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Three Ways to Debug Node.js Applications

Ayooluwa Isaiah
Updated on October 10, 2024

The most prevalent method for debugging Node.js code is by using console.log() statements to log information to the console. While this approach can be quick and effective in many situations, it lacks the flexibility offered by dedicated debugging tools, which allow you to pause code execution and perform many complex debugging tasks.

In this article, we'll explore three primary methods for debugging Node.js applications using specialized debugging tools. We'll start by examining the built-in command-line debugger, followed by an overview of the Node.js inspector protocol which is accessible via a number of open source and commercial debuggers.


Before proceeding with this article, ensure that you have a recent version of Node.js and npm installed on your computer. You also need to download and install Google Chrome or the open-source Chromium browser, and Visual Studio Code.

1. Debugging Node.js using the command-line

A command-line debugging utility is included in every installation of Node.js which can come in handy when debugging simple scripts. While its not a fully-featured debugger, it provides enough features to help you step through and examine your code and its data.

Here's a simple Node.js script that uses the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm to find all the prime numbers up to a given limit.

function getPrimes(max) {
  const sieve = {};
  const primes = [];

  for (let i = 2; i <= max; ++i) {
    if (!sieve[i]) {

      for (let j = i << 1; j <= max; j += i) {
        sieve[j] = true;

  return primes;


When you run this script, you will get the following output:

node index.js
   2,  3,  5,  7, 11, 13, 17, 19,
  23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53,
  59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89,

You can utilize the node inspect command to launch a debugging session that uses the command-line debugger:

node inspect index.js
< Debugger listening on ws://
< For help, see:
connecting to ... ok
< Debugger attached.
Break on start in index.js:18
 16 }
>18 console.log(getPrimes(100));

By default, the debugger will pause code execution on the first executable line as indicated with > in the output above. It also ends with the debug> line which indicates that the debugger is ready to accept new commands.

You can change the behavior of the debugger so that it runs the code until it finds a debugger statement in your code by setting the NODE_INSPECT_RESUME_ON_START environmental variable to 1.

NODE_INSPECT_RESUME_ON_START=1 node inspect index.js

Since we don't have a debugger statement in the index.js file, running the above command will execute the script to completion and wait for the debugger to disconnect.

< Debugger listening on ws://
< For help, see:
connecting to ... ok
< Debugger attached.
< [
<    2,  3,  5,  7, 11, 13, 17, 19,
<   23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53,
<   59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89,
<   97
< ]
< Waiting for the debugger to disconnect...

To fix this, return to your editor and add a debugger statement at the point where you want to pause code execution.

function getPrimes(max) {
  const sieve = {};
  const primes = [];

  for (let i = 2; i <= max; ++i) {
if (!sieve[i]) { primes.push(i); for (let j = i << 1; j <= max; j += i) { sieve[j] = true; } } } return primes; } console.log(getPrimes(100));

Afterward, type restart in your debug prompt. It will restart the debugging session and pick up any changes you've made to the script.

debug> restart
< Debugger listening on ws://
< For help, see:
connecting to ... ok
< Debugger attached.
break in index.js:6
  5   for (let i = 2; i <= max; ++i) {
> 6     debugger;
  7     if (!sieve[i]) {
  8       primes.push(i);

You can now see that the code is paused where the debugger statement is placed. Instead of adding debugger statements in your code to pause the script, it might be more convenient to do this via the debugger itself.

Go ahead and remove the debugger statement from your index.js file, then exit the debug prompt by pressing Ctrl-D. Afterward, restart the debugger without the setting environmental variable. It should pause on the first executable line as before.

node inspect index.js
. . .
Break on start in index.js:18
 16 }
>18 console.log(getPrimes(100));

Before we resume code execution, let's set a breakpoint through the setBreakpoint() or sb() method. When used without an argument, it sets a breakpoint on the current line, but we can also pass other arguments such as a specific line in the current script or some other script.

