How Can I Reconcile Detached Head with Master/Origin?

Better Stack Team
Updated on July 25, 2024

When you find yourself in a "detached HEAD" state in Git, it means that you are no longer on a branch. Instead, you are directly referencing a specific commit. This state can occur for various reasons, such as checking out a specific commit, checking out a tag, or as a result of certain Git operations.

Reconciling Detached HEAD with master or origin/master

To reconcile or bring your changes from the detached HEAD state back into alignment with master or origin/master, you typically want to do one of the following, depending on your intention:

1. Create a Branch from the Detached HEAD

If you've made changes in the detached HEAD state that you want to preserve or continue working on, you can create a new branch from it.

  1. Check your current state: First, confirm that you are in a detached HEAD state by running:

    git status

    If you see a message like "HEAD detached at [commit-hash]", you are in a detached HEAD state.

  2. Create a new branch: Create a new branch from your current commit (the detached HEAD):

    git checkout -b new-branch-name

    Replace new-branch-name with a meaningful name for your new branch.

  3. Switch back to master or main branch: Now, switch back to your main branch (master or main):

    git checkout master


    git checkout main
  4. Merge changes (if needed): If you made changes in the detached HEAD that you want to merge into master or main, you can merge your new branch into it:

    git merge new-branch-name

    Resolve any conflicts if they occur.

  5. Push changes: Finally, push your changes to the remote repository if necessary:

    git push origin master


    git push origin main

2. Reattach HEAD to master or origin/master

If you simply want to discard any changes made in the detached HEAD and go back to master or origin/master, you can directly check out the branch:

  1. Check your current state: Verify that you are in a detached HEAD state:

    git status
  2. Checkout master or origin/master: To move back to master:

    git checkout master

    or if you're using main branch:

    git checkout main
  3. Discard changes (if needed): If you want to discard any changes made in the detached HEAD (they will be lost):

    git reset --hard master


    git reset --hard main
  4. Pull latest changes (if needed): Pull the latest changes from the remote repository to update your local branch:

    git pull origin master


    git pull origin main

    This step ensures your local branch (master or main) is up to date with the remote.


  • Detached HEAD Safety: Be cautious when making changes in a detached HEAD state, as they are not associated with any branch and can be easily lost if not properly managed.
  • Branch Naming: Use meaningful branch names (new-branch-name in the examples) to maintain clarity and organization in your repository.

By following these steps, you can effectively reconcile your detached HEAD state with master or origin/master in Git, ensuring your changes are appropriately integrated or discarded based on your requirements.

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