Get an API token


How Uptime API works

Our API follows the JSON:API specification.

API requests to the Uptime API are authorized using the Bearer Authentication standard. Simply include an Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN header in your requests.

You can use either:
- A Global API Token valid across all your teams.
- A Team-specific API Token scoped to an individual team.

Get an Uptime API Token

Screenshot of Uptime API tokens

Do you need multiple API tokens?

Whether for different third-party apps or personal use, you can create multiple tokens.

  1. Go to Teams.
  2. Click the team you'd like to create the token for.
  3. Select API Tokens.
  4. In the Direct API tokens section, enter a name in Token name and click Generate API Token.

That's it! 🎉 You've created a new token. Each token’s name appears below it, making it easy to differentiate between them.

Only the Team admin can create new tokens.

Have any questions?

Check out our easy-to-navigate Frequently Asked Questions.

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