Render integration

Start logging in 2 minutes

  1. Go to Render dashboard -> ObservabilityLog StreamsAdd Log Stream.
  2. Paste the values below into the fields.
  3. Click on Save Changes and you're done. 🎉
Log Stream configuration
Log Endpoint: $INGESTING_HOST_VEC:6514
Token:        $SOURCE_TOKEN

You should see your logs in Better Stack → Live tail.

Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 11.43.02.png

Send Render metrics to Better Stack

Create OpenTelemetry source

  1. Go to Sources -> Connect source.

  2. Name the source and select OpenTelemetry.

  3. Click "Connect source".

  4. Copy the Source token and Ingesting host from the page.

Set up metrics in Render

  1. Go to Render dashboard -> Observability.

  2. Under Metrics Stream, click Add Destination.

  3. Select Better Stack.

  4. Paste the Better Stack Source token and Ingesting host.

You should see your metrics in the OpenTelemetry dashboard.

Need help?

Please let us know at
We're happy to help! 🙏