Response params

Response body params

Namespace data

Parameter Type Values
id String The ID of the heartbeat.
type String heartbeat
attributes Object Attributes object. See below.
attributes.url String URL to your heartbeat. String A name of the service for this heartbeat.
attributes.period Integer How often is this heartbeat expected. In seconds. Minimum value: 30 seconds.
attributes.grace Integer Heartbeats can fluctuate; specify this value to control what is still acceptable. Minimum value: 0 seconds. We recommend setting this to approx. 20% of period. Boolean Call the on-call person.
attributes.sms Boolean Send an SMS to the on-call person. Boolean Send an email to the on-call person.
attributes.push Boolean Send a push notification to the on-call person.
attributes.team_wait Integer How long should we wait before escalating the incident alert to the team. Leave blank to disable escalating to the entire team.
attributes.heartbeat_group_id String Set this attribute if you want to add this heartbeat to a heartbeat group. Can be null.
attributes.team_name String The name of the team this heartbeat is in.
attributes.sort_index Integer An index controlling the position of a heartbeat in the heartbeat group.
attributes.paused_at String (ISO DateTime format) When was the heartbeat paused. Can be null if heart beat is not paused.
attributes.created_at String (ISO DateTime format) When was the heartbeat created. Example value "2020-05-05T11:41:49.327Z".
attributes.updated_at String (ISO DateTime format) When was the heartbeat last updated. Example value "2020-05-05T11:41:49.327Z".
attributes.status String The status attribute can have one of the following values:
paused - The heartbeat was paused.
pending - The heartbeat was just created and is waiting for first request.
up - Heartbeat received request on time.
down - Heartbeat did not receive request on time.
attributes.maintenance_days Array of strings An array of maintenance days to set. If a maintenance window is overnight both affected days should be set. Allowed values are ['mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat', 'sun'] or any subset of these days.
attributes.maintenance_from String Start of the maintenance window each day. We won't check your website during this window. Example: 01:00:00.
attributes.maintenance_to String End of the maintenance window each day. Example: 03:00:00.
attributes.maintenance_timezone String The timezone to use for the maintenance window each day. Defaults to UTC. The accepted values can be found in the Rails TimeZone documentation.