13 Best Sentry Alternatives in 2024

Jenda Tovarys
Updated on January 14, 2024


Sentry started out as a side project to monitor its founders’ code and grew to be a multinational Full-Stack APM service serving over 3.5M developers.

Sentry Dash

Originally built for monitoring python applications, Sentry now offers support for most the languages platforms and frameworks including JavaScript, Ruby, Node, Go, React, Rails, Angular, Laravel, Swift, and many more. Sentry.io allows you to monitor many languages and language frameworks in a Self-hosted or SaaS solution. It enables end-to-end distributed tracing and allows you to see exact, poor-pe🏎rforming API calls and discover related errors. Sentry’s Breadcrumbs collecting allows you to monitor trails of events that lead to errors. Version changes allow you to monitor changes and the overall impact of any code pushed for the first time. Sentry also offers an enterprise-ready solution, offering extra features such as cross-functional visibility.

âś… Pros

  • A reliable error-tracking tool
  • A myriad of languages and frameworks are supported
  • Both SaaS and Self-Hosted versions available

❌ Cons

  • Deploying a full-observability suite with Sentry requires integration with multiple third-party tools, making the entire stack quite expensive

Let’s take a look at some of the best Sentry.io alternatives in 2023.

1. Better Stack

Better Stack Dash
Better Stack is a structured log management platform based on ClickHouse. It allows you to start collecting, analyzing, and visualizing logs in real-time. Better Stack collects data from any of the most popular languages and frameworks, such as Python and Django, JavaScript and Node.js, PHP, Ruby, .NET, and more. Better Stack helps you to build better software faster with its advanced built-in collaboration features, resource-efficient ClickHouse, and a visually pleasing, dark-mode UI.

Better Stack Logs is a part of the Better Stack ecosystem, and together with Better Stack Uptime, they create a complete observability solution with incident management built-in. With one-click Better Uptime integration, you can easily alert on-call team members of any irregularities in your application's behavior. Be it a specific log message error or a predefined usage trend.

2. LogRocket

LogRocked dash
LogRocket offers a complex frontend monitoring and product analysis platform, allowing you to replay sessions, evaluate frontend performance impact, analyze end-user experience track errors, and evaluate metrics critical for conversions.

LogRocket analyses the impact of UX issues, allows you to see user journeys, and also allows for alerting and integration with third-party tools.

3. Dynatrace

Dynatrace’s all-in-one monitoring solution also offers an APM tool for automated observability for cloud-native services. It offers automated discovery and mapping, end-to-end observability, multiplatform app monitoring, and root-cause and impacts analysis.

It’s a feature-packed, enterprise-ready monitoring solution, which often makes it quite pricey and painful to start with.

4. AppSignal

AppSignal dash
AppSignal is a tool that provides an overview of your performance for frontend and backend, has host monitoring and error tracking, and allows you to collect metrics from your application. Use easy-to-customize dashboards to track load size, database queries, revenue, and more.

It has an anomaly analysis system with some precautionary warnings that trigger when things are not working exactly as they should. The biggest disadvantage is that it lacks fundamental logging and monitoring features.


Splunk APM
Splunk’s APM offers an application performance monitoring and troubleshooting solution for cloud-native microservice-based apps. It promises full-fidelity, 100% tracing, and an AI root cause analysis, anomaly detection, and discovery and mapping.

Since Splunk belongs among the founding members and active contributors to OpenTelemetry, Splunk APM supports open, vendor-neutral instrumentation, allowing for even more flexibility.

6. Bugsnag

Bugsnag dash
Bugsnag allows you to monitor and debug Javascript applications. It automatically detects script errors and offers cross-browser Monitoring and error grouping. It also supports JavaScript frameworks - React, Vue, and Angular with error reporting libraries, which hooks into frameworks’ error handler and reports specific data.

Bugsnag also offers multi-dimensional filtering capacities for browser, OS, user, and other filters. It also supports version benchmarking, automatic diagnostics, stack tracing and source mapping, and breadcrumb collection. Bugsnag offers both SaaS and Self-hosted deployment variants.

7. New Relic

New Relic Dash
New Relic offers a complete monitoring solution covering APM, K8s monitoring, ML Model Monitoring, Log Management, Synthetics, and more. Their Application Performance Monitoring allows you to navigate and visualize your stack, and it offers most of the features you’d expect from such a popular APM monitoring tool.

8. Raygun

Raygun Dash
Raygun allows you to monitor JavaScript web applications’ performance and errors and collects data for deeper diagnostic and performance analysis.

Raygun provides you with real-time application performance-related issues for both web and mobile applications. It also collects metrics about customer experience, monitors errors and crashes, and provides code-level insights on any outages. You can deploy Raygun alongside RUM and Crash reporting to obtain a full-observability, client-focused monitoring solution.

9. Jaeger

Jaeger Dash
Built by Uber and then donated to CNCF, Jaeger is a Dapper-inspired, distributed tracing system allowing you to monitor and troubleshoot microservice-based distributed systems. Jaeger supports two open-source NoSQL database backends: Cassandra and Elasticsearch. Jaeger allows you to perform root cause analyses, analyze server dependencies, optimize performance and latency and monitor transactions.

10. SigNoz

SigNoz is an MIT-licensed, open-source alternative to many APM tools. It’s a full-stack observability tool allowing you to monitor metrics and traces, with Log management on the way. SigNoz supports OpenTelemetry for instrumentation and offers out-of-the-box charts and visualizations. It runs on either Kafka+Druid or OLAP database ClickHouse for the backend. The Query service is built-in GO, and the front-end is Typescript-powered.

11. The ELK Stack

Kibana Dash
Elastic APM is built upon the ELK stack. It’s composed of open source libraries for collecting performance data, a server, receiving performance data, Elasticsearch, and Kibana for visualization. The ELK Stack is one of the most popular data processing stacks out there.

12. AppDynamics

AppDynamics dash
AppDynamics offers a complete Application Monitoring Solution offering full observability enabling you to monitor business-related metrics, user experience, applications, infrastructure, network, and service security. It offers complete visibility into the entire application ecosystem enriched by intelligent insights and instant root-cause analysis to pinpoint the source of issues in real-time. AppDynamics is a part of Cisco

13. Datadog

Datadog Dash
Datadog's APM offers end-to-end distributed tracing allowing you to monitor your applications across browsers, platforms, and databases to individual commands and code. It correlates frontend and backend data, monitoring service dependencies and health metrics. Datadog uses this data for troubleshooting performance-related issues.

Want to learn more? See Datadog vs. Sentry compared side-by-side here.


In summary, we overviewed Sentry, one of the most popular Application performance monitoring tools available. Then we brought an overview of the Best Sentry alternatives, ranging from freemium to enterprise-focused tools, and added a few open-source APM tools worth trying out.

Want to explore more tools?

Looking for a tool to cater to a very specific use-case? Here are a few lists with logging and bug tracking tools to check out:

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