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Contextual Logging in Go with Slog

Percy Bolmér
Updated on August 29, 2024

Confused developer trying to debug a contextless log

Logging is an essential part of software development and system maintenance. However, the effectiveness of logs largely depends on the information they contain.

The following log entry is too vague to be helpful for debugging. It only tells us that a login attempt failed but provides no details about the cause of the failure.

2024/07/02 19:34:50 ERROR failed to login

Contextual logging involves embedding additional information within the log entries to make them more informative. By adding contextual information to the log messages, you can better understand the system and improve its observability.

For instance, the previous error message could be improved by including:

  • The specific location within the code where the error occurred.
  • The server instance handling the login request.
  • The username or ID of the user attempting to log in.
time=2024-07-02T19:50:39.181+02:00 level=ERROR source=/home/pp/contextual-logs/main.go:31 msg="failed to login" service=authService node=auth-node-1 environment=production request_id=0b0d3131-af6f-4775-a825-f115e21f1e68 user_id=cf2db94f-ca8e-43db-b50a-2f17215d057d payload.username="Harry Potter" payload.auth_method=password

Given the contextual fields in the updated log entry, you get a much clearer picture when debugging. You now know what user is having issues and which node the issue occurred on.

In this article, we will take a look at how to implement contextual logging in Go through the built-in log/slog package.


You only need a basic understanding of structured logging in Go, and a recent version of Go installed to follow through with this tutorial.

What is contextual logging?

Happy developer knowing the issue due  to contextual logs

Contextual logging means enriching log entries with additional data providing context about the situation or event. This extra information can significantly enhance the usefulness of your logs, making them more actionable and insightful.

Think of it like adding crucial details to a story: instead of just stating "an error occurred," contextual logging tells you who was affected, when it happened, where in the system it originated, and even what data was involved.

At first glance, this might seem like extra work, but consider the benefits:

  1. Enhanced debugging: Adding context to logs helps pinpoint the exact issue quickly. For instance, knowing which user or service was affected can drastically reduce the time spent debugging.
  2. Improved traceability: Contextual logs make it much easier to follow the flow of requests and actions across different parts of the system. This can be crucial in distributed systems.
  3. Better monitoring: Logs enriched with context provide much more detailed insights for monitoring tools, improving how we can search and index logs in tools, improving alerting mechanisms to help us minimize downtimes.
  4. Efficient incident response: A detailed insight into the context during incidents and debugging can help teams resolve the issue faster.
  5. Reproducibility: Having access to the exact input that led to the error makes it much easier to reproduce and diagnose by the developers. Remember to always protect sensitive data to avoid breaking any privacy regulations (e.g. GDPR, HIPAA). It's also important to be mindful about the size of payloads.

Let's take a look at how logs with contextual information can help us. Given the log messages, below we can deduce a bit of information.

time=2024-07-02T19:50:39.181+02:00 level=ERROR source=/home/pp/contextual-logs/main.go:31 msg="failed to login" service=authService node=auth-node-1 environment=production request_id=0b0d3131-af6f-4775-a825-f115e21f1e68 user_id=cf2db94f-ca8e-43db-b50a-2f17215d057d payload.username="Harry Potter" payload.auth_method=password
time=2024-07-02T19:50:42.181+02:00 level=DEBUG source=/home/pp/contextual-logs/main.go:31 msg="successful login" service=authService node=auth-node-1 environment=production request_id=0b0d3131-af6f-4775-a825-f115e21f1e69 user_id=cf2db94f-ca8e-43db-b50a-2f17215d057d payload.username="Harry Potter" payload.auth_method=oauth
time=2024-07-02T19:52:29.181+02:00 level=DEBUG source=/home/pp/contextual-logs/main.go:31 msg="successful login" service=authService node=auth-node-2 environment=production request_id=0b0d3131-af6f-4775-a825-f115e21f1e70 user_id=cf2db94f-ca8e-43db-b50a-2f17215d057e payload.username="Beelzebub" payload.auth_method=password

We can gather from the logs that it seems that the problem is isolated to the node auth-node-1 and also only when using the password authentication method.

Thanks to the contextual information have a very good idea of where to start searching for the error. Maybe it's a configuration on auth-node-1 or a firewall preventing it from connecting properly with the database.

Remember that the best context to include will depend on your specific application and observability goals. Choose the information that provides the most value for understanding and improving your system's behavior.

Enough talk! Let's see contextual logging in action through the log/slog package.

