Explore documentation

Grouping and ordering monitors

Ordering monitors

By default, the most recently created monitors are shown first.

To change the order:

  • Go to Monitors.
  • Hover over the monitor group and click the Sort button in the upper right corner.
  • Choose how you want to sort your monitors.

Ordering monitors in Better Stack

Grouping monitors

To create a new group:

  • Go to Monitors.
  • On a monitor, click the ⋯ button on the right side.
  • In the context menu, select Create group and name your new group.
  • You can move more monitors in by using Move to, or create a monitor in the group directly by clicking the + in the group header menu.

Grouping monitors in Better Stack

To bulk-edit large amounts of monitors, we'd recommend selecting multiple monitors at once and using bulk actions or giving our Uptime API a try.