Pretty Git Branch Graphs

Better Stack Team
Updated on July 25, 2024

To create pretty Git branch graphs, you can use several tools and commands that visualize the commit history and branch structure in an easy-to-understand format. Here are some popular methods:

Method 1: Using git log with Graph Options

Git provides built-in options to visualize the commit history in a graph format.

  1. Simple Graph View:

    git log --graph --oneline

    This command shows a simple, one-line-per-commit graph.

  2. Detailed Graph View:

    git log --graph --oneline --decorate --all

    This command adds decoration (branch names and tags) and shows commits from all branches.

  3. Customizing the Log Output:

    git log --graph --pretty=format:'%C(auto)%h%d %s %C(blue)<%an>' --all

    This command customizes the log format to show the commit hash, decorations, commit message, and author name.

Method 2: Using gitk

gitk is a graphical history viewer for Git repositories.

  1. Open gitk: This command opens a graphical window showing the commit history and branch structure.

    gitk --all

Method 3: Using Third-Party Tools

Several third-party tools provide more advanced and visually appealing Git graphs.

  1. GitKraken:
    • GitKraken is a popular Git GUI client with a visually appealing and user-friendly interface
  2. SourceTree:
    • SourceTree is another popular Git GUI client that offers detailed branch graphs
  3. Git Graph Extension for VS Code:
    • If you use Visual Studio Code, the Git Graph extension provides an interactive graph of your repository

Example: Using git log for a Pretty Graph

Here is an example command that provides a comprehensive and visually appealing branch graph:

git log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --all --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(dim white)%an%C(reset) %C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)%n''%C(white)%s%C(reset)' --date=short

This command does the following:

  • -graph: Draws a text-based graph of the commit history.
  • -abbrev-commit: Shows only the abbreviated SHA-1.
  • -decorate: Adds decorations to the commit entries.
  • -all: Shows all branches.
  • -format: Customizes the format of the log output, with colors for better readability.
  • -date=short: Displays the date in a short format.

Example Output

When you run the above command, you get an output like this:

* b6b8a1d - AuthorName (HEAD -> main, origin/main)
|  Add new feature
* c3d9f0e - AuthorName (feature-branch)
|  Work on feature
| * e9a3f7b - AuthorName (bugfix-branch)
|/  Fix bug
* 12d4a5c - AuthorName
   Initial commit


  • Built-in Git Options: Use git log with -graph and other formatting options for a simple yet powerful graph view.
  • Graphical Tools: Use tools like gitk, GitKraken, SourceTree, or the Git Graph extension for VS Code for more advanced graphical views.

By leveraging these methods, you can easily create and view pretty Git branch graphs to understand your repository's commit history and branch structure.

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