Implementing contextual logging with slog

The log/slog package in Go makes adding context to your log entries a breeze. We'll enhance our authentication service to demonstrate this.

Here's the starting point:

package main

import (

func main() {
    slog.Debug("Starting authentication service")

    http.HandleFunc("/login", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        slog.Error("failed to login")

    if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil); err != nil {
        slog.Error("the server crashed")

Now, let's enrich our logs with contextual data by adding default attributes for the service, then including request-specific details in the login handler:

package main

import (


func main() {
    // Add a few default environmental attributes that always are included
    defaultAttrs := []slog.Attr{
        slog.String("service", "authService"),
        slog.String("node", "auth-node-1"),
        slog.String("environment", "production"),

    // Create a Logger and apply the Default attrs to the handler
    handler := slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, &slog.HandlerOptions{AddSource: true}).WithAttrs(defaultAttrs)
    logger := slog.New(handler)

    logger.Debug("Starting authentication service")

    http.HandleFunc("/login", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        // Mock a Request ID for tracing and UserID
        request_id := uuid.NewString()
        user_id := uuid.NewString()

        // Add Contextual information for this Function call,
        logger.Error("failed to login",
            slog.String("request_id", request_id),
            slog.String("user_id", user_id),
                slog.String("username", "Harry Potter"),
                slog.String("auth_method", "password"),

    if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil); err != nil {
        logger.Error("the server crashed")

Run the program, send a login request, and observe the enriched log output:

go mod tidy
go run main.go
curl localhost:8080/login
time=2024-07-02T19:50:39.181+02:00 level=ERROR source=/home/pp/contextual-logs/main.go:31 msg="failed to login" service=authService node=auth-node-1 environment=production request_id=0b0d3131-af6f-4775-a825-f115e21f1e68 user_id=cf2db94f-ca8e-43db-b50a-2f17215d057d payload.username="Harry Potter" payload.auth_method=password

We now have a wealth of information to aid debugging! This is the power of contextual logging with slog. The great thing about this is that any decent logging tool (such as Better Stack) will also allow you to filter and search on the included attributes, making troubleshooting a breeze.

In the next section, we'll look at an easier way to add contextual attributes to the logs without repeating them at the log point.

Using context.Context with slog

In the example above, you added contextual information by including attributes directly in the log statements. This approach works, but in a real-world application, it is impractical to repeatedly add dynamic values like request_id to each log statement generated from a request.

To streamline this process, you can leverage context.Context to pass contextual information to the logger, allowing the log handler to include these values automatically.

This can be achieved by creating a custom handler that retrieves attributes from a context.Context instance, and using the context-aware slog methods with a Context suffix, such as slog.DebugContext().

We will create a custom handler that extracts specific values from the context and includes them in the log entries. This way, you don't have to manually add these attributes in every log statement.

package main

import (


type ContextHandler struct {
// Handle overrides the default Handle method to add context values.
func (h *ContextHandler) Handle(ctx context.Context, r slog.Record) error {
if requestID, ok := ctx.Value("request_id").(string); ok {
r.AddAttrs(slog.String("request_id", requestID))
if userID, ok := ctx.Value("user_id").(string); ok {
r.AddAttrs(slog.String("user_id", userID))
return h.Handler.Handle(ctx, r)
func main() { // Add a few default environmental attributes that always are included defaultAttrs := []slog.Attr{ slog.String("service", "authService"), slog.String("node", "auth-node-1"), slog.String("environment", "production"), } // Create a Logger and apply the Default attrs to the handler
baseHandler := slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, &slog.HandlerOptions{AddSource: true}).WithAttrs(defaultAttrs)
customHandler := &ContextHandler{Handler: baseHandler}
logger := slog.New(customHandler)
logger.Debug("Starting authentication service")
http.HandleFunc("/login", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// Create Request ID for tracing
request_id := uuid.NewString()
user_id := uuid.NewString()
ctx := r.Context()
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "request_id", request_id)
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, "user_id", user_id)
// Pass contextual information using the context
logger.ErrorContext(ctx, "failed to login",
slog.String("username", "Harry Potter"),
slog.String("auth_method", "password"),
if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil); err != nil { logger.Error("the server crashed") } }

The ContextHandler is designed to extract request_id and user_id from the provided ctx. If found, these values are seamlessly incorporated into the log record as attributes.

