Better Stack community

Better Stack Community

Better Stack Community offers hundreds of technical guides and tutorials, Q&As, comparisons and more.

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Big thanks to
Jiri Sedlacek, Jari Aarniala, Stanley Shyiko, Peter Jönsson, Rémi Alvergnat, trenchawr, pawahtun, Jorgel, Jabin, and everyone else
Better Stack for good

open-source builders

Open source plays a major part in how we build our products. We're proud to give back and support the makers behind these amazing projects.
Ryan Bigg
Mike Dalessio
Erik Berlin
Koichi ITO
Samuel Williams
Jordan Harband
Bozhidar Batsov
Sindre Sorhus
Jon Schlinkert
See all donations on GitHub

Supporting the
impact makers

We are proud to give back to open source and impact makers around the world.

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Writer of the month
Marin Bezhanov
Marin is a software engineer and architect with a broad range of experience working...
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Thank you to everyone who
makes this possible!

Here is to all the fantastic people that are contributing and sharing their amazing projects: Thank you!