How To Whitelist Better Stack IPs and User Agent in Cloudflare
If you are using a Cloudflare firewall with your system it is a best practice to whitelist Better Stack IPs and User Agent. This will prevent Cloudflare from blocking Better Stack's monitoring requests and prevent any false incident alerting.
In this quick tutorial, we will guide you through each step.
Where can I find Better Stack IPs?
The official documentation provides list of all used Better Stack IPs as well as the User Agent. They are split into regions for easier navigation.
Step 1
Log into your Cloudflare account and find the Security tab in the left menu. Click on the WAF.
Step 3
This will open the WAF (Web Application Firewall) security options. Navigate to the Firewall rules tab.
Step 4
Click on Create firewall Rule
Step 5
Name your new Firewall rule.
Step 6
Set Field to User Agent, Operator to Equals and Value to
Better Uptime Bot Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/74.0.3729.169 Safari/537.36
This value can be found in the Better Stack official documentation.
Finally, set the Then... to Allow
Your screen should look like this:
Step 6
Once you fill out the form, click Deploy in the bottom-right corner.
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