Give the program another run, and witness the changes: context values are now automatically populated in your logs!

go run main.go
curl localhost:8080/login
time=2024-07-02T20:30:58.807+02:00 level=ERROR source=/home/pp/contextual-logs/main.go:50 msg="failed to login" service=authService node=auth-node-1 environment=production payload.username="Harry Potter" payload.auth_method=password request_id=f833cba9-96ec-4e38-aa55-c9f7b2030e1a user_id=40b834ad-264d-4a17-abfd-2b9fe707f3ba

This technique is great when you need to enrich your logs without altering existing function signatures. Simply embed the information within the context.Context, and let the ContextHandler handle the rest.

However, it has a fundamental limitation: restricting you to predefined context values within the Handle() method. What if you need to add arbitrary values to your logs dynamically?

Let's explore a better solution that will help you do just that through a third-party library:

package main

import (

    slogctx ""

func main() {
    // Add a few default environmental attributes that always are included
    defaultAttrs := []slog.Attr{
        slog.String("service", "authService"),
        slog.String("node", "auth-node-1"),
        slog.String("environment", "production"),

    // Create a Logger and apply the Default attrs to the handler
    baseHandler := slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, &slog.HandlerOptions{AddSource: true}).
customHandler := slogctx.NewHandler(baseHandler, nil)
logger := slog.New(customHandler) logger.Debug("Starting authentication service") http.HandleFunc("/login", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { // Create Request ID for tracing request_id := uuid.NewString() user_id := uuid.NewString() ctx := r.Context() // You can add arbitrary key/value pairs to the context
ctx = slogctx.Append(ctx, "request_id", request_id)
ctx = slogctx.Append(ctx, "user_id", user_id)
// Pass contextual information using the context logger.ErrorContext(ctx, "failed to login", slog.Group("payload", slog.String("username", "Harry Potter"), slog.String("auth_method", "password"), ), ) }) if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil); err != nil { logger.Error("the server crashed") } }

Instead of writing our own ContextHandler, we're now using the Handler provided by the slog-context library. It allows us to prepend or append arbitrary key/value pairs to log lines, and the Handler picks them up later when a new log line is written:

Re-running the program should print the request_id and the user_id as before, but also any other attributed you choose to append with slogctx.Append():

go mod tidy
go run main.go
curl localhost:8080/login
time=2024-07-02T20:30:58.807+02:00 level=ERROR source=/home/pp/development/betterstack/contextual-logs/thirdpartyctx/main.go:39 msg="failed to login" service=authService node=auth-node-1 environment=production payload.username="Harry Potter" payload.auth_method=password request_id=d2778f5b-6c80-4a23-893e-af70ee9ec19c user_id=487b514a-b73b-4a6f-af2b-ff271cb2cd17

Adding trace IDs and span IDs to logs

The previous section showcased how you can automate including the request_id and user_id attributes in logs. Those two are just examples: so much more can be added as contextual information to logs.

If you are familiar with distributed tracing with OpenTelemetry (OTel), one useful technique is adding a SpanID and TraceID to log messages.

A TraceID, often paired with its SpanID, is invaluable for tracing the origin and flow of actions in distributed systems. It helps you understand why a service behaves a certain way and what triggered its actions.

By incorporating these IDs into your logs, you gain the ability to seamlessly connect traces and logs, enabling robust joint analysis and troubleshooting.

Let's leverage our context-passing knowledge to automatically extract and include these IDs in our logs:

package main

import (

    slogctx ""
    sdktrace ""
    semconv ""

const (
    OtelTraceID = "TraceID"
    OtelSpanID  = "SpanID"

// InitTracer returns an Mock Tracer
func InitTracer(ctx context.Context, service string) trace.Tracer {
    client := otlptracegrpc.NewClient(
    exporter, err := otlptrace.New(ctx, client)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("creating OTLP trace exporter: %w", err)

    tp := sdktrace.NewTracerProvider(

    return tp.Tracer(service)

func newResource(service string) *resource.Resource {
    return resource.NewWithAttributes(

// TracingMiddleware extracts OTEL headers and adds them to the request context.
func TracingMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        // Extract headers
        spanID := r.Header.Get(OtelSpanID)
        traceID := r.Header.Get(OtelTraceID)

        // Add values to the request context
        ctx := r.Context()
        if spanID != "" {
            ctx = slogctx.Append(ctx, OtelSpanID, spanID)
        if traceID != "" {
            ctx = slogctx.Append(ctx, OtelTraceID, traceID)