Let's go ahead and set a breakpoint on line 6 by entering the following in the debug prompt:

debug> sb(6)
  1 function getPrimes(max) {
  2   const sieve = {};
  3   const primes = [];
  5   for (let i = 2; i <= max; ++i) {
> 6     if (!sieve[i]) {
  7       primes.push(i);
  9       for (let j = i << 1; j <= max; j += i) {
 10         sieve[j] = true;

The above output indicates that the breakpoint has been set on line 6 successfully. We can now continue code execution by using the c or cont command which will pause the code at the next breakpoint.

debug> c
break in index.js:5
  5   for (let i = 2; i <= max; ++i) {
> 6     if (!sieve[i]) {
  7       primes.push(i);

Instead of using c as above, you can also use the s or step command to step into the function and pause on its first line.

debug> s
break in index.js:2
  1 function getPrimes(max) {
> 2   const sieve = {};
  3   const primes = [];

If you use this option, you can type n or next to go to the next non-empty line.

debug> n
break in index.js:3
  1 function getPrimes(max) {
  2   const sieve = {};
> 3   const primes = [];
  5   for (let i = 2; i <= max; ++i) {

You can also type c to skip ahead to the next breakpoint as demonstrated earlier.

Let's assume you're on the breakpoint on line 6. This line initiates the for loop that finds the prime numbers. It begins its search at 2 which is the smallest prime number, and pushes this number to the primes array if not found in the sieves object.

The sieves object helps us keep track of numbers that are not primes. It is populated in the inner loop by marking the multiples of each discovered prime as non-primes.

We can monitor the values of each entity as the loop progresses by using the adding them to the watchers list through watch(). Go ahead and type the following into the debug prompt:

debug> watch('primes')
debug> watch('sieve')
debug> watch('i')

Afterward, type watchers to view the list of actively watched entities and their values:

debug> watchers
  0: primes = [  ]
  1: sieve = {  }
  2: i = 2

As you can see, both primes and sieve are empty while i is set to 2 at the first iteration. You can type c to continue the code execution so that the first iteration of the loop is completed.

debug> c

You should observe the following output:

break in index.js:6
  0: primes = [ 2 ]
  1: sieve =
    { 4: true,
      6: true,
      8: true,
      . . .
      96: true,
      98: true,
      100: true }
  2: i = 3

  5   for (let i = 2; i <= max; ++i) {
> 6     if (!sieve[i]) {
  7       primes.push(i);

Note that the first prime (2) as been found, and a bunch of numbers have been added to the sieve indicating that they are not primes. i has also been incremented to 3, and the breakpoint on line 6 has been reached again so the code is paused once more.

You can resume execution by typing c or you can enter n to execute the next line. Each time code execution is paused, the values in the watchers list will be printed out as before.

You can also remove a value from the watchers list by typing unwatch('<expr>'). Go ahead and unwatch sieve by typing the following:

debug> unwatch('sieve')

When you type c or n once more, you will no longer observe sieve amongst the watchers.

debug> c
break in index.js:6
  0: primes = [ 2, 3 ]
  1: i = 4

  5   for (let i = 2; i <= max; ++i) {
> 6     if (!sieve[i]) {
  7       primes.push(i);

Perhaps you'd like to see the value of a variable or expression without watching its value, you can use the exec <expr> syntax.

debug> exec sieve
{ 4: true,
  6: true,
  . . .
  99: true,
  100: true }

If you want to inspect multiple values, it may be quicker to use the debugger's repl:

debug> repl
Press Ctrl+C to leave debug repl

At this point, you can type any expression in the current context to print its value:

> primes
[ 2, 3 ]
> i

When you're ready to leave the debug repl, press Ctrl-C. You can clear a breakpoint by using the clearBreakpoint() or cb() method. It takes the script name as its first argument, and the line number as the second.

debug> cb('index.js', 6)

Once you're through with your debugging session, type .exit or Ctrl-D to leave the debug prompt and return to the terminal console.

2. Debugging Node.js through the Chrome DevTools

To demonstrate this process of debugging Node.js applications with the popular Chrome DevTools, we will utilize a basic application that searches Wikipedia. Here's the relevant script in its entirety:

const express = require("express");
const axios = require("axios");
const NodeCache = require("node-cache");

const myCache = new NodeCache({ stdTTL: 600 });
const app = express();
const port = 3000;

async function searchWikipedia(searchQuery) {
  const endpoint = `*&srlimit=5&srsearch=${searchQuery}`;
  const response = await axios.get(endpoint);

app.get("/", async (req, res) => {
  let searchQuery = req.query.q || "";
  searchQuery = searchQuery.trim();

  if (!searchQuery) {
    res.status(400).send("Search query cannot be empty");

  const cacheKey = "wikipedia:" + searchQuery;

  try {
    let data = myCache.get(cacheKey);

    if (data == null) {
      data = await searchWikipedia(searchQuery);
      myCache.set(cacheKey, data, 300);

