Distributed Tracing for Developers: A Primer
Modern internet applications are commonly implemented as cloud-native distributed systems. These systems consist of numerous interconnected components, often developed by different teams in different programming languages, and deployed across diverse locations around the world.
While this approach offers many benefits, it also introduces significant complexity. User requests often traverse multiple processes, machines, and networks before they are completed, making it challenging to understand the flow of data and ensure smooth operation.
To tackle these challenges, monitoring the interactions between components is crucial. However, traditional troubleshooting methods—such as analyzing logs and metrics—often lack the context needed to provide a complete picture of system behavior.
This is where distributed tracing comes in. It refers to the tracking of requests across all the different services and components, giving you a clear picture of what's happening in real-time. This makes it much easier to debug errors, local performance problems, and understanding of complex interactions within your system.
The data collected through distributed tracing, known as a "trace", offers a detailed view of system relationships. This trace acts as a visual map, helping you quickly identify the root cause of errors and performance bottlenecks in your system.
In this guide, we'll cover the basics of distributed tracing: how it works, its core concepts, the benefits and challenges involved, and practices to follow for a successful implementation.
Let's dive in!
Why is distributed tracing needed?
Over the last 15 years, a revolution in application design has been driven by cloud computing, containerization, and microservices. This shift has enabled greater scalability, efficiency, and faster feature delivery, but it has also introduced new challenges and complexities. Understanding these complexities is where distributed tracing becomes crucial.
Consider a scenario where a user browses an e-commerce website, searches for products, adds items to their shopping cart, and proceeds to checkout and payment. The potential services involved and their interactions could include:
Product catalog service: Handles product queries by coordinating searches for categories, availability, shipping details, and pricing.
Recommendation engine: Provides personalized product suggestions based on user history, influencing search results and listings.
Payment gateway: Manages payment processing, interacting with external banking services or credit card networks.
Order management system: Processes orders after payment, coordinates inventory updates, and initiates shipping logistics.
In such a system, a single request can pass through several services or APIs, and a failure or slowdown in any of these components can significantly impact the user experience.
Pinpointing the root cause of issues in such distributed systems is challenging due to a few reasons such as:
- Frequent service updates such as instance creation and destruction,
- The potential for shared resources to create ripple effects across seemingly unrelated requests,
- A lack of expertise across all services when teams are siloed,
- Data inconsistency issues,
- Lack of uniform instrumentation across the services,
- Hidden or undocumented dependencies.
This complexity gave rise to distributed tracing as a way to understand exactly what happens to any request being investigated. It helps answer critical questions like:
- What services did the request pass through?
- What did each service do, and how long did it take?
- Where are the bottlenecks in the pipeline?
- If there was an error, where did it originate?
- Did the request behave abnormally (compared to other identical requests)?
- What was the critical path?
- Who should be paged to investigate and resolve the issue?
The need for these kind of insights was popularized by Google's influential Dapper paper (2010) by Ben Sigelman et al, which brought the concept of distributed tracing for understanding complex systems to the mainstream.
This sparked a wave of open-source projects, including prominent examples like Twitter's Zipkin (2012) and Uber's Jaeger (2017). These tools have helped establish the core concepts and benefits of distributed tracing, despite differences in individual implementations.
In the next section, we'll dive into the specifics of how distributed tracing works.
How distributed tracing works
A trace captures the entire lifecycle of an operation you're monitoring, such as an HTTP request or a background task. When this operation spans multiple services, the trace becomes a distributed trace as it consists of data gathered from each service involved in the process.
The primary purpose of distributed tracing is to enable you see relationships among various services. This is achieved by collecting data the moment a request is initiated and assigning a unique identifier called a trace ID to link together all the events and data related to that specific request.
As a request journeys through various services, each one creates one or more spans to represent the units of work done by the service. Spans record timing information, the service name, and potentially contextual attributes related to the work being performed.
Within each trace, there is a parent-child hierarchy of spans. The initial span is the root, with subsequent spans nested within it, each with its own unique ID. All spans inherit the trace ID from its parent, and critically, services pass this context when communicating with each other. This links all the actions taken for a request across the entire distributed system.
