Sources API response parameters

Response Parameters

Parameter Type Values
id String The ID of the source. String representation of a number.
type String source
attributes Object Attributes object. See below.
attributes.team_id Integer The ID of the team.
attributes.team_name String The name of the team. String Name of the source.
attributes.platform String Source platform.
attributes.token String Unique source token.
attributes.ingestion_host String The host where the logs or metrics should be sent. See documentation for your specific source platform for details.
attributes.ingesting_paused Bool Whether the ingestion of this endpoint has been paused.
attributes.live_tail_pattern String Freeform text template for formatting Live tail output with columns wrapped in {column} brackets. Example: "PID: {} {level} {message}"
attributes.logs_retention Integer Data retention for logs in days. There might be additional charges for longer retention.
attributes.metrics_retention Integer Data retention for metrics in days. There might be additional charges for longer retention.
attributes.scrape_urls Array URLs to scrape by prometheus_scrape platform and similar.
attributes.scrape_frequency_secs Integer How often, in seconds, to scrape the URLs for prometheus_scrape platform and similar. Permitted values are 15, 30, 60, 120 or 300.
attributes.scrape_request_headers Array An array of request headers for prometheus_scrape platform and similar, with each object containing name and value fields.
attributes.scrape_request_basic_auth_user String Basic auth username for prometheus_scrape platform and similar.
attributes.scrape_request_basic_auth_password String Basic auth password for prometheus_scrape platform and similar.
attributes.created_at String (ISO DateTime) When was the source created.
attributes.updated_at String (ISO DateTime) When was the source last updated.