New to OpenTelemetry Metrics? Start Here
Metrics are one of the three recognized "pillars" of observability, alongside logs and traces, which together provide a comprehensive view of your application's health and performance.
While logs offer detailed records of events, and traces track the flow of requests, metrics capture quantitative measurements about your system, allowing you to understand trends, identify anomalies, and make data-driven decisions.
In this article, you'll learn the key concepts of OpenTelemetry metrics and how to instrument your applications for effective monitoring.
Let's dive in!
What are metrics?
Metrics are numerical representations of a system's state or behavior over time. They are quantitative measurements collected at regular intervals and used to track the performance, health, and behavior of various system or application components.
For example, we have common application and resource utilization metrics such as:
- CPU and memory usage.
- Response time (latency).
- Error rate.
- Request rate (throughput).
- Disk usage.
- Network utilization.
- Queue length.
- and many others.
The classic application of metrics is using them to plot dashboards and implement alerts to help developers and SREs to understand how well systems are functioning at a glance, and quickly identify and resolve issues.
What are OpenTelemetry metrics?
OpenTelemetry metrics are a standard set of tools for collecting, aggregating, and sending metrics data from your applications to backend monitoring systems. It's part of the larger OpenTelemetry project, which aims to standardize how you collect and manage telemetry data.
The design goals for metrics focus on three main objectives:
Integration with other signals. With OpenTelemetry, Metrics can be seamlessly correlated with other telemetry data like traces and logs. This is achieved through exemplars, which link metrics to specific traces, and by providing consistent metadata using Baggage, Context, and Resource.
Providing a migration path from OpenCensus allowing users to transition without significant changes to their existing instrumentation.
Compatibility with existing standards like Prometheus and StatsD. OpenTelemetry offers clients and a Collector that can collect metrics instrumented in such formats to ensure a seamless integration with existing tools and workflows.
To get the most out of OpenTelemetry Metrics, it's helpful to understand its underlying data model. Let's take a quick look at how it represents and manages your metrics data.
Exploring the metrics data model
The metrics data model is designed for flexible and efficient handling of metrics data. It enables interoperability with existing metrics systems, generating metrics from spans or logs, accurate translation between formats without loss of semantics, and efficient data transformations and processing.
The OpenTelemetry Collector utilizes this model to ingest, process, and export metrics data to various backends, including Prometheus, without losing information.
OpenTelemetry has three models for metrics:
The Event Model which focuses on capturing raw measurements using Instruments and transforming them into metric streams.
The Timeseries Model which defines how backend systems store the collected metric data.
The OTLP Stream Model which governs how metric data streams are exchanged between the Event model and the Timeseries storage, ensuring consistent representation and efficient transmission.
This article primarily focuses on the Event Model, where your application code interacts with OpenTelemetry to capture and transform metric data. By understanding this layer, you'll gain a solid foundation for effectively instrumenting your applications and collecting meaningful metrics.
Understanding the metrics API
The OpenTelemetry Metrics API provides a standardized way to instrument your application code and collect quantitative measurements about its performance and behavior. Here's a breakdown of key concepts you need to know:
1. MeterProvider
The MeterProvider
is the entry point for instrumenting your application and
collecting metrics data. You can think of it like a factory or a registry for
creating and managing Meter
instances. It's key responsibilities are:
- Creating
s with a unique name and version. - Associating metrics with resources which provide context about the environment where they're being collected.
- Configuring exporters to determine where your metrics data is sent.
Typically, a MeterProvider
is global to a service and is expected to be
accessed from a central place. Therefore, most OpenTelemetry SDKs often provide
a way to register and access a global default MeterProvider
meterProvider, _ := newMeterProvider(res)
// Register as global meter provider so that it can be used via otel.Meter
// and accessed using otel.GetMeterProvider.
// Most instrumentation libraries use the global meter provider as default.
// If the global meter provider is not set then a no-op implementation
// is used, which fails to generate data.
Here's an example of how a function that creates a MeterProvider
in Go:
func newMeterProvider(res *resource.Resource) (*metric.MeterProvider, error) {
metricExporter, err := stdoutmetric.New()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
meterProvider := metric.NewMeterProvider(
// Default is 1m. Set to 3s for demonstrative purposes.
return meterProvider, nil
In this example, the MeterProvider
is set up to:
- Collect metrics data every three seconds.