After the request is completed, the trace data is sent to a tracing backend or monitoring platform. This is typically done by an agent like the OpenTelemetry Collector, which ingests the data, processes it, and forwards it to the specified backend.
The collected traces are often visualized in Gantt charts, revealing how different services interact within a single request. Since spans are timed, you will see a clear timeline of the request flow, which can help guide your troubleshooting efforts accordingly.
Distributed tracing components
Distributed tracing involves several components that work together to capture and analyze the flow of requests across a distributed system. The key components and their relationships are explained below:
1. Trace
A trace represents the end-to-end journey of a request as it passes through various services and components in a system. It is simply a collection of spans that share the same trace ID.
2. Trace ID
The trace ID is a unique identifier assigned to each distinct trace. It links together all the spans that constitute a single trace, regardless of the processes or services involved. It is generated at the entry point of the request in a way that ensures global uniqueness with a high degree of certainty.
3. Span
A span is the fundamental unit of work in a trace. Each span has a unique ID, a parent ID (except the root span), a start and end time, a name, and additional metadata that describe the operation.
Here is a JSON representation of trace spans in the OpenTelemetry Protocol:
"Name": "HTTP GET /",
"SpanContext": {
"TraceID": "e3c306d18bac2742de07756bdb9e607b",
"SpanID": "3ee91f86b5468681",
"TraceFlags": "01",
"TraceState": "",
"Remote": false
"Parent": {
"TraceID": "00000000000000000000000000000000",
"SpanID": "0000000000000000",
"TraceFlags": "00",
"TraceState": "",
"Remote": false
"SpanKind": 2,
"StartTime": "2024-08-26T14:19:47.205308249+01:00",
"EndTime": "2024-08-26T14:19:47.206802188+01:00",
"Attributes": [. . .],
"Events": null,
"Links": null,
"Status": {
"Code": "Unset",
"Description": ""
"DroppedAttributes": 0,
"DroppedEvents": 0,
"DroppedLinks": 0,
"ChildSpanCount": 0,
"Resource": [. . .],
"InstrumentationLibrary": {
"Name": "go.opentelemetry.io/contrib/instrumentation/net/http/otelhttp",
"Version": "0.53.0",
"SchemaURL": ""
4. Instrumentation
Instrumentation refers to the process of adding code to your application to generate trace (or other telemetry) data. When an application is instrumented, it becomes capable of creating spans that represent units of work and trace IDs that help link spans together into complete traces.
For effective and standardized instrumentation, consider using OpenTelemetry, an open-source observability framework that supports not only traces but also logs and metrics, making it easy to collect, process, and export comprehensive telemetry data for monitoring and troubleshooting across your services.
You can get started quickly with OpenTelemetry's automatic instrumentation to gain basic visibility into your services, and then progressively add more detailed instrumentation as needed.
// Basic example of instrumenting Go code with OpenTelemetry
func executeQuery(ctx context.Context, tracer trace.Tracer, db *sql.DB, query string) (*sql.Rows, error) {
// 1. Create a new span
var span trace.Span
ctx, span = tracer.Start(ctx, "db query")
// 2. Ensure that the span is completed regardless of whether the query
// succeeded or failed
defer span.End()
// 3. Record which query is being executed
stmt, err := db.Prepare(query)
if err != nil {
// 4. Record that the query preparation failed
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, err.Error())
return nil, err
defer stmt.Close()
rows, err := stmt.QueryContext(ctx)
if err != nil {
// 5. Record that the query execution failed
span.SetStatus(codes.Error, err.Error())
return nil, err
// 6. Record that the query execution was successful
span.SetStatus(codes.Ok, "query successful")
return rows, nil
See our observability guides for detailed tutorials on instrumenting applications written in various languages with OpenTelemetry.
5. Span attributes
Span attributes are key-value pairs that provide additional context about a specific span within a trace. They allow you to capture details about the operation that are not captured by the span's name or other standard fields and correlate them from one service to another.