  } catch (err) {
    res.status(500).send("Internal server error");

const server = app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Wikipedia app listening on port ${port}`);

To get started with debugging your Node.js application using the Chrome DevTools, you need to activate the Node.js inspector when executing your script:

node --inspect server.js
Debugger listening on ws://
For help, see:
Wikipedia app listening on port 3000

The command above causes the Node.js process to listen for a debugging client at host and port 9229. A unique UUID (c8b45bff-c900-42c3-a270-7cae84596482) is also assigned to the process. At this point, you can use an inspector client (such as the Chrome DevTools or a compatible IDE) to connect to the process via the provided URL.

Go ahead and launch a Chromium-based browser (Google Chrome, Chromium, Brave, etc) on your computer, then navigate to chrome://inspect in the address bar.

Chrome inspect page

Ensure that you are in the Devices section, then click the Open dedicated DevTools for Node link.

Node.js dedicated DevTools

Navigate to the Sources tab and expand the file tree on the left-hand side until you get to the server.js entry.

Node.js dedicated DevTools sources tab

At this point, you're ready to debug your Node.js script. You will see a "Debugger attached" message if you return to the terminal where your Node.js application is running.

Let's start by setting a breakpoint on line 19 of the file. We'd like to inspect the incoming search query from the client. Click on line 19 in the Sources editor to set a breakpoint. You should notice a blue icon on the line number column.

Chrome DevTools breakpoint

Return your terminal and type the following command to make a request to your running application:

curl 'http://localhost:3000?q=javascript'

In the DevTools' window, you'll notice that the code execution is paused on line 19. You should also see that the DevTools prints out the values of the req and searchQuery entities to the right of each line's semi-colon. You can also mouse over a variable's name to examine its value.

Chrome DevTools inspect variables

Let's examine the data received from Wikipedia by setting another breakpoint on line 31. Afterward, resume script execution by pressing F8 on your keyboard. You should observe the following:

Chrome DevTools inspect variables

If you mouse over the data variable on line 10, you'll be able to inspect all the properties of the JSON object from the Wikipedia API.

Chrome DevTools inspect variables

Once you're done examining the values, you can resume script execution once more. Clearing breakpoints can be done by clicking each highlighted line number, or right-clicking the Breakpoints section on the right and selecting the appropriate option.

Chrome DevTools clearing breakpoints

The Chrome Debugger provides a lot more functions and tools for debugging your JavaScript code, but we cannot cover them all here. Head over to the official documentation to learn more about leveraging it in your development workflow.

3. Debugging Node.js in Visual Studio Code

As mentioned in the previous section, the V8 inspector in Node.js allows any debugging client that can communicate using the Chrome DevTools Protocol to debug and profile Node.js processes. This includes the built-in debugging tools found in editors and IDEs such as Visual Studio Code and Webstorm.

This section will describe the process of performing a Node.js debugging session in VS Code. It's sometimes preferable to using the browser DevTools since you don't have to switch between windows

Launching a debugging session

There are several ways to start a debugging session in VS Code. The first method involves toggling the Auto Attach feature in the editor that allows it to automatically attach to Node.js processes that are launched from the integrated terminal.

Press Ctrl+Shift+P to open the Command Palette, then search for Toggle Auto Attach.

VS Code command palette

Press Enter on the appropriate option, then select your preferred auto attach mode (you can set it to Only with Flag). You will notice that a new status bar item is added at the bottom of the window when auto attach is enabled. You can click this item to change the auto attach mode or disable it entirely.

VS Code toggle auto attach

After enabling the auto attach feature, launch a new integrated terminal instance with Ctrl+Shift+` and start a debugging session by typing the following command:

node --inspect server.js
Debugger listening on ws://
For help, see:
Debugger attached.
Wikipedia app listening on port 3000

You'll notice that the debugger is automatically attached and VS Code status bar turns orange to indicate that the debugging process can begin.