- Send the collected data to standard output.
- Associate the metrics with the provided
, which adds context such as service name and version to your metrics.
2. Meter
The primary function of a Meter
is to create instruments like
Counters, UpDownCounters, Histograms, and Gauges. You use then these instruments
to record specific Measurements within your application.
Each Meter
has a unique name and an optional version to help with organizing
and distinguishing your metrics, especially when you have multiple components or
libraries contributing to the overall instrumentation
A Meter
inherits resource information from the MeterProvider
it was created
from to ensure that all instruments created by a Meter
are associated with the
same resource.
Once you've initialized a MeterProvider
instance, you can create a new Meter
with a unique name and optional version like this:
meter := meterProvider.Meter("example-meter", metric.WithInstrumentationVersion("0.1.0"))
3. Instrument
Instruments are the primary means of capturing metric data in a service. Each instrument is designed to measure a particular metric and provide the raw data that is then aggregated and exported to your monitoring system.
Here's a breakdown of the main instrument types and their purposes:
- Counter: Tracks values that monotonically increase, like the number of requests, errors, or completed tasks.
- UpDownCounter: Similar to a
, but the value can also decrease. Useful for tracking values that fluctuate, like the number of active connections or items in a queue. - Histogram: Measures the statistical distribution of a set of values, such as request latency or response sizes. It groups values into buckets and counts how many fall into each bucket.
- Gauge: Captures the current value of something, like CPU usage, memory available, or temperature.
You create instruments using your initialized Meter
// A Counter Instrument
httpRequestsCounter, _ := meter.Int64Counter(
metric.WithDescription("Total number of HTTP requests received."),
// A Histogram Instrument
requestDurHistogram, err := meter.Float64Histogram(
otelMetric.WithDescription("The duration of an HTTP request."),
Each instrument has the following key characteristics:
- A name.
- The kind (
etc) and nature (synchronous or asynchronous). - An optional unit of measure.
- An optional description.
- Optional advisory parameters.
4. Measurement
A measurement is simply a single data point you record using an instrument. It's the raw data that you feed into your instruments to track things like the number of requests, response times, or errors.
Measurements are composed of the value that was measured, optional attributes that provide context about the measurement, and a timestamp. The way they are used varies depending on the instrument:
- Counters: Each measurement increases the counter's value.
- UpDownCounters: Each measurement increases or decreases the counter's value.
- Histograms: Each measurement adds a value to the histogram's distribution.
- Gauges: Each measurement updates the gauge's current value.
Here's an example of a measurement that increments a Counter
httpRequestsCounter.Add(r.Context(), 1)
Now that you understand the core building blocks of the metrics API, let's see how they work together in a real-world scenario.
In the next section, we'll walk through a simple example to demonstrate the basic instrumentation workflow.
Getting started with the metrics API
Let's see how the pieces of the OpenTelemetry Metrics API fit together in a real application. The following Go code snippet instruments a simple web server to count HTTP requests:
package main
import (
otelMetric ""
semconv ""
func main() {
// 1. Create a Resource.
res, err := newResource()
if err != nil {
// 2. Create a MeterProvider.
meterProvider, err := newMeterProvider(res)
if err != nil {
// Handle shutdown properly so nothing leaks.
defer func() {
if err := meterProvider.Shutdown(context.Background()); err != nil {
// 3. Create a Meter
meter := meterProvider.Meter(
// 4. Create a Counter Instrument
httpRequestsCounter, err := meter.Int64Counter(
otelMetric.WithDescription("Total number of HTTP requests received."),
if err != nil {
mux := http.NewServeMux()
mux.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// 5. Create a Measurement on each HTTP Request
httpRequestsCounter.Add(r.Context(), 1)
http.ListenAndServe(":8000", mux)
func newResource() (*resource.Resource, error) {
return resource.Merge(resource.Default(),
func newMeterProvider(res *resource.Resource) (*metric.MeterProvider, error) {
metricExporter, err := stdoutmetric.New()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
meterProvider := metric.NewMeterProvider(
// Default is 1m. Set to 3s for demonstrative purposes.
return meterProvider, nil
Here's a step-by-step breakdown of what each part does:
is created to describe the application or service sending telemetry data. Attributes likeServiceName
identify this service asmy-service
which is necessary for distinguishing data from different services.A
is created with a custom configuration that collects metrics every three seconds and exports it to the standard output. ThemeterProvider
is subsequently registered as the global default.A
is created to house instruments for this application. Each meter can carry a version identifier to differentiate metric data across versions.A Counter instrument named
is created to keep track of the total number of HTTP requests received by the server.When a new HTTP request is received, the
is incremented by 1 to record a new measurement.