        // Pass the request with the updated context to the next handler
        next.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx))
func main() {
    // Add a few default environmental attributes that always are included
    rootCtx := context.Background()
    tracer := InitTracer(rootCtx, "authService")
    // Create a Logger and apply the Default attrs to the handler
    baseHandler := slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, &slog.HandlerOptions{AddSource: true})
    // Wrap the base handler with slogctx to handle context logging
    customHandler := slogctx.NewHandler(baseHandler, nil)
    logger := slog.New(customHandler)
    logger.Debug("Starting authentication service")

    loginHandler := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        // Create Trace
        ctx, span := tracer.Start(r.Context(), "login")
        defer span.End()
        // Add Contextual information for this Function call
        logger.ErrorContext(ctx, "failed to login",
                slog.String("username", "Harry Potter"),
                slog.String("auth_method", "password"),


    // Wrap your handler with the TracingMiddleware
    http.Handle("/login", TracingMiddleware(loginHandler))

    // Start the HTTP server
    if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil); err != nil {
        logger.Error("the server crashed")

The InitTracer() function is used to set up an OTel tracer, while TracingMiddleware() automatically adds the TraceID and SpanID attributes to log entries if they exist in the request headers. By leveraging slogctx we easily add automatic extraction of the SpanID and TraceID to be included in future logs down the stack as long as the Context methods are used to generate them.

Try restarting the server and requesting the /login route once again to see the IDs being printed. Remember to run go mod tidy to download all the new dependencies first.

go run main.go
curl localhost:8080/login -H "SpanID: abcdef1234567890"
time=2024-07-02T21:10:53.718+02:00 level=ERROR source=/home/pp/development/betterstack/contextual-logs/thirdpartyctx/main.go:88 msg="failed to login" payload.username="Harry Potter" payload.auth_method=password SpanID=abcdef1234567890

With the automatic inclusion of tracing IDs in place, your logs are now equipped with traceability, significantly improving your ability to navigate and understand complex system interactions.

You can also use the slog-context/otel package to achieve the same thing without writing your own TracingMiddleware() function.

Learn more: Practical Tracing for Go Apps with OpenTelemetry

Passing your logger: context, parameters, or global scope?

A perennial debate in the Go community revolves around the optimal way to manage your logger throughout your application. The three most common approaches are:

  • Context-based passing: Embed the logger within the context.Context.
  • Function parameters: Explicitly pass the logger as an argument to functions.
  • Global logger: Maintain a single, globally accessible logger instance.

Each method has its own advantages and drawbacks, and the ideal choice hinges on the unique requirements and architecture of your application. Your team's preferences and familiarity also play a significant role.

Let's look at the three approaches in turn:

1. Passing loggers by context

This approach leverages the context.Context to seamlessly propagate the logger throughout your application. It's straightforward: add the logger as a value to the context using ctx.WithValue(), and retrieve it wherever you need it using the associated key.

The pros of this approach are

  • Consistency: The logger is readily available where needed, even allowing for optional logging based on its presence in the context.
  • Simplified function signatures: No need for additional parameters for the logger, which keeps the signatures cleaner, especially in deeply nested calls.
  • Ease of use: Many functions already accept a context as a first parameter according to Go conventions making it very easy to implement.

There are, however, some cons to this approach:

  • Implicit dependency: The logger's presence can be less obvious, potentially leading to confusion or crashes if not handled carefully.
  • Performance overhead: You need to extract the logger from the context, so while atomically small, there is still an overhead.
  • Context misuse: Overloading the context with too many dependencies can lead to complex and difficult-to-maintain code.

Here's what the implementation of this approach could look like:

package main

import (

// ContextKey is an alias for string type
type ContextKey string

const (
    // LoggerCtxKey is the string used to extract logger
    LoggerCtxKey ContextKey = "logger"

func main() {
    logger := slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, &slog.HandlerOptions{AddSource: true}))

    loginHandler := http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        // Fetch the Logger from Context
        ctx := r.Context()
        // Grab the Logger from the context
        logger := ctx.Value(LoggerCtxKey).(*slog.Logger)
        logger.ErrorContext(ctx, "failed to login")


    // Wrap your handler with the LoggerMiddleware
    http.Handle("/login", LoggerMiddleware(loginHandler, logger))

// LoggerMiddleware adds a logger to the requests
func LoggerMiddleware(next http.Handler, logger *slog.Logger) http.Handler {
    return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        // Add the logger to the context using our special Logger
        ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), LoggerCtxKey, logger)
        next.ServeHTTP(w, r.WithContext(ctx))

This context-based approach is generally favored when you need to propagate additional metadata alongside the logger, ensuring it's readily available throughout your application. It's particularly useful when you want to avoid modifying existing function signatures, especially if your functions already accept a context parameter.