For example, if a span tracks the process of executing a database query,
attributes could include the query type (e.g., SELECT
), database
name, table name, query execution time, user ID initiating the query, and the
number of rows returned.
6. Span events or logs
Think of span events like annotations of specific occurrences during a span's lifetime. It represents a significant event that's too fleeting to get its own span, and too distinct to be merged with the parent span.
For instance, consider a span representing a database query. Within that span, span events could mark key steps, such as:
- When the query is dispatched to the database.
- When the system checks the cache but doesn't find the relevant data.
- When the database begins processing the returned rows.
These events provide a more detailed timeline, helping you understand specific points within the broader span, such as unexpected delays or important operations.
7. Trace context
The trace context is a set of identifiers that are propagated across service boundaries to connect spans together and form a complete trace. It includes the trace ID, parent span ID, timestamps, and other state information such as whether the parent span was sampled or not.
8. Context propagation
This is the fundamental mechanism that underpins distributed tracing. It is the process of carrying information about a request's state as it travels through the various components, services, and networks in a distributed system.
It ensures that each service involved in handling a request has the necessary metadata to link their operations together, enabling end-to-end visibility of that request. For HTTP requests, context propagation is typically accomplished through HTTP headers.
Distributed tracing is designed to be seamless so your instrumentation library will automatically handles the propagation of trace context in almost all situations. You'll only need to handle this manually in exceptional cases.
9. Trace sampling
Tracing every request in a busy system would create a huge amount of data. Trace sampling strikes a balance between capturing valuable insights and managing system performance and cost.
If you're instrumenting with OpenTelemetry, you can check the IsRecording()
property to avoid unnecessarily generating expensive telemetry data.
if span.IsRecording() {
// generate expensive data
10. Backend analysis tool
Tracing backends like Jaeger, Zipkin, and Grafana Tempo turn raw trace data into actionable insights. They allow you to:
- Easily explore and query your traces.
- Visualize request journeys and identify bottlenecks.
- Gain a deeper understanding of your application's behavior.
- Alert you when things go wrong.
How distributed tracing impacts observability
Distributed tracing sits alongside logs, events, metrics, and profiles as the building blocks of observability, but they serve different purposes and complement each other.
Tracing provides context by linking related operations across services, which helps you understand the behavior of distributed systems where issues may span multiple components.
Logs and events provide depth by offering detailed, local information about the work performed within each component. They can provide the "why" behind the behavior observed in traces, such as detailed error messages or system states leading up to an issue.
Metrics report aggregated statistics on service health like error rates, request latency, and resource utilization, while continuous profiling helps you understand resource usage down to the line number in your program.
The distributed tracing ecosystem
Deploying a successful tracing system goes beyond simply instrumenting your application and setting up a tracing backend. This section outlines some key aspects of the distributed tracing ecosystem you should be aware of to ensure full compatibility and interoperability with the wider ecosystem now and well into the future.
In the past, instrumenting your code and getting telemetry data out of your applications was a largely vendor-specific process, and every monitoring tool had its way of doing things. This meant switching tools required a rewrite of your instrumentation code, leading to friction and duplicated effort.
To combat this, the observability community developed open-source projects like OpenTracing (from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF)) and OpenCensus (from Google). These competing projects aimed to create a vendor-neutral way to generate and collect telemetry data. In 2019, they merged to form OpenTelemetry (OTel) under the CNCF.
OpenTelemetry offers a unified solution for generating and capturing traces, metrics, logs, and other telemetry data. It's designed to be agnostic about where you send this data for analysis, eliminating the lock-in of past solutions while providing a robust, standardized approach to instrumentation. With OTel, you can instrument your code once and switch observability backends at will.
Learn more: A Complete Introductory Guide to OpenTelemetry and the OpenTelemetry Collector
Trace analysis tools
Trace analysis tools are designed to help you understand the behavior of complex software systems by analyzing the already captured traces, which are then used to:
Provide graphical representations of how requests move through different components of a system, making it easier to identify bottlenecks or errors.