This instrumentation will produce a metric output similar to this:
"Resource": [. . .],
"ScopeMetrics": [
"Scope": {
"Name": "example-meter",
"Version": "0.1.0",
"SchemaURL": ""
"Metrics": [
// A Counter metric
"Name": "http.server.requests_total",
"Description": "Total number of HTTP requests received.",
"Unit": "{requests}",
"Data": {
"DataPoints": [
"Attributes": [],
"StartTime": "2024-10-26T20:09:37.211330188+01:00",
"Time": "2024-10-26T20:09:43.212680907+01:00",
"Value": 3
"Temporality": "CumulativeTemporality",
"IsMonotonic": true
This output shows the resource information (truncated), the meter name and
version, and the aggregated value of the http.server.requests_total
Now that you've seen how the different components of the metrics API work together, let's take a closer look at the available metric instruments.
Understanding the metric instruments
OpenTelemetry offers a variety of metric instruments to capture different aspects of your application's performance. These instruments provide the raw data that fuels your observability efforts, allowing you to gain insights into everything from request rates and error counts to resource usage and latency distributions.
You've already been introduced to the available instruments in the previous sections, but we'll dig deeper into each one here so that you'll understand when and how to wield them effectively.
1. Counter and Observable Counter
Counters are one of the most commonly used metric types. They track either the count or size of events, and are primarily used to monitor how frequently a specific code path is executed.
For example, you can use counters to track the total number of:
- Exceptions encountered.
- HTTP request received.
- Processed jobs.
- Sent emails.
- Cache hits or misses.
- Failed transactions.
The primary characteristic of a Counter
is that it is
monotonic (it cannot
decrease), making it ideal for tracking cumulative values. Counters are also
updated synchronously when the event happens, providing immediate updates to the
On the other hand, ObservableCounter
s are designed for metrics that are
recorded periodically or asynchronously. Instead of recording data immediately
upon an event, asynchronous counters register a callback that periodically
updates the metric value.
This is useful for values that are computed or observed rather than directly counted as they occur. Like regular counters, observable counters only allow values to increase.
In OpenTelemetry, a Counter
works by accepting a compulsory increment value
which must be non-negative along with optional attributes which are analogous to
Prometheus labels.
An ObservableCounter
, on the other hand, expects an absolute value (not an
increment/delta). To determine the reported rate the counter is changing, the
difference between successive measurements is calculated internally.
Here's a simple implementation of both types of counters in Go:
package main
import (
func main() {
start := time.Now()
// 1. Create a counter to track the number of HTTP requests received.
httpRequestsCounter, err := meter.Int64Counter(
"http.server.requests_total", // More descriptive and standard metric name
metric.WithDescription("Total number of HTTP requests received."),
if err != nil {
// 2. Create an observable counter to track application uptime
if _, err := meter.Float64ObservableCounter(
metric.WithDescription("The duration since the application started."),
metric.WithFloat64Callback(func(_ context.Context, o metric.Float64Observer) error {
// Notice that the absolute value is what is observed here
return nil
); err != nil {
// Instrument the HTTP handler to increment the counter for each request.
http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// A counter metric expects an increment value (a.k.a delta)
httpRequestsCounter.Add(r.Context(), 1)
// Handle the API request...
2. UpDownCounter and Observable UpDownCounter
An UpDownCounter
is like a regular Counter
, but with a twist: it can go both
up and down. This makes it perfect for tracking values that fluctuate over time
such as:
- Number of active user sessions,
- In-flight requests,
- Current memory usage,
- Current queue length,
- Open file handles.
The ObservableUpDownCounter
is simply the asynchronous version of
. It's useful for tracking values that might be expensive to
calculate or that come from external systems.
A good example is tracking the total number of active network connections across a cluster of servers. Each server can report its own connection count, and these values can be combined to get the overall total.
In the OpenTelemetry API, UpDownCounters
work similarly to regular Counters
except that their Add()
method accepts both positive and negative values.