The slogctx.NewCtx() and slogctx.FromCtx() methods also allow you to work directly with a logger residing with the context (or a default logger if no logger is stored in the context). Do check them out if you intend to utilize this pattern in your applications.

Passing loggers by parameter

In this approach, the logger is explicitly passed into functions or embedded within structs as part of their API.

The pros are:

  • Explicit dependency: Passing the logger as a function parameter makes it very clear that it is expected. There is no question that this function relies on logging.
  • Flexibility: It allows more flexibility in how the logger is used and replaced, you can create a copy of the current logger and change it, like adding default fields. Then pass that logger deeper into the stack trace.

Then there is the obvious con of this approach

  • Verbose signatures: It is very verbose to add the logger as a parameter to each function that needs a logger. This is especially true in deeply nested functions.

To reduce verbosity, consider storing the logger as a field within a struct. This allows all the struct methods to access the logger without explicitly passing it as a parameter.

package main

import (

func main() {
    logger := slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, &slog.HandlerOptions{AddSource: true}))

    as := &AuthService{
        logger: logger,
    // Regular Login handler
    http.HandleFunc("/login", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        loginHandler(w, r, logger)
    // Logging with Struct
    http.HandleFunc("/login-struct", as.loginHandler)

    if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil); err != nil {
        logger.Error("the server crashed")

// loginHandler that accepts the logger as a parameter
func loginHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, logger *slog.Logger) {
    logger.Error("failed to login")

// A struct holding the Logger to reduce dependency and avoid verbositiy
type AuthService struct {
    logger *slog.Logger

func (as *AuthService) loginHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    as.logger.Error("failed to login")

This approach is often recommended when you prefer an explicit dependency and want to make reliance on the logger clear. The verbosity is often reduced by adding the logger as part of a struct.

Using a global logger

The third approach involves employing a global logger, either created in your main function or exposed by a logging package for import and use across your codebase.

Both the standard log package and log/slog offer this out-of-the-box functionality, allowing you to log immediately after import. You retain the flexibility to configure these loggers to suit your needs.

The pros of this approach are:

  • Ease of use: The logger is available anywhere in the codebase without needing to pass it explicitly.
  • Consistency: Ensures the same logger configuration is applied throughout the application.

The cons are:

  • Global state issues: Relying on a global state can make code harder to test and maintain. Changes to the global logger affect the entire application.
  • Less flexible: It can get harder to change logger configuration for specific parts of the application, although child loggers can mitigate this.
  • Concurrency issues: Depending on the implementation, there may be concurrency issues when using a global logger. While default handlers are generally safe, custom handlers might introduce concurrency concerns.
package main

import (

func init() {
    // Setup and configure you're logger how you want it
    logger := slog.New(slog.NewTextHandler(os.Stdout, &slog.HandlerOptions{AddSource: true}))
    // You can set the default logger using the Slog package, it will modify all calls to slog to use the configured logger

func main() {
    slog.Debug("Starting authentication service")

    http.HandleFunc("/login", loginHandler)

    if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil); err != nil {
        slog.Error("the server crashed")

func loginHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    slog.Error("failed to login")

A global logger is often recommended in small to medium-sized applications where simplicity is a priority and you're comfortable with the trade-offs associated with global state.

Final thoughts

In this article, we've explored the importance and implementation of contextual logging in Go using the slog package. Contextual logging significantly enhances the usefulness of log entries by embedding relevant metadata to improve debugging, traceability, monitoring, and incident response, making logs more informative and actionable.

We also demonstrated the three primary methods to pass a logger around in Go applications. By understanding the pros and cons of each approach, you can choose the best approach for your application's needs.

Whether you prioritize consistency and traceability with context, explicit dependencies with parameters, or simplicity with a global logger, contextual logging will greatly enhance your ability to monitor and debug your applications effectively.

Thanks for reading!

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Article by
Percy Bolmér
Percy is a technical writer with a passion for programming. He loves learning and experimenting with new technologies, always eager to test the latest advancements. When he’s not writing or coding, Percy enjoys long-distance running and cross-country skiing
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