices-based applications.

By applying these techniques to the HotROD demo application, we demonstrated how Jaeger can be effectively utilized to optimize system performance and ensure seamless user experiences in modern distributed architectures.

As you continue your journey with Jaeger, remember that understanding the flow of requests and data is paramount to building reliable and efficient systems. With Jaeger's capabilities, you're well-equipped to tackle the challenges of distributed systems and deliver exceptional application performance and reliability.

Thanks for reading, and happy tracing!

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Article by
Ayooluwa Isaiah
Ayo is a technical content manager at Better Stack. His passion is simplifying and communicating complex technical ideas effectively. His work was featured on several esteemed publications including, Digital Ocean, and CSS-Tricks. When he's not writing or coding, he loves to travel, bike, and play tennis.
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