, on the other hand, use an Observe()
method to
report an absolute value, which can increase or decrease over time.
Here's how you can use both types of counters in Go:
import (
var queueSizeCounter metric.Int64UpDownCounter // Use an UpDownCounter for the current queue size
func main() {
var err error
queueSizeCounter, err = meter.Int64UpDownCounter(
metric.WithDescription("Current size of the queue."),
if err != nil {
_ , err = meter.Int64ObservableUpDownCounter(
metric.WithDescription("Memory usage of the allocated heap objects."),
func(ctx context.Context, o metric.Int64Observer) error {
memoryUsage := getMemoryUsage()
return nil
if err != nil {
func getMemoryUsage() uint64 {
var memStats runtime.MemStats
// Current memory usage in bytes
currentMemoryUsage := memStats.HeapAlloc
return currentMemoryUsage
func enqueue(items []any{}) {
// Adds items to the queue
queueSizeCounter.Add(context.Background(), len(items))
func dequeue(items []any{}) {
// Remove items from the queue
queueSizeCounter.Add(context.Background(), -len(items))
3. Gauge and Observable Gauge
In OpenTelemetry, Gauge
and ObservableGauge
instruments measure values that
can go up or down over time. Unlike UpDownCounters
, which track the cumulative
change in a value, gauges capture the current value at a specific moment.
Think of things like:
- Battery level: It goes up when you charge it and down as you use it.
- Network bandwidth: The amount of data flowing through a network connection fluctuates constantly.
- CPU utilization: The percentage of CPU being used varies depending on the workload.
Gauges are not meant to be added together over different dimensions or time periods. For example, summing the CPU usage of different servers wouldn't give you a meaningful "total CPU usage".
The OpenTelemetry API for both Gauge
and ObservableGauge
requires you to
provide the current absolute value of the metric is provided as a compulsory
argument to the instrument along with optional attributes.
The difference is that Gauge
should be used when the measurement cycle is
synchronous to an external change, while ObservableGauge
should be used when
the measurement cycle is independent of external events.
In Go, an example of creating and using on ObservableGauge
would look like
_, err = meter.Int64ObservableGauge(
"Memory usage of the allocated heap objects.",
func(ctx context.Context, o otelMetric.Int64Observer) error {
memoryUsage := getMemoryUsage()
return nil
4. Histogram
Histograms are specialized instruments that capture the distribution of a set of values. Imagine them as buckets of different sizes, each collecting measurements that fall within its range. This allows you to understand not just the average value, but also the spread of the data, including percentiles and outliers.
For example, if you're measuring how long API requests take, you might define histogram buckets like this:
- 0-100 milliseconds
- 100-200 milliseconds
- 50-100 milliseconds
- 100-500 milliseconds
- 500+ milliseconds
Each time a request is processed, its response time is recorded, and the count of the corresponding bucket increases. This gives you a rich picture of your API's performance, revealing:
- What percentage of requests are fast (e.g., under 100ms).
- How many requests are experiencing high latency (e.g., over 500ms).
- The typical (median) response time.
Histograms provide valuable summaries of the data, including the minimum, maximum, total count, and sum of the recorded values. They also show how many values fall into each bucket. This information is often visualized as bar charts or heatmaps to quickly identify patterns and potential issues.
In OpenTelemetry, the Histogram
instrument has a single Record()
which takes a non–negative observation value and an optional set of attributes
to be attached:
func main() {
requestDurHistogram, err := meter.Float64Histogram(
metric.WithDescription("The duration of an HTTP request."),
if err != nil {
http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
start := time.Now()
// do some work in an API call
duration := time.Since(start)
requestDurHistogram.Record(r.Context(), duration.Seconds())
This code produces a metric that looks like this:
"Description":"The duration of an HTTP request.",
"Bounds":[0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000],
"BucketCounts":[0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
Notice the Bounds
property which shows the default bucket boundaries for a
Histogram metric:
[0, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 2500, 5000, 7500, 10000]
These were originally chosen with durations in milliseconds in mind. However, OpenTelemetry now recommends using seconds for durations (via Semantic Conventions). This means the default boundaries might not be the best fit for your needs, as most of your data might end up in the first few buckets.
