Incidents API response params

Response body parameters

Parameter Type Values
data Object Contains information about the incident. (see data table below)
included Object Contains information about included entity that triggered the incident. (see included table below)

Namespace data

Parameter Type Values
id String The id of the incident
type String incident
attributes Object Attributes object (see below) String Name of the incident
attributes.url String URL of the incident
attributes.http_method String Which HTTP method was used
attributes.cause String What caused the incident
attributes.incident_group_id Integer ID of the incident group. Can be null
attributes.started_at String (ISO DateTime format) When the incident started
attributes.acknowledged_at String (ISO DateTime format) When was the incident acknowledged
attributes.acknowledged_by String Who acknowledged the incident
attributes.resolved_at String (ISO DateTime format) When was the incident resolved
attributes.resolved_by String Who resolved the incident
attributes.response_content String Content of the response that triggered the incident
attributes.response_options JSON string Response metadata of the response performed by the monitor
attributes.regions Array of strings Region of the performed check. Valid values: us eu as au
attributes.response_url String Link to the text/source code snapshot of your site during the incident - similar to screenshot_url, but not rendered
attributes.screenshot_url String URL of the screenshot taken at the time of the incident
attributes.origin_url String URL of the integration that caused the incident
attributes.escalation_policy_id String ID of the escalation policy that is in place Boolean Should we call the on-call person?
attributes.sms Boolean Should we send an SMS to the on-call person? Boolean Should we send an email to the on-call person?
attributes.push Boolean Should we send a push notification to the on-call person?
relationships Object Relationships object (see below)
relationships.monitor Object Monitor object (see below) Object Monitor Data object contains information about monitor which triggered the incident) String Id of the monitor which triggered the incident
relationships.monitor.type String monitor

Namespace included

Parameter Type Values
id String Id of the monitor which triggered the incident
type String incident
attributes Object Attributes object (see below)
attributes.url String URL which the monitor is monitoring
attributes.pronounceable_name String Tongue-friendly name of the monitor. This name will be used when we call you.
attributes.monitor_type String Valid values: status β€” We will check your website for 2XX HTTP status code expected_status_code - We will check if your website returned one of the values in expected_status_codes. keyword β€” We will check if your website contains the required_keyword. keyword_absence - We will check if your website doesn't contain the required_keyword. ping β€” We will ping your host specified in the url parameter tcp β€” We will test a TCP port at your host specified in the url parameter (port is required) udp β€” We will test a UDP port at your host specified in the url parameter (port and required_keyword are required) smtp β€” We will check for a SMTP server at the host specified in the url parameter (port is required, and can be one of 25, 465, 587, or a combination of those ports separated by a comma) pop β€” We will check for a POP3 server at the host specified in the url parameter (port is required, and can be 110, 995, or both) imap β€” We will check for an IMAP server at the host specified in the url parameter (port is required, and can be 143, 993, or both)
attributes.monitor_group_id String Id of the monitor group that your monitor is part of.
attributes.required_keyword String Required if monitor_type is set to keyword or udp. We will create a new incident if this keyword is missing on your page.
attributes.required_keyword Boolean Should we verify SSL certificate validity?
attributes.check_frequency Integer How often should we check your website? In seconds Boolean Should we call the on-call person?
attributes.sms Boolean Should we send an SMS to the on-call person? Boolean Should we send an email to the on-call person?
attributes.push Boolean Should we send a push notification to the on-call person?
attributes.team_wait Integer How long to wait before escalating the incident alert to the team. In seconds.
attributes.http_method String HTTP Method used to make a request. Valid options: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH
attributes.request_timeout Integer How long to wait before timing out the request? In seconds.
attributes.recovery_period Integer How long the monitor must be up to automatically mark an incident as resolved after being down. In seconds.
attributes.request_body String Request body for POST, PUT, PATCH requests.
attributes.paused_at String (ISO DateTime format) When was the monitor paused. null if the monitor is not paused.
attributes.last_checked_at String (ISO DateTime format) When was the last check performed.
attributes.created_at String (ISO DateTime format) When was the monitor created.
attributes.updated_at String (ISO DateTime format) When was the monitor last updated