Nginx.service Failed Because the Control Process Exited

Better Stack Team
Updated on October 7, 2024

If the nginx.service fails to start with the error "failed because the control process exited," it usually indicates that there was a problem with the Nginx configuration or the service startup process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to troubleshoot and resolve this issue:

1. Check Nginx Configuration Syntax

A common cause of Nginx service failure is a syntax error in the configuration files. You can check the configuration syntax using the following command:

sudo nginx -t


  • nginx -t: This command tests the configuration files for syntax errors and reports issues if found.
  • If there are syntax errors, the output will provide details on where the errors are located. Fix any errors reported.

2. Review Nginx Error Logs

Check the Nginx error logs to get more detailed information about why the service failed.

Command to Check Logs:

sudo tail -f /var/log/nginx/error.log


  • tail -f: Displays the last few lines of the log file and continues to update as new log entries are added.
  • Look for specific error messages that can provide insight into what went wrong.

3. Verify Nginx Configuration Files

Ensure that all Nginx configuration files, including nginx.conf and any additional configuration files, are properly set up.

Check Configuration Directory:

ls -l /etc/nginx/
  • Look for common configuration files such as nginx.conf, and any files in conf.d/ or sites-enabled/ directories.

4. Check for Permission Issues

Ensure that Nginx has the necessary permissions to access its configuration files and directories.

Command to Check Permissions:

ls -l /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
  • The file should be readable by the user under which Nginx is running (usually www-data or nginx).

5. Examine the Systemd Service Status

Check the status of the Nginx service for additional error messages.


sudo systemctl status nginx.service


  • This command provides the current status of the Nginx service and may include error messages indicating why the service failed to start.

6. Restart Nginx with Debugging Information

Try restarting Nginx and look for additional debugging information.

Restart Command:

sudo systemctl restart nginx

7. Check for Port Conflicts

Ensure that the port Nginx is trying to bind to (usually port 80 for HTTP or 443 for HTTPS) is not already in use by another service.

Command to Check Ports:

sudo netstat -tuln | grep ':80\\|:443'


  • This command lists all services currently listening on ports 80 and 443.

8. Review Configuration for Includes and Directives

Ensure that any included configuration files (using include directives) are correctly referenced and do not contain errors.

Example Directive in nginx.conf:

include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;

9. Verify Dependencies

Ensure that all dependencies and modules required by Nginx are properly installed and configured.

10. Reinstall Nginx (if necessary)

If all else fails, consider reinstalling Nginx. This can resolve issues related to corrupted files or incomplete installations.

Reinstall Commands:

On Debian/Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get remove --purge nginx nginx-common
sudo apt-get install nginx


sudo yum remove nginx
sudo yum install nginx


To resolve the "nginx.service failed because the control process exited" error:

  1. Check Configuration Syntax: Use nginx -t to identify syntax errors.
  2. Review Logs: Examine Nginx error logs for specific error messages.
  3. Verify Configuration Files: Ensure all files are correctly set up.
  4. Check Permissions: Confirm that Nginx has proper file access.
  5. Examine Service Status: Use systemctl status for additional information.
  6. Restart with Debugging: Restart Nginx and observe any new errors.
  7. Check for Port Conflicts: Ensure the required ports are not in use.
  8. Verify Includes and Directives: Check included files and directives.
  9. Check Dependencies: Ensure all necessary modules are installed.
  10. Reinstall Nginx: Reinstall if needed to resolve file corruption issues.

By following these steps, you can diagnose and fix the issues causing the Nginx service to fail.

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