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CommonJS vs. ES Modules

Stanley Ulili
Updated on February 2, 2025

CommonJS (CJS) and ECMAScript Modules (ESM) have coexisted for years, causing confusion and technical headaches. Their split has led to compatibility issues, inconsistent tooling, and frustrating workarounds.

You’ve likely dealt with libraries that support only one format, leading to mismatched imports, runtime errors, and complex build setups. Even within Node.js, interoperability remains a challenge.

This article breaks down the differences between CJS and ESM, giving you a clear understanding of when and how to use each module system—without the headaches.

The evolution of JavaScript modules

JavaScript was originally a simple scripting language without built-in modularity. As the language matured and developers began building large applications, it became clear that a standardized way to manage code organization and dependencies was necessary.

In the early days, developers used techniques like the module pattern and namespaces to organize code, but these solutions were limited and difficult to scale. Eventually, two major module systems emerged:

  • CommonJS, designed primarily for server-side JavaScript, particularly in Node.js.
  • ECMAScript Modules, introduced as the official JavaScript standard for browsers and servers.

While both serve the purpose of modularity, they are fundamentally different in their design, syntax, and execution. Let’s explore each module system before diving into their differences.


CommonJS was introduced in 2009, Kevin Dangoor as an effort to create a standardized module system for JavaScript outside the browser. Shortly after, Node.js adopted CommonJS, making it the default module system for server-side JavaScript.

CommonJS modules are synchronous, meaning they execute and load files in a blocking manner. This approach works well in server environments where files are loaded from the local filesystem but can become problematic in browsers, where asynchronous execution is preferred.

The following are some of the key features of CommonJS: - Uses require() to import modules. - Uses module.exports or exports to export functions, objects, or variables. - Supports caching of required modules.

Here’s how you can export a function using CommonJS with module.exports:

function addTwo(num) {
  return num + 2;
module.exports = { addTwo };

Importing the function in another file can be done like this:

const { addTwo } = require('./addTwo.js');
console.log(addTwo(4)); // Prints: 6

Despite its popularity in Node.js, CommonJS has no static analysis, meaning tools cannot optimize code by removing unused functions (no tree shaking). It also relies on synchronous execution, which is inefficient for browser-based applications.

These drawbacks led to the development of ECMAScript modules, which offers better performance and different syntax.

ECMAScript modules

ECMAScript modules were introduced in ES6 (2015) as the official JavaScript module system. Unlike CommonJS, ESM is designed for both browsers and servers, providing a unified standard for JavaScript modularity.

The following are some of the key features of ESM:
- Uses import and export instead of require() and module.exports.
- Enables static analysis, allowing tree shaking (removal of unused code).
- Supports top-level await - Requires explicit file extensions in relative imports (.mjs, .js, or .cjs).

To use ESM in Node.js, update package.json by adding "type": "module". This ensures that .js files are treated as ES modules. If you prefer not to modify the project-wide setting, rename files to .mjs instead.

  "type": "module"

Here’s how you can export a function using ESM with the export keyword:

export function addTwo(num) {
  return num + 2;

Importing the function in another file can be done like this:

// main.mjs (ESM)
import { addTwo } from './addTwo.mjs';
console.log(addTwo(4)); // Prints: 6

Despite its advantages, ESM adoption in Node.js has been slow because many existing projects were built using CommonJS. However, Node.js now supports both module systems, allowing you to transition from CommonJS to ESM gradually.

CommonJS vs ES Modules

With the overviews of both module systems covered, let's now examine the major differences between CommonJS (CJS) and ECMAScript Modules (ESM).

