
Quickly explore and visualize your logs to debug issues and discover patterns using Log SQL.

Want a dashboard with multiple charts and alerts?

Use Dashboards instead of Explore logs to get:

  • Dashboards: Put multiple charts on a dashboard to get an overview of your apps and services.
  • Faster charts: Dashboards use Logs to metrics to load weeks of your logs in seconds.
  • Alerts: Set up anomaly alerts for errors and latencies of your apps and CPU and memory of your servers.

Getting started

Start exploring your logs in Explore logs → Create query. Select a source. Use the following Log SQL expression:

Log SQL query counting number of log lines by level
SELECT {{time}} as time,
  count(*) as value,
  JSONExtract(json, 'level', 'Nullable(String)') AS series
FROM {{source}}
WHERE time BETWEEN {{start_time}} AND {{end_time}}
GROUP BY time, series

Log SQL queries use ClickHouse SQL, which is largely similar to ANSI SQL you’re likely familiar with. In the SQL query above, we leverage the JSONExtract() ClickHouse function.

In the query above, we use count(*) to get the number of logs for each level.

Extracting log fields

In Explore logs, you can access any field in your logs. Extract top-level or nested fields using JSONExtract() function:

  • Top-level field level: JSONExtract(json, 'level', 'Nullable(String)')
  • Nested field context.request.status: JSONExtract(json, 'context', 'request', 'status', 'Nullable(String)')

The last argument of JSONExtract() is a ClickHouse type.
Use 'Nullable(String)' extract fields as strings.
Wrapping String with Nullable() prevents issues with missing values.

Query variables

On top of SQL, Log SQL queries feature variables like {{source}} or {{time}}. Variables conveniently insert selected source, current time range, and other selected values into your queries. Read more about query variables.

Video overview

Explore logs with examples

Chart number of logs by host

Chart how many logs your servers produce:

Log SQL query counting number of log lines by host
SELECT {{time}} as time,
  count(*) as value,
  JSONExtract(json, 'context', 'hostname', 'Nullable(String)') AS series
FROM {{source}}
WHERE time BETWEEN {{start_time}} AND {{end_time}}
GROUP BY time, series

Want to use the extracted field in dashboards?

Add a metric in Logs to metrics for your source:

  • Metric: Name your metric hostname.
  • JSON dot notation: Write JSON path context.hostname.
  • Type: Select String.
  • Aggregations: Leave No aggregation selected.

Once added, you can use hostname column on Dashboards.

Track specific error in your logs

Match specific errors in logs message field using CASE and LIKE. The LIKE operator performs a case-sensitive search:

Log SQL query to match a specific error
SELECT {{time}} AS time, 
    JSONExtract(json, 'message', 'Nullable(String)')
    LIKE '%connection lost%' 
  END) AS value
FROM {{source}}
WHERE time BETWEEN {{start_time}} AND {{end_time}}

Want to create an alert for the matched error?

Add a metric in Logs to metrics for your source:

  • Metric: Name your metric is_connection_lost_error.
  • SQL expression: Use the CASE statement - i.e. everything starting with CASE and ending with END including the CASE and END keywords.
  • Type: Select Boolean.
  • Aggregations: Leave No aggregation selected.

To create the alert:

  • Go to Dashboards → Create dashboard.
  • Create a chart with is_connection_lost_error = 1 filter.
  • Add an alert in the right sidebar.

Screenshot of creating an error tracking metric