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Introduction to the OpenTelemetry SDK

Ayooluwa Isaiah
Updated on September 30, 2024

Observability is a critical aspect of modern software development, particularly in complex distributed systems. It empowers developers and operators to understand, monitor, and troubleshoot their applications effectively. OpenTelemetry has emerged as a leading open-source standard for instrumenting and collecting telemetry data, providing a unified framework for traces, metrics, and logs.

In this article series, we embark on a journey into the heart of OpenTelemetry. We'll explore its architecture, components, and integration techniques, offering a comprehensive understanding of how it empowers you to gain deep insights into your systems.

In this first part, we focus on the OpenTelemetry SDK, the core library responsible for instrumenting your applications and generating telemetry data. We'll delve into the intricacies of traces, metrics, and logs, and how they are collected, processed, and prepared for export. By the end of this article, you'll have a solid grasp of how to leverage the OpenTelemetry SDK to instrument your services and lay the foundation for a robust observability practice.


Before proceeding with this article, ensure that you're familiar with the basic OpenTelemetry concepts.

What is the OpenTelemetry SDK?

OpenTelemetry (OTel) streamlines the collection of crucial observability data (logs, metrics, and traces) across diverse services, irrespective of their underlying tech stacks. To accomplish this, OpenTelemetry offers:

  • SDKs for popular languages: These SDKs (Software Development Kits) initiate OTel's core functionalities in languages like Python, Go, NodeJS, Rust, and Java.
  • Library-specific instrumentations: These automatically capture signals and context specific to particular tools or frameworks, such as Starlette, HTTPX, or aiopika. Additionally, you can further customize your observability by instrumenting your codebase with traces and metrics tailored to your business logic.

There are two primary ways to set up OTel in your application:

  • Automatic setup: Some languages allow an agent to configure OTel before the main application runs. However, this isn't universally supported; Golang, for instance, lacks this capability.

  • Manual setup: You explicitly configure OTel within your code to initiate data collection.

To illustrate OTel SDK design and implementation, let's examine the manual setup process in Python:

package main

import (

    semconv ""

func main() {
    // Set up trace exporter to console (stdout)
    exporter, err := stdouttrace.New(stdouttrace.WithPrettyPrint())
    if err != nil {

    // Create a resource describing the service
    res, err := resource.New(context.Background(),
    if err != nil {

    // Create trace provider with batching and the exporter
    bsp := trace.NewBatchSpanProcessor(exporter)
    tracerProvider := trace.NewTracerProvider(
        trace.WithSampler(trace.AlwaysSample()), // Sample all traces for this example

    // Set the global trace provider and text map propagator
    otel.SetTextMapPropagator(propagation.NewCompositeTextMapPropagator(propagation.TraceContext{}, propagation.Baggage{}))

    // Create a meter provider with a stdout exporter
    // (You might want a different exporter for real-world scenarios)
    metricExporter, err := metric.NewExporter(metric.WithReader(metric.NewPeriodicReader(metric.WithExporter(metric.NewManualReader())))
    if err != nil {
    meterProvider := metric.NewMeterProvider(metric.WithReader(metricExporter))

    // Now you can use `otel.Tracer("...")` and `global.Meter("...")`
    // to instrument your code

    // ... your application logic ...

    // Clean up
    if err := tracerProvider.Shutdown(context.Background()); err != nil {
    if err := meterProvider.Shutdown(context.Background()); err != nil {


In the Go example, we create a Resource using the following code:

res, err := resource.New(context.Background(),
if err != nil {

This Resource represents the entity (in this case, the notifications service) that's generating the observability signals (traces and metrics). It's crucial for providing context to these signals.

Attributes and Context

The core idea here is that most of the context in observability signals is conveyed through attributes or tags, which are essentially key-value pairs. Your observability backend can then process these attributes to correlate different pieces of information and gain insights into your system's behavior.

OpenTelemetry makes a concerted effort to standardize attribute names across different languages and libraries. This is where the semconv package comes in, providing standardized semantic conventions for common attributes like service name and version. By using these conventions, you ensure consistency across your entire system, making it easier to analyze and understand your observability data.