To ensure your histogram accurately captures the distribution of your data, you can (and often should) customize the bucket boundaries:
requestDurHistogram, err := meter.Float64Histogram(
metric.WithDescription("The duration of an HTTP request."),
metric.WithExplicitBucketBoundaries(0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 1, 2),
Metric views and aggregations
Metric views give you fine-grained control over how your metrics are collected and presented. They allow you to customize which metrics to capture, how to aggregate them, and which attributes to include or discard. This customization helps optimize data collection and tailor the granularity of your metrics to your specific monitoring needs.
For example, in the
Go SDK, you can use
type to override instrument or attribute names, default boundaries for
histograms, or drop attributes that add noise or unnecessary cardinality.
For example, you can target the http.server.requests_total
metric and rename
it to http.server.total_requests
view := metric.NewView(metric.Instrument{
Name: "http.server.requests_total",
Scope: instrumentation.Scope{
Name: "example-meter",
Version: "0.1.0",
}, metric.Stream{Name: "http.server.total_requests"})
Once you register the view with
, the metric name will be
updated to the provided value in the final output. This is a useful way to
transform instrument or attribute naming to fit organizational naming
conventions or make them more descriptive.
Views also allow you to customize how metrics are aggregated. The available aggregation types include:
- Sum: Calculates the cumulative or delta sum of values (useful for counters).
- Explicit Bucket Histogram: Groups values into buckets for distribution analysis.
- Last Value: Keeps only the last recorded value.
- Drop: Discards unnecessary metrics entirely to reduce data volume.
Here's the default aggregation for each instrument type:
Instrument | Default Aggregation | Monotonic |
Counter / ObservableCounter | Sum | Yes |
UpDownCounter/ ObservableUpDownCounter | Sum | No |
Histogram | Explicit Bucket Histogram | No |
Gauge / Observable Gauge | Last Value | No |
You can override these defaults using views. For example, to customize the bucket boundaries for all histograms:
view := metric.NewView(
Name: "*",
Scope: instrumentation.Scope{Name: "example-meter"},
Aggregation: metric.AggregationExplicitBucketHistogram{
Boundaries: []float64{0, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000},
Or you can drop a metric entirely by changing the aggregation type to Drop
view := metric.NewView(
Name: "latency",
Scope: instrumentation.Scope{Name: "http"},
metric.Stream{Aggregation: metric.AggregationDrop{}},
Exporting metrics
While instruments are great at capturing measurements, the sheer volume of data they generate, especially from synchronous instruments, can easily overwhelm metric pipelines. OpenTelemetry tackles this challenge with a multi-stage export process:
1. Aggregation and views
Every instrument is linked to an aggregating view (or assigned a default view if none is explicitly defined). This view specifies how the raw measurements should be aggregated, filtered, and transformed before being exported.
2. Metric reader
The MetricReader
observes the aggregated data from instruments. It handles
attaching default views and can change the temporality of metrics (from
cumulative to delta).
A common approach is to use a PeriodicReader
that collects and exports metric
data to the exporter at a defined interval (60 seconds by default).
// Default is 1m. Set to 3s for demonstrative purposes.
3. Metric exporter
The MetricExporter
sends the processed metric data directly to an
Observability backend or the OpenTelemetry Collector which can further process
and export the data. Some common exporters are:
- Stdout: Outputs metrics to the console for debugging or testing.
- OTLP: Sends metrics to any system supporting the OpenTelemetry Protocol over gPRC or HTTP.
- Prometheus: Allows Prometheus to scrape metrics (pull) or sends metrics via Prometheus remote write protocol (push).
metricExporter, _ := stdoutmetric.New()
Final thoughts
You've covered a lot in this guide, and you should now have a good understanding of OpenTelemetry's metrics API and its role in monitoring applications effectively.
By mastering the different instrument types and understanding how to configure views and exporters, you'll be well-equipped to start collecting and analyzing valuable performance data from your applications.
To go further, consider exploring OpenTelemetry's official documentation for more advanced features and configuration options. The OpenTelemetry Registry is also a great resource for finding various integrations and libraries for extending your observability setup with popular frameworks and platforms.
If you're looking for a robust and cost-effective OpenTelemetry backend to store, monitor, and visualize your metrics, check out Better Stack.
As you implement OpenTelemetry metrics, remember to thoroughly test and validate your instrumentation to ensure accurate and meaningful data capture.
Thanks for reading, and happy monitoring!
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