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What is DNS Monitoring?

Jenda Tovarys
Updated on October 4, 2023

DNS  (Domain Name System) monitoring is an automated way of checking whether a domain name is being correctly translated to a corresponding IP address. When a DNS server doesn't respond or when the searched domain doesn’t return the right IP address, the DNS monitoring spots the issue and alerts the right person on the development team.

🔭 Want to get alerted when your DNS stops working correctly?

Go to Better Uptime and start with DNS monitoring in 2 minutes.

How does DNS monitoring work?

The DNS monitoring process works by sending automated requests to the desired DNS server and checking the results for a specific domain name. The most common use case is querying the DNS server with a URL and checking the returned IP address returned in the A Record or AAAA Record.

The desired response for those queries is the correct IP address corresponding to the used URL. For example, when checking the URL, we are looking for a response that includes IP

When the correct IP is received no further action is taken and the monitoring continues. When a different one is returned, the monitor starts what is called a DNS incident and starts alerting according to the on-call calendar.

How to look up DNS records of a specific domain?

To check a DNS server for specific domain records you can use the DNS checker tool . In the results look for the record type you are interested in (see the example below).

DNS checker tool

🗃 What are the most used DNS servers?

There are several providers of DNS servers, the most commonly used are:

📌 What records do DNS servers store?

DNS servers store much more than just domain to IP translations. The most commonly used DNS records are:

  • A record (Address record) - Specifies the IP (IPv4) of your domain, such as It's important to monitor that the record matches the IP and vice versa. Non-matching data can signify an error or spoofing attack.
  • AAAA record (IPv6 address record) - Specifies the IPv6 of your domain, like 2606:4700:3108::ac42:285e. It should be also checked regularly that it matches the records.
  • CNAME record (Canonical name record) - Specifies the aliases on the given domain. Monitoring CNAME records ensures that users are directed to the correct site.
  • MX record (Mail exchange record) - Provides information about your mail server. Monitoring the MX record informs you when the mail communication gets interrupted.
  • NS record (Nameserver record) - Provides information about which nameserver should be used by the resolver for the domain. It can also include backup nameservers in case of a failure of the primary server.
  • SOA record (Start of authority) - Provides a serial number that is updated at every DNS record adjustment. With every change 1 is added to the serial number. Monitoring the SOA record helps to monitor for any unwanted DNS changes.
  • TXT record (Text record) - Holds information about domain’s ownership, such as contact person information, phone numbers, etc.

What is a DNS incident?

A DNS incident is a period of time during which a given DNS is unavailable or returns incorrect records.

A DNS incident can be also a situation where the request sent by the monitor doesn’t receive a response in a given time frame. The request timeout can be anywhere from 5 seconds to 1 minute, depending on the priority of the monitor.

How to receive DNS incident alerts?

After an incident is spotted by the DNS monitor it needs to be communicated to the service admins. This process is called incident alerting or on-call alerting. This is because, in case of an incident, the person from a team who is currently on-call (has scheduled duty) receives the incident alert.

The most common types of getting alerted by a DNS monitor include automated phone calls, SMS, Slack, and Microsoft Teams messages. Ways of alerting depend on factors like the importance of the monitored service, time of the day, and team preference.

Process after receiving an alert? The DNS incident resolution process

After an alert is received it should be acknowledged immediately. If the alert is not acknowledged in a specified time frame (usually 3 minutes), the person next in line on the on-call duty is alerted. This process could continue further until the whole team is alerted. The best practice however is to have the on-call schedule set up in a way that the first team member is always ready to solve incoming incidents.

Once the incident is acknowledged the escalation process is paused and the team can fully focus on solving it. The speed by which an alert is acknowledged is called Time to acknowledge (TTA). Its average from different incidents called Mean Time to Acknowledge (MTTA) is a widely used incident management metric.

The next steps in the incident resolution process are individual to different teams and apps. For larger teams, they can include collaborations between a few developers or even teams of developers, delegations of incidents to dedicated team members, and more. There are some best practices that should be used by all teams managing incidents. These include incident communication (both internal and external) and incident post-mortems.

Why use DNS monitoring?

Monitoring of DNS increases your service reliability and security. It is very efficient in the detection of some common hacker attacks. There are two well-known attacks, which can be detected by DNS monitoring:

  • DDoS attack — DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) is an attack, where a lot of computers across the world generate a large amount of request to a specific internet service (in our case, requests to a specific DNS server). The DNS is congested with fake requests and real users cannot use it. DNS monitoring can detects DNS unavailability or unacceptable response time.
  • DNS poisoning — Is an attack where hackers falsify DNS records related to your domain. They can't directly change the DNS records of your domain. But there are advanced attacks, which allow that user browser receives a fake (poisoned) response. You can monitor the content of the DNS response and check if it is correct.

What are the main benefits and drawbacks of DNS monitoring?


  • Automated with regular frequency: DNS monitoring can run every minute, every hour, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, the whole year. It’s a fully automated script and once set it needs little to no maintenance, while still providing the same valuable information.
  • Simple to set up and use: DNS monitoring can be set up in minutes while providing the availability information right from the start.
  • Global testing: It allows for testing from different endpoints around the world. This allows distinguishing regional errors from incidents affecting all users and allows for optimization for a global audience.


  • Limited incident cause reporting: DNS monitoring lacks the information that could answer why any issues happened. Since it only monitors the final output and not the actual workings of the DNS settings. To get better idea about the root cause, application performance management (APM) or a log management tool needs to be used.

Where does DNS monitoring fit in the synthetic monitoring setup?

DNS monitoring is one of the more advanced synthetic monitoring options. It’s commonly used by advanced users as a tool for monitoring potential hacker attacks.

When it comes to website monitoring, DNS checks should be set up after basic uptime monitoring (ideally accompanied by SSL certificate and domain expiration checks).

When setting up a DNS monitoring tool it might be useful to also explore other advanced monitoring options like API or TCP/UDP port monitoring.

How to start DNS monitoring in 2 minutes with Better Uptime?

Better Uptime is an infrastructure monitoring tool that offers reliable DNS monitoring. Here is how to get notified whenever a Cloudflare DNS server doesn’t return IP for query.

  • Once signed up, head to Monitors → Create monitor
  • Change Alert us when the host above selection to DNS server doesn’t respond
  • Enter your DNS server to monitor in the text field, let’s make it to check the Cloudflare DNS server
  • Enter as the domain that will be checked
  • Enter in the Keyword to find in the DNS response to check the DNS response for this IP
  • Select the way how you want to get alerted, be it a phone call, Slack notification or an email
  • Click create monitor

For more information, explore Better Uptime docs .

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Article by
Jenda Tovarys
Jenda leads Growth at Better Stack. For the past 5 years, Jenda has been writing about exciting learnings from working with hundreds of developers across the world. When he's not spreading the word about the amazing software built at Better Stack, he enjoys traveling, hiking, reading, and playing tennis.
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