Better Stack Go logging

Start logging in 2 steps

Collect logs from your Go application.

1. Install

Add slog-betterstack to your project dependencies using go get.

Install the samber/slog-betterstack package
go get

2. Set up handler and start logging 🎉

Configure slog-betterstack as a handler in a new slog logger.
Your log events will be sent to Better Stack automatically.

Logging using samber/slog-betterstack
import (
    slogbetterstack ""

func main() {
    logger := slog.New(
            Token: "$SOURCE_TOKEN",
            Endpoint: "https://$INGESTING_HOST/",

    // Logger is ready to be used
    logger.Info("Hello from Better Stack!")

You should see your logs in Better Stack → Live tail.

Huge thanks to Samuel Berthe who maintains the slog-betterstack library as an MIT-licensed open-source! ❤️

Context and structured data

You can use structured data in slog and send context along with your logs.
For more details check out the slog official documentation.

Logging with context in slog
import (

    slogbetterstack ""


func main() {
    logger := slog.New(
            Level: slog.LevelDebug,
            Token: "$SOURCE_TOKEN",
            Endpoint: "https://$INGESTING_HOST/",

    // You can add common context
    logger = logger.With("release", "v1.0.0")

    // Log a debug message
    logger.Debug("Debugging user service.", "service", "UserService")

    // You can add the context using With
    logger.With("userID", 123).Error("Unable to fetch user data.")

    // Or use structured data
                slog.String("id", "user-123"),
                slog.Time("created_at", time.Now()),
        With("error", fmt.Errorf("an error")).
        Error("a message", slog.Int("count", 1))

Need help?

Please reach out to us at
We're happy to help! 🙏