What is Log Visualization? Getting Started and Best Practices
Learn how visualizing your log data can help reveal the true potential of your logs and help you faster and more-informed decisions about your software
7 Ways to Optimize Your Elastic (ELK) Stack in Production
This article explores 7 key strategies to help you navigate the complexities of Elastic Stack management management
What Are the Main Differences Between Graylog2 and Kibana
Graylog and Kibana are both popular tools used for log management and data analysis in combination with centralized log collection systems like Elasticsearch. However, they differ significantly in their features, use cases, and focus. Below is a comparison of the main differences between Graylog2 (often referred to simply as Graylog) and Kibana:
How to Add a Numeric Filter on Kibana Dashboard?
Adding a numeric filter to a Kibana dashboard allows you to filter data based on numerical values, such as range limits or specific numeric criteria. Here's how you can add and use numeric filters effectively in Kibana:
How to Log Js Errors From a Client Into Kibana?
To log JavaScript errors from a client (e.g., a web application) into Kibana, you'll need to set up a process that captures these errors on the client side, sends them to a logging service, and then indexes them into Elasticsearch, which Kibana can then visualize.
Kibana Returns "Connection Failed"
The "Connection Failed" error in Kibana typically indicates an issue with Kibana's ability to connect to Elasticsearch. This can happen due to several reasons, ranging from Elasticsearch being down, incorrect configurations in Kibana, or networking issues.
Kibana Logstash Elasticsearch | Unindexed Fields Cannot Be Searched
The error "Unindexed fields cannot be searched" in Kibana typically occurs when you try to search or filter on fields that are not indexed in Elasticsearch. This happens because Elasticsearch, by default, only indexes certain fields for search and aggregation operations. Fields that are not indexed cannot be used for querying or filtering, which is why you encounter this error.
Scaling Elastic Stack
Learn different techniques and settings to get the most out of your Elastic Stack setup in production