Google Monitoring integration API response params

Response body parameters

Namespace data

Parameter Type Value
id String The id of the Google Monitoring integration. (string representation of a number)
type String google_monitoring_integration
attributes Object Attributes object - contains all the Google Monitoring integration attributes. See below: String Name of the Google Monitoring integration.
attributes.policy_id String ID of the escalation policy associated with the Google Monitoring integration. (string representation of a number) Boolean Do we call the on-call person?
attributes.sms Boolean Do we send an SMS to the on-call person? Boolean Do we send an email to the on-call person?
attributes.push Boolean Do we send a push notification to the on-call person?
attributes.team_wait Integer How long we wait before escalating the incident alert to the team. In seconds.
attributes.recovery_period Integer How long the alert must be up to automatically mark an incident as resolved. In seconds.
attributes.paused Boolean Is the Google Monitoring integration paused.
attributes.webhook_url String The URL to which to point the Google Monitoring webhook to.