Replace bucket name and ARN
Replace elb-logs-bucket-name
with name of your S3 bucket.
Replace arn:aws:iam::054676820928:root
with the correct ARN for your region.
Send AWS Elastic Load Balancering logs to Better Stack. We automatically recognize and parse Application Load Balancer, Network Load Balancer, and Classic Elastic Load Balancer access logs.
Deploy a Lambda function to read logs from S3 bucket and ship them to Better Stack.
Create an S3 bucket:
.Add permissions for ELB to write logs into the bucket:
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "arn:aws:iam::054676820928:root"
"Action": "s3:PutObject",
"Resource": "arn:aws:s3:::elb-logs-bucket-name/AWSLogs/*"
Replace elb-logs-bucket-name
with name of your S3 bucket.
Replace arn:aws:iam::054676820928:root
with the correct ARN for your region.
Access Denied
error?Please go back and check your Bucket policy.
Can't make this work? Let us know at
.Scroll down to S3 trigger:
Download Requests package as Zip file.
Add Lambda layer with Requests package and dependencies:
and arm64
.Set up Lambda layer:
Find Code source section for your lambda.
Replace Code for lambda_function with the following code:
import json
import gzip
import boto3
import requests
import shlex
import urllib
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
def process_log_line(line, fields):
res = shlex.split(line, posix=False)
return dict(zip(fields, res))
def get_load_balancer_type(key):
if key.endswith(".gz"):
key = key[:-3]
file_parts = key.split(".")
if len(file_parts) == 2:
# Only one dot separating file name and extension - i.e. no dot in file name
return "classic"
loadbalancer_type = file_parts[0].split("_")[-1]
return loadbalancer_type if loadbalancer_type in ["app", "net"] else "classic"
def get_log_fields(load_balancer_type):
if load_balancer_type == "app":
return ["type", "dt", "elb", "client_port", "target_port", "request_processing_time", "target_processing_time", "response_processing_time", "elb_status_code", "target_status_code", "received_bytes", "sent_bytes", "request","user_agent", "ssl_cipher", "ssl_protocol", "target_group_arn", "trace_idd", "domain_name", "chosen_cert_arn", "matched_rule_priority", "dt", "actions_executed", "redirect_url", "error_reason", "target_port_list", "target_status_code_list", "classification", "classification_reason"]
if load_balancer_type == "net":
return ["type", "version", "dt", "elb", "listener", "client_port", "destination_port", "connection_time", "tls_handshake_time", "received_bytes", "sent_bytes", "incoming_tls_alert", "chosen_cert_arn", "chosen_cert_serial", "tls_cipher", "tls_protocol_version", "tls_named_group", "domain_name", "alpn_fe_protocol", "alpn_be_protocol", "alpn_client_preference_list", "tls_connection_creation_time"]
# use "classic" elb as a default
return ["dt", "elb", "client_port", "backend_port", "request_processing_time", "backend_processing_time", "response_processing_time", "elb_status_code", "backend_status_code", "received_bytes", "sent_bytes", "request", "user_agent", "ssl_cipher", "ssl_protocol"]
def lambda_handler(event, context):
better_stack_source_token = '$SOURCE_TOKEN'
bucket = event['Records'][0]['s3']['bucket']['name']
key = urllib.parse.unquote_plus(event['Records'][0]['s3']['object']['key'], encoding='utf-8')
log_fields = get_log_fields(get_load_balancer_type(key))
obj = s3.get_object(Bucket=bucket, Key=key)
content = obj['Body'].read()
if key.endswith('.log.gz'):
content = gzip.decompress(content)
elif key.endswith('.log'):
raise ValueError(f"Unexpected file extension for file {key} in bucket {bucket}. Expected .log or .log.gz file.")
lines = str(content, encoding='utf-8').strip().split('\n')
json_data = json.dumps(lines)
valid_data = json.loads(json_data)
processed_data = [process_log_line(line, log_fields) for line in valid_data]
url = 'https://$INGESTING_HOST'
headers = {
'Authorization': f"Bearer {better_stack_source_token}",
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
response =, json=processed_data, headers=headers)
print(f"Sent logs to {url}. Got response code: {response.status_code}")
Click Deploy and you're done. 🎉
You should see your logs in Better Stack → Live tail.
It may take few minutes for your logs to propagate to Better Stack.
Please let us know at
We're happy to help! 🙏