VS Code debugging session

Another way to debug your code is to execute it in a JavaScript Debug Terminal. Press Ctrl+Shift+ to open the integrated terminal, then select the JavaScript Debug Terminal option from the Launch Profile drop-down menu.

VS Code Select JavaScript Debug Terminal

Once the terminal profile is open, navigate to your project directory and start your Node.js project normally. You'll notice that the debugger is attached automatically to the process.

VS Code Select JavaScript Debug Terminal

A third way to launch a debugging session is by going to the Run menu and selecting the Start Debugging entry or pressing F5. This will execute the currently active file in the background and start a debugging session immediately. If VS Code fails to detect your debug environment, you can choose one manually from the resulting dialog:

VS Code debugging environments

It's also possible to debug Node.js applications that were started outside of VS Code. After enabling the V8 inspector on the application, you can open the VS Code command palette once again and find the Debug: Attach to Node Process option.

VS Code attach to node process

This will open a menu that lists all the Node.js processes on your machine that are available to the VS Code debugger. Find the option you'd like to debug and select it. It should launch the debugging session immediately.

VS Code attach to node process

You may also prefer to set up a configuration file that describes a reusable debugging setup for anyone working on the project. This involves creating a launch.json file inside the .vscode folder in the project root.

Assuming you have your project folder open in VS Code, you can create this configuration file by clicking the create a launch.json file link in the RUN AND DEBUG panel. Ensure to select the Node.js environment if prompted.

VS Code create launch.json file

The launch.json file will be created and opened in the editor:

    // Use IntelliSense to learn about possible attributes.
    // Hover to view descriptions of existing attributes.
    // For more information, visit:
    "version": "0.2.0",
    "configurations": [
            "type": "pwa-node",
            "request": "launch",
"name": "Launch Wikipedia App",
"skipFiles": [ "<node_internals>/**" ],
"program": "${workspaceFolder}/server.js"
} ] }

The program field specifies the file that will be executed when launching the debugger, while the name field specifies a recognizable name for the Debug launch configuration drop-down. There are several other options that can be configured to support a variety of debugging scenarios so this options is good for a complex project with several contributors.

Once you're done with setting up the debugging configuration for your project, you can launch a session by clicking the green button beside the RUN AND DEBUG configuration drop-down.

VS Code run and debug

Creating breakpoints

Once a debugging session is active, you can set breakpoints by clicking the line numbers in the file. Once a breakpoint is set, a bright red indicator is displayed to the left or the number. Clicking this red indicator will remove the breakpoints, or you can right-click the breakpoint to view other options. You can also add or remove breakpoints via the BREAKPOINTS panel on the left.

VS Code create breakpoints

Creating logpoints

A logpoint is a method of logging messages or values to the console without using console.log() in the code itself. You can add one by right-clicking the gutter beside a line number (one without an active breakpoint), then select the Add Logpoint option.

VS Code create logpoint

You will observe the appearance of an input field, and this is where you can add a message to log to the DEBUG CONSOLE when that line is reached during the course of program execution. If you want to log the value of a variable in the scope of execution, place it within curly braces.

VS Code create logpoint

Logpoints are denoted by a red diamond and, unlike breakpoints, they do not pause the code execution. Instead

Inspecting values

When a breakpoint is hit, you'll be able to inspect the values of variables and expressions in the scope of program execution by hovering your cursor on the entity. You can also use the VARIABLES pane to easily inspect the values in the current block, local or global scope, and closure.

VS Code debug variables pane

If you need to monitor one or more values during code execution, you can add them to the WATCH pane by right-clicking the value in VARIABLES and selecting Add to Watch. This helpful when inspecting a deeply nested property or when comparing the values of several variables at once.

VS Code debug watch pane

Final thoughts

In this tutorial, we've addressed three different ways to debug Node.js code. We started by exploring the built-in command-line debugger, before exploring the debugging process using Chrome DevTools and VS Code. To learn more about each of these debugging tools, visit the Node.js documentation, Chrome DevTools documentation, or the VS Code debugger docs

Thanks for reading, and happy debugging!

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Article by
Ayooluwa Isaiah
Ayo is a technical content manager at Better Stack. His passion is simplifying and communicating complex technical ideas effectively. His work was featured on several esteemed publications including, Digital Ocean, and CSS-Tricks. When he's not writing or coding, he loves to travel, bike, and play tennis.
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