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What's New in Express.js v5.0

Stanley Ulili
Updated on December 12, 2024

After a decade-long wait, Express 5 delivers key performance improvements and modernization for Node.js applications. Despite the long development time, Express 5 is a relatively minor release.

The focus has been improving core stability, aligning with recent Node.js releases, and fixing bugs rather than introducing significant new features. This cautious approach helped avoid breaking changes for a framework relied upon by millions of developers.

Going forward, the Express team is implementing a revitalization plan to ensure the project remains relevant and thrives in the coming years.

Before discussing the future of Express, let's explore the key improvements in Express 5 and how they can benefit your projects.

Lets begin!

Promise rejection handling

Express 5 introduces a significant improvement for developers using async/await by automatically forwarding rejected promises to error-handling middleware. This change eliminates the need for repetitive try/catch blocks, making code cleaner and reducing boilerplate.

Before Express 4, you had to handle promise rejections manually with try/catch blocks:

app.get('/data', async (req, res, next) => {
  try {
    const result = await fetchData();
  } catch (err) {

With Express 5, you don’t need to handle errors within the route handler explicitly. Rejected promises are automatically passed to the error-handling middleware:

app.get('/data', async (req, res) => {
  const result = await fetchData();

If fetchData throws an error or rejects, Express will automatically pass the error to the error-handling middleware. This eliminates the need to call next with the error manually. Express will pass a default Error object to the error-handling middleware if no rejected value is provided.

Path route matching improvements

Express 5 brings significant updates to route matching by upgrading the path-to-regexp library from version 0.x to 8.x. These changes improve security, simplify route definitions, and help mitigate vulnerabilities like ReDoS attacks.

One major change is the removal of "sub-expression" regular expressions. In Express 4, you could write routes with inline regex patterns like this:

// Express 4 example
app.get('/:id(\\d+)', (req, res) => res.send(`ID: ${}`));

In Express 5, this type of inline regex is no longer supported due to its susceptibility to ReDoS attacks. Instead, using an input validation library for complex patterns is recommended.

The handling of wildcard routes has also changed. In Express 4, the * wildcard could be used for broad pattern matching, which could lead to ambiguous routes:

// Express 4 example
app.get('/user*', (req, res) => res.send('User'));

In Express 5, wildcards need to be explicitly named or replaced with (.*) for clarity and predictability:

// Express 5 example
app.get('/user(.*)', (req, res) => res.send('User'));

Optional parameters have a clearer syntax in Express 5. Instead of :name? from Express 4, you now use {/:name} for optional segments:

// Express 4 example
app.get('/user/:id?', (req, res) => res.send( || 'No ID'));

// Express 5 example
app.get('/user{/:id}', (req, res) => res.send( || 'No ID'));

Express 5 also introduces new reserved characters—(, ), [, ], ?, +, &, and !—to avoid conflicts and ensure consistency in route definitions.

Another change is the requirement for named parameters. In Express 4, unnamed parameters in regex capture groups could be accessed by index:

// Express 4 example
app.get('/user(s?)', (req, res) => res.send(req.params[0])); // 's'

In Express 5, all parameters must have explicit names:

// Express 5 example
app.get('/user:plural?', (req, res) => res.send(req.params.plural));

These improvements make route matching in Express 5 more secure, readable, and maintainable.

Stricter error handling for invalid status codes

Express 5 enforces valid HTTP status codes, preventing silent failures and ensuring adherence to HTTP standards. This change helps you catch errors early, making debugging more manageable and improving application response consistency.

In Express 4, if an invalid HTTP status code like 978 was used, the response would still be sent without any warning or error:

res.status(978).send('Invalid status');  // Silently fails

In Express 5, attempting to use an invalid status code throws an error, making the issue immediately visible during development:

res.status(978).send('Invalid status');  // Throws an error

Removed methods and properties

Express 5 removed several deprecated methods that persisted from Express 3 and 4. If you’re upgrading to Express 5, you’ll need to address these changes to ensure compatibility.


The app.del() method has been removed in favor of the standard app.delete() for defining DELETE routes. This aligns with modern JavaScript conventions and improves clarity.

Before Express 4:

app.del('/route', handler);

After Express 5:

app.delete('/route', handler);


The req.param(name) method has been removed due to its ambiguity. Depending on the context, it could pull data from route parameters, query strings, or the request body, leading to confusion.

In Express 4, the req.param(name) method could access data from multiple sources:

app.get('/user/:id', (req, res) => {
  const userId = req.param('id');
  res.send(`User ID: ${userId}`);

If the request URL was /user/123?name=John, req.param('id') would correctly return 123 (route parameter). However, if there was a conflicting field in the request body (e.g., {"id": "456"}), req.param('id') could unexpectedly return "456" depending on the context.