In the Go example, we set global providers for both tracing and metrics using:


These global providers act as central points of configuration and management for tracing and metrics within your Go application. Once set, other parts of your code can access and use these providers to create tracers and meters for instrumenting specific components or functionalities.

OpenTelemetry SDKs, including the Go SDK, also provide "No-Op" implementations for providers (e.g., NoopTracerProvider, NoopMeterProvider). These No-Op providers essentially do nothing - they don't generate any actual traces or metrics.

This design choice is a prime example of the Null Object Pattern. The idea is to provide a default, "do-nothing" implementation that can be used in situations where you might not have a fully configured observability setup (such as in a testing environment).


The TracerProvider is responsible for creating Tracer instances. Each Tracer is associated with a specific trace, which represents a distinct workflow or operation in your system. For example, a trace named GET /users/{user_id}/ could encompass all requests to an API endpoint that retrieves user data.

Within a trace, individual steps or actions are represented by spans. These spans form a hierarchical tree, capturing the parent-child relationships between different operations. For instance, within the GET /users/{user_id}/ trace, you might have a span for fetching user data from the database.

Spans can also carry additional context through attributes, which are key-value pairs that record details like event occurrences, action statuses, or any other relevant information.

The hierarchical structure of spans within a trace allows you to visualize the entire flow of an operation in your observability backend. This visualization helps you understand the sequence of events, identify performance bottlenecks, and pinpoint potential issues within your system.

Once you have your tracer provider, you can crate a new trace with:

ctx, span := tracer.Start(context.Background(), "users:get-info")
defer span.End()

span.SetAttributes(attribute.String("user_id", "..."))

// Nested span
_, childSpan := tracer.Start(ctx, "users:get-info:check-permissions")
defer childSpan.End()

// ... your logic for checking permissions ...


In the OpenTelemetry protocol, traces are more of a conceptual entity that provides a context for holding related spans. The actual data points collected, processed, and exported are the spans themselves.

Anatomy of a Span

A span encapsulates a unit of work within a trace and comprises the following elements:

  • Name: A human-readable title describing the step or operation represented by the span
  • Kind: Categorizes the span's nature (e.g., internal, server, client, producer, consumer)
  • Status: Indicates the outcome of the operation (e.g., not set, ok, error)
  • Span Context: Uniquely identifies the span within the trace
  • Parent Span Context: Links the span to its parent in the trace hierarchy
  • Resource Context: Provides information about the entity generating the span
  • Trace or Instrumentation Scope: Associates the span with a specific trace or instrumentation library
  • Span Attributes: Key-value pairs providing additional context about the span
  • Span Events: Named events with timestamps and their own set of attributes, representing specific occurrences within the span's lifecycle
  • Span Links: Connect the span to other spans that might have influenced or caused it
  • Start Time & End Time: Timestamps indicating the span's duration

The Span class often acts as a context manager. This means that when a span is started and subsequently exits its scope, the SpanProcessor is automatically notified about these events, facilitating the collection and export of span data

Span sampling

Span sampling is an optional technique used to filter out specific spans or other data points based on certain criteria or even randomly.

The primary motivations for sampling include:

  • Cost Optimization: Reduces the volume of data ingested and stored, leading to cost savings
  • Focus on Relevant Data: Filters out routine, uninteresting data, retaining primarily spans with errors, those exceeding specific thresholds, or those possessing particular attributes
  • Targeted Filtering: Enables selective filtering based on the presence or absence of specific attributes
  • Early Filtering: Sampling at the SDK level allows for filtering at the earliest stage in the pipeline (head sampling), potentially improving efficiency Built-in Samplers

OpenTelemetry offers a few span samplers out of the box:

  • StaticSampler: Always or never drops spans, providing a simple on/off mechanism
  • TraceIdRatio: Probabilistically drops a specified proportion of spans based on their Trace ID.

These samplers can be configured to respect parent span decisions. If a parent span is dropped due to sampling, all its child spans will also be discarded, ensuring consistency in the trace data.

Span processors

Once spans reach their completion, they are handed over to span processors. This marks the final stage in a span's lifecycle within your service, just before it's sent to an external exporter for further processing and storage.

OpenTelemetry leverages span processors to implement:

  1. Batching: Spans are collected and grouped into batches for more efficient export.
  2. Multiplexing: Batches of spans can be dispatched to multiple exporters simultaneously.

