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Building a Custom OpenTelemetry Collector Distribution

Ayooluwa Isaiah
Updated on October 15, 2024

The OpenTelemetry Collector is a versatile tool designed to collect, process, and export telemetry data to various observability backends.

Out of the box, it comes in standard distributions that include a wide array of components like receivers, processors, and exporters, catering to different use cases.

However, these distributions often include more components than necessary for most users. As a best practice, the OpenTelemetry team recommends building a custom collector executable for production environments.

By creating a custom distribution, you can include only the publicly-available components needed, integrate internal components, and adjust the collector to provide the exact capabilities required.

In this article, you'll learn how to create your own custom OpenTelemetry Collector distribution, step by step. Let's get started!


  • A recent version of Go installed.
  • A recent version of Docker installed.
  • A rudimentary understanding of OpenTelemetry Collector concepts.

When should you build a custom collector?

Several distributions of the collector are already available to support different use cases. These include the Core, Contrib, OTLP, and Kubernetes distros, which are officially supported by the OpenTelemetry team.

In addition to the official distros, there are also third-party distributions provided by observability vendors, which are optimized for ease of integration with their specific backends. You only need to ensure that using such distributions does not result in vendor lock-in.

However, in some cases, these pre-built distributions will not fully meet your requirements, prompting the need to build a custom collector instance. This may be necessary for several reasons:

  • Minimizing the attack surface by excluding vulnerable components or replacing them with patched versions.
  • Optimizing performance by customizing the components to require the smallest possible footprint.
  • Locking down specific component versions to prevent accidental upgrades.
  • When developing or including custom-built receivers, processors, or exporters. A custom distribution is needed to integrate and test the components within the Collector.

To address such needs, a tool called OpenTelemetry Collector Builder (OCB) was developed to simplify the process of assembling a custom distribution.

In the following sections, you will learn how the OCB works and how you can configure it to generate a custom distribution to suit your needs.

What is the OpenTelemetry Collector Builder?

The OpenTelemetry Collector Builder (OCB) is a command-line tool that allows you to create custom collector distributions based on a provided configuration.

With OCB, you only need to specify what collector components (receivers, processors, exporters, and extensions) you'd like to include in a manifest file, then execute the tool to bootstrap the custom collector.

Before you proceed, ensure to install the Builder CLI by running the command below or downloading the latest stable version:

go install

Once installed, it should be accessible via the builder command:

builder --help
OpenTelemetry Collector Builder (v0.111.0)

ocb generates a custom OpenTelemetry Collector binary using the
build configuration given by the "--config" argument. If no build
configuration is provided, ocb will generate a default Collector.
. . .

The anatomy of an OCB manifest

The builder configuration, or manifest file, is a YAML file used to define the specific components that you intend to include in your custom collector distribution.

This file guides the OCB in generating the necessary Go source code, fetching the required modules, compiling the collector, and outputting the executable to your specified location.

Here's a minimal example of a builder manifest:

  name: otelcol-custom
  description: Custom OTel Collector distribution
  output_path: ./otelcol-custom
  version: 0.1.0
  otelcol_version: 0.111.0

  - gomod: v0.111.0

  - gomod: v0.111.0
  - gomod: v0.111.0
  - gomod: v0.111.0
  - gomod: v0.111.0
  - gomod: v0.111.0
  - gomod: v0.111.0

  - gomod: v0.111.0
  - gomod: v0.111.0

  - gomod: v0.111.0
  - gomod: v0.111.0

Key sections of the manifest file

Before specifying the components you'd like to add to your collector's distribution, it's recommended that you add a dist property to provide some basic details about the distribution, such as:

  • The module name,
  • The binary name,
  • The collector version to use as a base,
  • The output path of the generated source code and binary,
  • The version of your custom distribution.

All the dist tags are optional so you can take a look at the defaults and only specify what you intend to change.

Otel Builder Manifest dist tags

The next and most important part of the file is the component section, where you specify the actual components that should be included in the distribution such as receivers, processors, exporters, extensions, connectors, or providers.

In each section, you need to specify the Go package that contains the source code for the component and the version of that package through the gomod property. Each component has other properties like import, name, and path, but these are optional.

In some configurations, you will see a replaces directive that looks like this:

  # see
  - => v0.0.0-20230726162818-81f778f3b3ec

It corresponds to the Go modules replace directive and its used to substitute one module or package with another, either by specifying a different import path or by using a different version of the module than what was originally defined.

It's a good practice to add a comment explaining why a replace directive is being used, and when it can be removed, to keep your configuration clear and maintainable.