Express 5 requires you to use explicit alternatives to ensure clarity and avoid unexpected behavior:

  • Use req.params for route parameters.
  • Use req.query for query string parameters.
  • Use req.body for request body data.


app.get('/user/:id', (req, res) => {
  const userId =;     // Route parameter
  const queryName =; // Query string parameter
  res.send(`User ID: ${userId}, Name: ${queryName}`);

Pluralized methods

Express 5 enforces consistent pluralization for certain req methods to reflect their ability to handle multiple values. Update the following methods:

  • req.acceptsCharset()req.acceptsCharsets()
  • req.acceptsEncoding()req.acceptsEncodings()
  • req.acceptsLanguage()req.acceptsLanguages()

These changes provide clearer naming conventions and align with the expected behavior of returning multiple acceptable values.

Reintroduced app.router

In Express 5, the app.router object returns as a reference to the base router, simplifying route management by removing the need for explicit initialization. This makes organizing routes more intuitive and helps streamline modular development.

Example of router usage with user management:

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const router = express.Router();

// Middleware to log user-related requests
router.use((req, res, next) => {
  console.log(`User route accessed: ${req.originalUrl}`);

// Define user routes
router.get('/profile', (req, res) => {
  res.send('User profile page');
});'/signup', (req, res) => {
  res.send('User signup successful');

// Mount the router at the /user path
app.use('/user', router);

app.listen(3000, () => console.log('Server running on port 3000'));

In this example, requests to /user/profile and /user/signup are routed through the router. The middleware logs each request, providing a simple way to manage and debug user-related routes.

Body parser changes in Express 5

Express 5 introduces changes to body parsing that simplify configuration while enhancing security.

  • The previously deprecated bodyParser() middleware has been removed.
  • req.body is no longer initialized to an empty object by default. This means you must explicitly use the middleware to access body data. If you omit it, req.body will remain undefined.

The express.urlencoded() parser now limits nested objects to a default depth of 32, customizable as needed. For example, to set a depth of 10:

app.use(express.urlencoded({ depth: 10 }));

Additionally, the extended option in express.urlencoded() now defaults to false, allowing only flat objects:


Express 5 supports Brotli compression for smaller response payloads. Enable it with:

app.use(compression({ brotli: { enabled: true } }));

End of support for older Node.js versions

Express 5 now requires Node.js 18 or higher to embrace modern JavaScript features and practices. This shift lets Express replace outdated third-party packages like array-flatten and path-is-absolute with native methods such as Array.flat() and path.isAbsolute().

By relying on Node.js’s recent advancements, Express 5 simplifies its codebase, reduces external dependencies, and stays in sync with the latest improvements for better performance and security.

Moving Express forward: what’s next

The Express team is taking big steps to revitalize the project and ensure it continues to serve the community well. After being in maintenance mode for a long time, there’s a clear plan to move things forward, modernize the framework, and bring new energy to the project.

With Express 5 released, the plan is to update Express Generator to use it by default.

Looking beyond Express 5, the team has some exciting ideas for Express 6. They aim to align with Node.js LTS schedules to make upgrades smoother and more predictable. Some older or unused middleware will be removed or replaced with native Node.js solutions to keep things clean and efficient. Templating and rendering will also be moved out of the core, making Express more focused on APIs.

For Express 7, the vision is even broader. The team plan to collaborate with Node.js core developers to improve performance and address the future of many Express-owned modules. This collaboration will focus on integrating better support for Web Platform standards like Request, Response, and URL.

They also aim to modernize Express to support popular technologies like meta-frameworks, GraphQL, and gRPC. A new release schedule will mirror Node.js LTS, making it easier for you to plan upgrades. There’s even talk of building a new website to reflect these changes.

This renewed effort is all about bringing Express back to life with fresh ideas, better organization, and a supportive community.

Should you upgrade to Express 5?

If you're using Node.js 18 or higher, upgrading to Express 5 is highly recommended. It provides enhanced security, improved performance, and full support for modern JavaScript features, making it a worthwhile upgrade with no significant downsides.

Before upgrading, review the migration guide and run your test suite to identify potential breaking changes.

Verify that your Node.js version is 18 or higher, ideally the LTS version, by running:

node -v

Using nvm (Node Version Manager) is a reliable way to manage your Node versions:

Once you're ready, install Express 5 with:

npm install express@next

After installation, run your tests to identify any compatibility issues. Update deprecated methods or route patterns to ensure a smooth transition and future-proof your application.

Final thoughts

Express 5 marks a significant leap forward for one of the most widely used Node.js frameworks. After a long development period that made the project feel stagnant, this release brings meaningful improvements that make building faster, safer, and more maintainable applications easier.

For a deeper dive into the new features and changes, refer to the full release notes and migration guide:

Thank you and happy coding!

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Article by
Stanley Ulili
Stanley Ulili is a technical educator at Better Stack based in Malawi. He specializes in backend development and has freelanced for platforms like DigitalOcean, LogRocket, and AppSignal. Stanley is passionate about making complex topics accessible to developers.
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