Explore documentation

Escalation policies API response params

Response body parameters

Namespace data

Parameter Type Values
id String ID of the escalation policy.
type String policy
attributes Object Attributes object. See below.
attributes.name String Name of the policy.
attributes.repeat_count Integer How many times should the entire policy be repeated if no one acknowledges the incident.
attributes.repeat_delay Integer How long in seconds to wait before each repetition.
attributes.incident_token String Incident token that can be used for manually reporting incidents.
attributes.policy_group_id Integer The policy group this policy is in. Set this attribute to assign this policy to a policy group.
attributes.team_name String The name of the team this policy is in.
attributes.steps.[] PolicyStep An array of escalation policy steps. See the PolicyStep section below for attribute details.


Parameter Type Values
type String The type of the step. Can be either escalation, time_branching, or metadata_branching.
wait_before Integer How long to wait in seconds before executing this step since previous step. Omit if wait_until_time is set.
wait_until_time String (HH:MM) Execute this step at the specified time. Omit if wait_before is set.
wait_until_timezone String Timezone to use when interpreting wait_until_time. Omit if wait_before is set.
urgency_id Integer Which severity to use for this step. Used when step type is escalation.
step_members.[] PolicyStepMember An array of escalation policy steps members. Used when step type is escalation. See the PolicyStepMember section below for attribute details.
timezone String What timezone to use when evaluating time based branching rules. Used when step type is time_branching. The accepted values can be found in the Rails TimeZone documentation.
days String[] An array of days during which the branching rule will be executed. Valid values are ["mon", "tue", "wed", "thu", "fri", "sat", "sun"]. Used when step type is time_branching.
time_from String A time from which the branching rule will be executed. Use HH:MM format. Used when step type is time_branching.
time_to String A time at which the branching rule will step being executed. Use HH:MM format. Used when step type is time_branching.
metadata_key String A metadata field key to check. Used when step type is metadata_branching.
metadata_values String[] An array of metadata values which will cause the branching rule to be executed. Used when step type is metadata_branching.
policy_id Integer A policy to executed if the branching rule matches the time of an incident. Policy is only stopped when null is provided. Used when step type is time_branching or metadata_branching.


Parameter Type Values
type String Type type of the member to notify during an incident. Can be one of current_on_call, entire_team, all_slack_integrations, all_microsoft_teams_integrations, all_zapier_integrations, all_webhook_integrations, all_splunk_on_call_integrations, user, webhook, slack_integration, microsoft_teams_integration, zapier_webhook.
id String The ID of the resource to notify during an incident. Required for webhook, slack_integration, microsoft_teams_integration and zapier_webhook member types. This is e.g. the ID of the user to notify when type is user, or optionally ID of the team when type is current_on_call.
email String The e-mail of the user to notify. Used when type is user. When email is provided the id will be inferred automatically.