You can browse available components for your custom collector by exploring the contrib repository or the OpenTelemetry Registry. You can also create and include custom collector components if required.

Building a custom collector distribution

The simplest way to build a custom OpenTelemetry Collector distribution is by preparing a manifest file, like the one outlined in the previous section. You can either modify an existing manifest, such as the contrib manifest, or create one from scratch.

Once your manifest file is ready, you can build the custom collector with the builder command and specify the path to the manifest with the --config option:

builder --config builder-config.yaml

If the build is successful, you should see output similar to this:

2024-10-14T15:25:48.750+0100    INFO    internal/command.go:125 OpenTelemetry Collector Builder {"version": "v0.111.0"}
2024-10-14T15:25:48.751+0100    INFO    internal/command.go:161 Using config file       {"path": "manifest.yaml"}
2024-10-14T15:25:48.751+0100    INFO    builder/config.go:142   Using go        {"go-executable": "/home/ayo/.local/share/mise/installs/go/1.23.1/bin/go"}
2024-10-14T15:25:48.752+0100    INFO    builder/main.go:101     Sources created {"path": "./otelcol-custom"}
2024-10-14T15:26:04.034+0100    INFO    builder/main.go:192     Getting go modules
2024-10-14T15:26:18.890+0100    INFO    builder/main.go:112     Compiling
2024-10-14T15:26:45.951+0100    INFO    builder/main.go:131     Compiled        {"binary": "./otelcol-custom/otelcol-custom"}

This output confirms that a new otelcol-custom directory has been created with the following structure:

├── components.go
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── main.go
├── main_others.go
├── main_windows.go
└── otelcol-custom

The source code in this directory was used to compile the otelcol-custom/otelcol-custom binary. To run your custom collector, execute this binary and provide a collector configuration file:

./otelcol-custom --config config.yaml

Upon starting, you should see logs indicating the collector has successfully launched:

2024-10-14T15:33:35.870+0100    info    service@v0.111.0/service.go:136 Setting up own telemetry...
2024-10-14T15:33:35.870+0100    info    telemetry/metrics.go:70 Serving metrics {"address": "localhost:8888", "metrics level": "Normal"}
2024-10-14T15:33:35.872+0100    info    service@v0.111.0/service.go:208 Starting otelcol-custom...      {"Version": "0.1.0", "NumCPU": 16}
2024-10-14T15:33:35.872+0100    info    extensions/extensions.go:39     Starting extensions...
2024-10-14T15:33:35.872+0100    info    extensions/extensions.go:42     Extension is starting...        {"kind": "extension", "name": "health_check"}
2024-10-14T15:33:35.872+0100    info    healthcheckextension@v0.111.0/healthcheckextension.go:33        Starting health_check extension {"kind": "extension", "name": "health_check", "config"
: {"Endpoint":"localhost:13133","TLSSetting":null,"CORS":null,"Auth":null,"MaxRequestBodySize":0,"IncludeMetadata":false,"ResponseHeaders":null,"CompressionAlgorithms":null,"ReadTimeout":0,"
2024-10-14T15:33:35.873+0100    info    extensions/extensions.go:59     Extension started.      {"kind": "extension", "name": "health_check"}
2024-10-14T15:33:35.873+0100    warn    internal@v0.111.0/warning.go:40 Using the address exposes this server to every network interface, which may facilitate Denial of Service attac
ks.     {"kind": "receiver", "name": "otlp", "data_type": "traces", "documentation": "
2024-10-14T15:33:35.873+0100    info    otlpreceiver@v0.111.0/otlp.go:169       Starting HTTP server    {"kind": "receiver", "name": "otlp", "data_type": "traces", "endpoint": ""
2024-10-14T15:33:35.873+0100    info    healthcheck/handler.go:132      Health Check state change       {"kind": "extension", "name": "health_check", "status": "ready"}
2024-10-14T15:33:35.873+0100    info    service@v0.111.0/service.go:234 Everything is ready. Begin running and processing data.

With the custom collector running, you can now test it for your use cases and verify the required functionality before deploying to production.

Building a custom collector Docker image

To simplify the building process, you can create a Dockerfile to automate the compilation and packaging. Here's an example:

# Stage 1: Builder
FROM golang:1.23-bookworm AS builder


WORKDIR /build

# Install the builder tool
RUN go install${OTEL_VERSION}

# Copy the manifest file and other necessary files
COPY manifest.yaml .

# Build the custom collector
RUN CGO_ENABLED=0 builder --config=manifest.yaml

# Stage 2: Final Image


# Copy the generated collector binary from the builder stage
COPY --from=builder /build/otelcol-custom .

# Copy the configuration file
COPY config.yaml .

# Expose necessary ports
EXPOSE 4317/tcp 4318/tcp 13133/tcp

# Set the default command
CMD ["/app/otelcol-custom", "--config=config.yaml"]

The builder stage installs the OCB tool in a Go environment and uses the provided manifest.yaml configuration file to generate a custom collector binary, while the final stage uses a lightweight and secure base image where the custom collector binary and configuration file are copied over.