The BatchSpanProcessor is a commonly used implementation that collects spans and exports them either periodically based on a schedule or when its internal queue reaches its capacity.

It achieves this by utilizing a separate daemon thread to handle the batching and export logic. The processor waits until a batch is formed or a timeout occurs. This elegant waiting mechanism is often implemented using a Threading.condition construct.

OpenTelemetry also offers two MultiSpanProcessor variants:

  • Sequential MultiSpanProcessor: Processes spans sequentially through a list of span processors
  • Concurrent MultiSpanProcessor: Utilizes a ThreadPoolExecutor to process spans concurrently across multiple span processors

Span processors play a crucial role in optimizing the export of span data from your service. They enable batching for efficiency, support multiplexing to various exporters, and offer flexibility in handling span processing through sequential or concurrent approaches.

Context propagation

While we've discussed trace spans within the context of a single service, the true power of distributed tracing lies in its ability to connect the dots across various microservices involved in a workflow. To achieve this, OpenTelemetry needs a mechanism to propagate context between services, ensuring that each service can link its spans to the parent trace initiated at the workflow's beginning.

OpenTelemetry stores propagatable information in the runtime context. In the Python SDK, this is cleverly implemented using the contextvars standard library, providing scoped "global" variables accessible within the context of tasks.

By default, OpenTelemetry defines two essential context variables:

  • Current Span: Holds a reference to the currently active trace span, allowing new spans to be created as children of this span, maintaining the trace hierarchy.
  • Baggage: Stores arbitrary key-value information that should be propagated across all microservices involved in the workflow, providing additional context for each service.

In the realm of HTTP-based communication, OpenTelemetry adheres to the W3C Trace Context specification to propagate context via HTTP headers. The specification outlines the following headers for carrying span context:

  • traceparent: Contains the trace ID, parent span ID, and flags (e.g., indicating if the trace was sampled)
  • tracestate: Carries vendor-specific trace context or identifiers While the baggage context isn't explicitly defined in the specification, OpenTelemetry conveniently transmits it using an additional HTTP header named baggage.

The receiving microservice must be equipped to recognize and extract context information from these headers, setting it in its local runtime context. This enables the creation of new spans that are correctly associated with the propagated trace.

OpenTelemetry's design is inherently framework and transport-protocol agnostic. It provides the necessary functions for context extraction and injection, but the actual propagation mechanism is implemented through instrumentation of your clients and servers.

A rich collection of auto-instrumentors is also provided to seamlessly handle context propagation for various popular frameworks and libraries, streamlining the process of enabling distributed tracing in your applications.


Let's shift our focus to Metrics, another vital pillar of observability, and understand how their collection mechanism differs from that of traces.

Unlike traces, where spans are actively created and completed by user code, metrics collection is a continuous process that persists throughout the service's lifetime. This means the collection only ceases when the service itself shuts down.

Given that service uptime can span days or even weeks, a different approach is necessary for exporting metrics. Instead of exporting individual measurements as

Similar to traces, OpenTelemetry utilizes a MeterProvider to connect metrics with their corresponding exporters. The MeterProvider is responsible for creating instances of Meter.

Meters serve as instrumentation-specific measurement components. Each OpenTelemetry instrumentation library establishes its own meter (e.g., dedicated meters for HTTP clients and servers).

For custom measurements, it's generally recommended to have a single global meter per service, although you have the flexibility to create more if needed.

For example, here's how to measure a custom metric in Go:

// Globally defined custom metric
userInfoCacheMissCounter := global.Meter("users").NewInt64Counter(
    metric.WithDescription("The number of cache misses when fetching user's info"),

// Later on, you can import the metric and measure what you need
userInfoCacheMissCounter.Add(context.Background(), 1, attribute.String("user.org_id", "..."))

In this Go example:

  • We create a global Int64Counter metric named users.cache.miss using the global meter associated with the users component.
  • We provide a description for the metric.
  • Later in your code, you can import this metric and use its Add method to increment the counter whenever a cache miss occurs, attaching relevant attributes for context.

