Explore documentation

Monitors API response params

Response body params

Namespace data

Parameter Type Values
id String The id of the monitor. String representation of a number.
type String monitor
attributes Object Attributes object - contains all the Monitor attributes. See below.
attributes.url String The URL of your website or the host you want to ping. See attributes.monitor_type below.
attributes.pronounceable_name String The pronounceable name of the monitor. We will use this when we call you, so no tongue-twisters, please. :)
attributes.monitor_type String Valid values:
status β€” We will check your website for a 2XX HTTP status code.
expected_status_code β€” We will check if your website returned one of the values in expected_status_codes.
keyword β€” We will check if your website contains the required_keyword.
keyword_absence β€” We will check if your website doesn't contain the required_keyword.
ping β€” We will ping your host specified in the url parameter.
tcp β€” We will test a TCP port at your host specified in the url parameter (port is required).
udp β€” We will test a UDP port at your host specified in the url parameter (port and required_keyword are required).
smtp β€” We will check for a SMTP server at the host specified in the url parameter (port is required, and can be one of 25, 465, 587, or a combination of those ports separated by a comma).
pop β€” We will check for a POP3 server at the host specified in the url parameter (port is required, and can be 110, 995, or both).
imap β€” We will check for an IMAP server at the host specified in the url parameter (port is required, and can be 143, 993, or both).
dns β€” We will check for a DNS server at the host specified in the url parameter (request_body is required, and should contain the domain to query the DNS server with).
playwright β€” We will run the scenario defined by playwright_script, identified in the UI by scenario_name.
attributes.monitor_group_id String The Id of the monitor group that your monitor is part of. Set this attribute if you want to add this monitor to a monitor group.
attributes.last_checked_at String (ISO DateTime format) When was the last check performed. Example value 2020-09-01T14:17:46.000Z.
attributes.status String up β€” Checks are passing.
down β€” Checks are failing.
validating β€” The service seems to be back up, but the recovery_period since the last failed check still hasn't passed.
paused β€” The monitor was paused.
pending β€” The monitor was just created and it's waiting for the first check.
maintenance β€” The monitor is paused because it is currently in its maintenance period.
attributes.policy_id Integer The escalation policy ID for this monitor.
attributes.team_name String The team this monitor is in.
attributes.required_keyword String Required if monitor_type is set to keyword or udp. We will create a new incident if this keyword is missing on your page.
attributes.verify_ssl Boolean Verify SSL certificate validity.
attributes.check_frequency Integer How often should we check your website? In seconds.
attributes.call Boolean Call the on-call person.
attributes.sms Boolean Send an SMS to the on-call person.
attributes.email Boolean Send an email to the on-call person.
attributes.push Boolean Send a push notification to the on-call person.
attributes.team_wait Integer How long to wait before escalating the incident alert to the team. Leave blank to disable escalating to the entire team. In seconΓ₯ds.
attributes.http_method String HTTP Method used to make a request. Valid options: GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, PATCH.
attributes.request_timeout Integer How long to wait before timing out the request? In seconds.
attributes.recovery_period Integer How long the monitor must be up to automatically mark an incident as resolved after being down. In seconds.
attributes.request_headers Array of objects An optional array of custom HTTP headers for the request. Set the name and value properties to form a complete header.
attributes.request_headers[header_index].id String The Id of the header. Do not set this parameter; it is generated automatically.
attributes.request_headers[header_index].name String The name of the header. Example value: Application-type.
attributes.request_headers[header_index].value String The value of the header. Example value: application/json.
attributes.request_body String Request body for POST, PUT, PATCH requests. Required if monitor_type is set to dns (domain to query the DNS server with).
attributes.paused_at String (ISO DateTime format) When was the monitor paused. null if the monitor is not paused.
attributes.created_at String (ISO DateTime format) When was the monitor created.
attributes.updated_at String (ISO DateTime format) When was the monitor last updated.
attributes.ssl_expiration Integer How many days in advance of your SSL certificate expiration date you want to be alerted. "Don't check for SSL expiration" = null Allowed values are: null, 1, 2, 3, 7, 14, 30, 60.
attributes.domain_expiration Integer How many days in advance of your domain's expiration date you want to be alerted. = null Allowed values are: null, 1, 2, 3, 7, 14, 30, 60.
attributes.regions Array of strings An array of regions to set. Allowed values are ["us", "eu", "as", "au"] or any subset of these regions.
attributes.port String Required if monitor_type is set to tcp, udp, smtp, pop, or imap. tcp and udp monitors accept any ports, while smtp, pop, and imap accept only the specified ports corresponding with their servers (e.g. "25,465,587" for smtp).
attributes.confirmation_period Integer How long should we wait after observing a failure before we start a new incident? In seconds.
attributes.expected_status_codes Array of integers An array of status codes you expect to receive from your website. These status codes are considered only if the monitor_type is expected_status_code.
attributes.maintenance_days Array of strings An array of maintenance days to set. If a maintenance window is overnight both affected days should be set. Allowed values are ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun'] or any subset of these days.
attributes.maintenance_from String Start of the maintenance window each day. We won't check your website during this window. Example: 01:00:00.
attributes.maintenance_to String End of the maintenance window each day. Example: 03:00:00.
attributes.maintenance_timezone String The timezone to use for the maintenance window each day. Defaults to UTC. The accepted values can be found in the Rails TimeZone documentation.