On-call calendar API response params

Response body parameters

Parameter Type Values
data Object Data object (see data object table below)
included Array of Objects Array of on-call user objects (see included array table below)

Namespace data

Parameter Type Values
id String The ID of the on-call calendar
type String on_call_calendar
attributes Object Attributes object (see below)
attributes.name String Name of the on-call calendar
attributes.default_calendar Boolean Is the on-call calendar default on-call calendar?
relationships Object Relationships object (see below)
relationships.on_call_users Object On Call Users object (see below)
relationships.on_call_users.data Array of Objects Array of on-call persons
relationships.on_call_users.data[index].id String Id of the on call person
relationships.on_call_users.data[index].type String user

Namespace included[index]

Parameter Type Values
id String Id of the included on-call user
type String on_call_user
attributes Object Attributes object (see below)
attributes.first_name String First name of the on-call user
attributes.first_name String Last name of the on-call user
attributes.email String Email of the on-call user
attributes.phone_numbers Array of Strings Array of phone numbers. Example value [+420737123456]