Metric instruments

Now that we have a meter, we can create specific metric instruments to capture the measurements we want to observe. OpenTelemetry broadly classifies metrics into two categories:

  1. Synchronous metrics: These are metrics that you directly measure within your service workflows. You observe them as soon as the relevant event occurs. For example, incrementing a counter metric during a user login process falls into this category.

  2. Asynchronous (or observable) metrics: These metrics are read from external sources. Instead of directly measuring the value, you observe aggregated or in-time statistics. An example would be monitoring the number of items in a queue, where you can only read the queue's size property rather than instrumenting the queue itself.

Metric types

OpenTelemetry supports a variety of metric types to suit different measurement scenarios:

  • Counter (and Observable Counter): Represents an ever-growing or monotonically increasing value. Ideal for tracking things like the total number of requests processed by a service.

  • UpDownCounter (and Observable UpDownCounter): A value that can both increase and decrease. Useful for measuring quantities that fluctuate, like the number of in-flight requests.

  • Histogram (and Observable Histogram): Suitable for measurements where you want to calculate statistics like percentiles or averages. A common use case is tracking request latency.

  • Gauge: Similar to an Observable UpDownCounter, but each measurement is treated as an independent data point, not summed up. Gauges are well-suited for monitoring system resource utilization like CPU or RAM usage.

The choice of metric type depends on the nature of the measurement you want to capture. Consider whether the value is always increasing, can fluctuate, or requires statistical analysis.

Remember, effective observability relies on selecting the appropriate metric instruments and collecting meaningful data that provides insights into your system's behavior and performance.


Let's now shift our focus to Logs, the most prevalent and historically significant observability signal for gaining insights into code execution, but this time, within the context of the Go OpenTelemetry setup.

Logs are inherently straightforward to work with. You can write them to standard output or a file and then analyze them as needed. They don't require specialized viewers like traces or metrics, making them easily accessible. This simplicity has resulted in the abundance of readily available logging libraries across most programming languages.

Paradoxically, despite their widespread adoption, logs were the last signal to be incorporated into OpenTelemetry. For numerous languages, the integration is still in an experimental phase or entirely absent.

As of now, OpenTelemetry's log integration in Go is still under development. The community is actively working on providing a seamless way to bridge existing logging libraries with OpenTelemetry's capabilities. While the exact implementation might evolve, the core principles will likely mirror those seen in other languages.

We can anticipate a similar architecture to what we've observed in the trace component. There will likely be a dedicated LoggerProvider responsible for managing log processors, with exporters attached to these processors. The processors would then forward logs to the exporters for storage in your preferred observability backend.

Semantic conventions

Before concluding, let's address a crucial topic that impacts service instrumentation and metrics: maintaining consistency.

Imagine three teams within a company, each managing distinct subsystems. If asked to define "golden signal" metrics for their services, it's highly probable that they'd come up with different metric names, even for conceptually identical measurements. This discrepancy is even more likely if they employ different tech stacks with varying conventions and naming standards.

This lack of consistency can create chaos and impede the reuse of dashboards, alerts, and other observability tools. Similar issues can arise with traces when instrumenting database queries, object storage access, and other common operations.

Recognizing this challenge, OpenTelemetry has introduced a set of standardized names for prevalent operations across all three signals – traces, metrics, and logs. By adopting these conventions, you can establish a unified view of your entire system, facilitating analysis and understanding through your observability tools.

In essence, OpenTelemetry's emphasis on standardization helps overcome the fragmentation that can arise when multiple teams and technologies converge. It fosters a cohesive observability ecosystem where insights can be gleaned efficiently and effectively across the entire system.

Final thoughts

In this article, we delved into the inner workings of OpenTelemetry's SDK, exploring its integration from a service development perspective. We examined how OpenTelemetry handles traces, metrics, and logs, and the mechanisms it employs to collect, process, and export this valuable observability data.

Thanks for reading!

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Article by
Ayooluwa Isaiah
Ayo is the Head of Content at Better Stack. His passion is simplifying and communicating complex technical ideas effectively. His work was featured on several esteemed publications including, Digital Ocean, and CSS-Tricks. When he’s not writing or coding, he loves to travel, bike, and play tennis.
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The Missing Guide to OpenTelemetry Semantic Conventions
Learn the importance of using the OpenTelemetry semantic conventions to create standardized and interoperable telemetry data.
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