Monitor groups API response params

Response body params

Namespace data

Parameter Type Values
id String The id of the monitor group (String representation of number)
type String monitor_group
attributes Object Attributes object (see below) String Name of the monitor group. You will see this name in the dashboard.
attributes.sort_index Integer Specifies the sorting order of the monitor groups. Can be null
attributes.created_at String (ISO DateTime format) When was the monitor group created. Example value "2020-10-03T20:20:43.547Z"
attributes.updated_at String (ISO DateTime format) When was the monitor group last updated. Example value "2020-10-03T20:20:43.547Z"
attributes.paused Boolean Set to true to pause monitoring for any existing monitors in the group — we won't notify you about downtime. Set to false to resume monitoring for any existing monitors in the group.