You may now build the custom image with:

docker build -t custom-collector:0.1.0

This approach results in a much smaller Docker image compared to the official Collector distributions. For instance:

REPOSITORY                              TAG                            IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
custom-collector 0.1.0 c6b5c4948d9d 13 minutes ago 37.2MB
otel/opentelemetry-collector-contrib latest c120a635b3b3 10 days ago 274MB otel/opentelemetry-collector latest d99412a28679 10 days ago 111MB

Automating your custom collector builds

The OpenTelemetry Collector Releases repository serves as a centralized hub for building and assembling the default distributions.

It uses Goreleaser and GitHub Actions to generate builds and packages for various operating systems and architectures, making it an excellent starting point if you want to learn how to automate custom collector builds.

However, this setup may feel overly complex if you're looking for a quick way to automate your Docker build. To simplify things, I've prepared this repository, which you can fork and modify to suit your needs. It provides a streamlined way to build and release custom collector Docker images with minimal setup.

The repository's structure is as follows:

├── distributions
│   └── otelcol-custom
│       ├── config.yaml
│       ├── Dockerfile
│       └── manifest.yaml
├── .github
│   └── workflows
│       ├── base-release.yaml
│       └── release-custom.yaml
└── tags

The distributions/otelcol-custom directory contains the manifest file, collector configuration and Dockerfile for the custom distribution, while the .github/workflows directory contains the GitHub Actions workflow files for automating the build and release process.

Here's a breakdown of the two workflows:

  • base-release.yaml: A reusable workflow template for building and releasing Docker images.
name: Reusable release workflow

        required: true
        type: string

    name: ${{ inputs.distribution }} release
    runs-on: ubuntu-22.04

      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
          fetch-depth: 0

      - name: Write release version
        run: |
          echo Version: $VERSION
          echo "VERSION=$VERSION" >> $GITHUB_ENV

      - name: Build the Docker image
        run: docker build -t ${{ inputs.distribution }}:${VERSION} distributions/${{ inputs.distribution }}

      - name: Log into Docker Hub
        uses: docker/login-action@v3
          username: ${{ vars.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME }}
          password: ${{ secrets.DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD }}

      - name: Tag the Docker image
        run: docker tag ${{ inputs.distribution }}:${VERSION} ${{vars.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME}}/${{ inputs.distribution }}:${VERSION}

      - name: Push the image to Docker Hub
        run: docker push ${{vars.DOCKERHUB_USERNAME}}/${{ inputs.distribution }}:${VERSION}
  • release-custom.yaml: A specific workflow for releasing the custom collector, triggered when a new version tag is pushed to the repository.
name: Release otelcol-custom

    tags: ["v*"]

    name: Release Custom Distribution
    uses: ./.github/workflows/base-release.yaml
      distribution: otelcol-custom
    secrets: inherit

The GitHub Actions workflow automatically triggers when a new version tag is pushed to the repository. It checks out the code, builds the Docker image from the appropriate Dockerfile, and pushes the resulting image to Docker Hub.

Before running this workflow, you need to set up the DOCKERHUB_USERNAME environmental variable, and the DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD secret (which should be a personal access token). You also need to ensure that a DockerHub repository exists at <your_username>/otelcol-custom.

GitHub action for building custom collector

Once everything is configured, your GitHub Action will build and release the custom collector automatically, and you can pull your image from DockerHub for use in your environments.

Final thoughts

By following the steps outlined in this article, creating custom OpenTelemetry Collector builds is now simplified, and you can easily integrate these builds into your existing pipelines to replace the standard distributions in production.

Thanks for reading, and happy collecting!

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Article by
Ayooluwa Isaiah
Ayo is the Head of Content at Better Stack. His passion is simplifying and communicating complex technical ideas effectively. His work was featured on several esteemed publications including, Digital Ocean, and CSS-Tricks. When he’s not writing or coding, he loves to travel, bike, and play tennis.
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Understanding the OpenTelemetry Transform Language
Learn how to use the OpenTelemetry Transform Language (OTTL) to master telemetry transformations within the OpenTelemetry Collector.
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