Feature CommonJS (CJS) ECMAScript Modules (ESM)
Loading Synchronous Asynchronous (better for browsers)
Syntax require() / module.exports import / export
Tree shaking ✘ No ✔ Yes (Static Analysis)
Browser support ✘ Requires bundlers ✔ Native browser support
Performance Slower (blocking) Faster (async + tree-shaking)
Use case Server-side (Node.js) Both server & browser
Top-level await ✘ No ✔ Yes (since Node.js v14.8.0)
__dirname & __filename ✔ Available ✘ Not available (Use import.meta.url)
File extensions Optional (.js assumed) Required (.mjs, .js, .cjs)
JSON imports require('./file.json') import jsonFile from './file.json' with { type: 'json' } (since Node.js v17.1.0)
Dynamic imports require() only import() supported in both CJS and ESM
Built-in module imports require('fs') import fs from 'node:fs' (since Node.js v12.20.0)
Module caching require.cache Separate cache (no require.cache)
require.resolve() ✔ Yes ✘ No (import.meta.resolve() in Node.js v20.11.0)

Top-level await

ESM supports top-level await, allowing you to use await outside an async function, which is impossible in CommonJS.

const data = await fetch('');
console.log(await data.json());

Synchronous vs. asynchronous execution

One major difference is that CommonJS is synchronous, while ESM is asynchronous. This means require() can be used anywhere in the code, but import must be declared at the top level.

__dirname and __filename

CommonJS provides built-in globals:


However, in ESM, these are not available, and you must use import.meta.url:

import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url';
import { dirname } from 'node:path';

const __filename = fileURLToPath(import.meta.url);
const __dirname = dirname(__filename);

Module resolution

CommonJS allows features like require.cache and require.extensions, which do not exist in ESM. Instead of require.resolve(), ESM provides import.meta.resolve(), introduced in Node.js v20.11.0:

const resolvedPath = import.meta.resolve('./someFile.js');

JSON imports

CommonJS allows direct require() for JSON files:

const packageData = require('./package.json');

In ESM, JSON files must be explicitly imported with a type attribute, a feature introduced in Node.js v17.1.0:

import packageData from './package.json' with { type: 'json' };

Transitioning from CommonJS to ESM in Node.js

With Node.js supporting ECMAScript modules alongside CommonJS (CJS), you should always use ESM in new projects as it is the modern standard.

For existing projects using CommonJS, you can slowly transition to ESM. However, migrating a project from CommonJS to ESM involves challenges of changing imports and exports, handling CommonJS-specific features, and ensuring compatibility with dependencies.

So it is important to do it gradually and safely. This section will help you do that. For a smooth experience, you must ensure you have the latest version of Node.js, which is 22 (LTS) at the time of writing.

Using ESM modules in CommonJS projects

To easily use ESM, you can slowly create ESM modules and import them in the CommonJS module files.

CommonJS does not support static import, but you can use dynamic import() inside an async function:

async function loadModule() {
  const { addTwo } = await import('./addTwo.mjs'); // dynamic import

Starting from Node.js 23, ES modules can be loaded using require() without throwing ERR_REQUIRE_ESM, but only if the module meets certain conditions:
- The file has a .mjs extension or is marked as "type": "module" - The module does not use top-level await

Here is an example:

const esmModule = require("./esm-file.mjs"); // Works in Node.js 23+

This feature is experimental and can be disabled with --no-experimental-require-module.

With this, you can gradually transition to ESM while ensuring compatibility with existing CommonJS code.

Using CommonJS modules in ESM projects

If you are using ESM already, but need to use a CommonJS module or dependencies that only support CommonJS, you can use createRequire() from node:module:

Here is how you can do that: javascript import { createRequire } from "node:module"; const require = createRequire(import.meta.url); const somePackage = require("some-package");

This allows you to use CommonJS modules within an ESM environment.

Alternatively, you can dynamically import a CommonJS module:

const cjsModule = await import('./commonjs-file.cjs');

Dynamic import() works inside ESM but must be used inside an async function or top-level await.

With that, you should be able to safely transition to ESM without disrupting existing functionality or compatibility with CommonJS dependencies.

Final thoughts

This article explored the key differences between CommonJS and ECMAScript Modules. Hopefully, you now understand how each module system works, what they offer, and how to use them effectively.

If you're working on a new project, ESM is the better choice—it’s more flexible, aligns with modern JavaScript standards, and ensures better compatibility for the future.

Thanks for reading—happy coding!

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Article by
Stanley Ulili
Stanley Ulili is a technical educator at Better Stack based in Malawi. He specializes in backend development and has freelanced for platforms like DigitalOcean, LogRocket, and AppSignal. Stanley is passionate about making complex topics accessible to developers.
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