Pinpoint slow or inefficient parts of your code or infrastructure.
Trace errors back to their root cause by examining the sequence of events leading up to the error.
Monitor the overall health of a system, identify trends, and alert when potential issues are uncovered.
There are numerous trace analysis tools available, both open-source and proprietary. In a separate article, we will guide you on how to choose the best tool to suit your needs.
W3C Trace Context
In 2017, a coalition of vendors, cloud providers, and open source projects established the W3C Distributed Tracing Working Group which focuses on creating standards for tracing tool interoperability.
The problem was that existing distributed tracing implementations lacked a standardized way to propagate context information across different vendors and platforms.
This lack of standardization led to inability to correlate traces across different vendors, difficulty propagating traces between vendors, potential loss of vendor-specific metadata, and lack of support from cloud and service providers.
Their primary initiative, the Trace Context specification, provides a vendor-neutral solution for propagating the trace context across these distributed systems. It does this through two key HTTP headers:
: This header carries the essential information for identifying and correlating requests within a trace. It includes:- Trace ID: A unique identifier for the entire trace, spanning all services involved.
- Parent ID: The ID of the direct parent operation in the trace, establishing the relationship between operations.
- Flags: Indicate sampling decisions and other trace-related options.
: This header allows vendors to include their own custom tracing data alongside the standardizedtraceparent
information. This enables interoperability while still supporting vendor-specific features.
W3C Baggage
The W3C Baggage specification standardizes the representation and propagation of application-defined properties for a distributed request or workflow execution. It is separate from the Trace Context specification, and implemented as its own HTTP header which looks like this:
baggage: userId=alice,serverNode=DF%2028,isProduction=false
Its purpose is to enable the propagation of system-specific contextual data across services in a distributed system without requiring any modifications to the services themselves. Each service can access existing contextual information or add new ones to be shared with subsequent services in the workflow.
The term "baggage" was coined by Professor Rodrigo Fonseca from Brown
University. It draws from the concept of luggage or baggage that travelers carry
with them. Just as luggage contains items necessary for a journey, the baggage
header carries contextual information necessary for a request's journey through
a distributed system.
Challenges of distributed tracing
Distributed tracing, while incredibly powerful for understanding complex systems, presents several challenges:
1. Clock skew
Clock skew refers to when there's a discrepancy between nodes in a distributed system. For instance, if your application server's system time isn't synchronized with that of your database server, the spans they create they might appear out of order in the final trace. To mitigate this, utilize the Network Time Protocol (NTP) or your cloud provider's clock synchronization services.
2. Instrumentation overhead
Capturing and transmitting trace data can introduce significant amounts of latency especially in high-traffic environments. Careful configuration and optimization are necessary to minimize this impact.
3. Learning curve
Understanding and implementing distributed tracing concepts can be complex, requiring a good grasp of concepts like context propagation, instrumentation, and sampling strategies. You'll need to invest a non-trivial amount of time to learn and master these concepts. We have detailed guides to help though.
4. Data volume and sampling
A major hurdle in distributed tracing is managing the sheer volume of generated data. With potentially thousands of services generating a deluge of trace data every second, questions arise: How to efficiently capture and store it? What data to retain and for how long? How to scale data collection in line with the ever-increasing request volume?
Sampling techniques help with managing data volume, but they introduce the challenge of ensuring representative sampling without losing critical information.
5. Protecting sensitive data
While distributed tracing provides valuable insights, it's crucial to address potential privacy risks. Sensitive data might be captured in traces, requiring careful handling to comply with regulations like GDPR and CCPA.
Techniques like data masking or redaction, anonymization, and appropriate data retention policies can help mitigate these risks. See our guide on using the OpenTelemetry Collector to redact sensitive data for more information.
Final thoughts
I hope this article has helped you understand how distributed tracing can help you decipher the interactions between the different services that make up your application, and how to navigate the tracing ecosystem effectively.
Thanks for reading, and happy tracing!
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