(13: Permission Denied) While Connecting to Upstream
The (13: Permission Denied) while connecting to upstream error in Nginx typically indicates a permission issue when Nginx tries to communicate with an upstream server (e.g., FastCGI, a proxy server...
Nginx - Nginx: [Emerg] Bind() to [::]:80 Failed (98: Address Already in Use)
The error nginx: [emerg] bind() to [::]:80 failed (98: Address already in use) indicates that Nginx is unable to start because another process is already using port 80 on the IPv6 address [::]. Thi...
Where Can I Find the Error Logs of Nginx, Using Fastcgi and Django?
When using Nginx with FastCGI and Django, error logs can be crucial for debugging issues related to web server configuration, FastCGI communication, or Django itself. Here’s where you can find and ...
Upstream Sent Too Big Header While Reading Response Header From Upstream
The error upstream sent too big header while reading response header from upstream in Nginx indicates that the upstream server (such as a backend application server or FastCGI server) is sending re...
Nginx Missing Sites-available Directory
If you find that the sites-available directory is missing in your Nginx setup, it could be due to several reasons such as differences in installation methods, distributions, or configurations. Here...
Nginx Default Public Www Location?
The default public web directory for Nginx is specified in its configuration file, and it can vary based on the operating system and how Nginx was installed. Here's how you can find and understand ...
Nginx Location Priority
In Nginx, the location directive is used to define how Nginx should handle requests for different URIs. The order in which location blocks are matched and processed is crucial for correctly routing...
Nginx Error Connect to Php5-fpm.sock Failed (13: Permission Denied)
The error connect() to unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock failed (13: Permission denied) indicates that Nginx is unable to connect to the PHP-FPM socket due to permission issues. This is a common issue wh...
Configure Nginx With Multiple Locations With Different Root Folders on Subdomain
Configuring Nginx to serve different root folders for different locations on a subdomain is a common requirement. You can achieve this by defining multiple location blocks within a server block and...
Have Nginx Access_log and Error_log Log to Stdout and Stderr of Master Process
To configure Nginx to log to stdout and stderr, which is useful for containerized environments like Docker, you need to adjust the access_log and error_log directives in the Nginx configuration. Th...
How Can I Have Same Rule for Two Locations in Nginx Config?
If you need to apply the same configuration rules to multiple locations in Nginx, you can do so by defining separate location blocks and using common configuration directives within those blocks. H...
How to Clear the Cache of Nginx?
Learn ho to clear the cache of Nginx.
Nginx - Client_max_body_size Has No Effect
If the client_max_body_size directive in Nginx has no effect, it usually means that either the directive is not correctly placed in the configuration or that other configurations are overriding it....
What Does Upstream Mean in Nginx?
In Nginx, the term "upstream" refers to a group of backend servers that Nginx proxies requests to. These backend servers can be anything from a web application server to a database or any other ser...
Nginx No-www to Www and Www to No-www
Redirecting between www and non-www (or no-www) versions of your domain using Nginx involves setting up rewrite rules or redirect directives in your server configuration. You can choose to redirect...
Nginx: Upstream Timed Out (110: Connection Timed Out) While Reading
The upstream timed out (110: Connection timed out) while reading error in Nginx indicates that Nginx was unable to receive a response from the upstream server (e.g., application server or API) with...
Response Header From Upstream
In Nginx, handling and understanding the response headers from upstream servers (like application servers, APIs, etc.) is crucial for debugging, optimizing performance, and ensuring proper function...
Possible Reason for Nginx 499 Error Codes
The 499 status code in Nginx is a non-standard code used by Nginx to indicate that the client has closed the connection before the server has finished processing the request. This error is specific...
Nginx 403 Forbidden for All Files
A 403 Forbidden error in Nginx indicates that the server understands the request but refuses to authorize it. If you're encountering this error for all files, it usually means there are permission ...
Nginx to Reverse Proxy Websockets and Enable Ssl (Wss://)?
To configure Nginx as a reverse proxy for WebSocket connections and enable SSL/TLS (for wss://), you'll need to set up both WebSocket-specific configuration and SSL/TLS settings. Here's a step-by-s...
Nginx Reverse Proxy Causing 504 Gateway Timeout
A 504 Gateway Timeout error in Nginx when used as a reverse proxy indicates that Nginx was unable to receive a timely response from the upstream server it is proxying to. This can occur for several...
Nginx: How to Not Exit if "Host Not Found in Upstream"?
In Nginx, if you're using an upstream block and a specified server is not found or is down, Nginx will typically return an error to the client. By default, if Nginx cannot connect to any of the ups...
How to Redirect to a Different Domain Using Nginx?
Redirecting to a different domain using Nginx is a common task for handling changes in domain names, ensuring consistency, or managing URL structures. Nginx makes this process straightforward with ...
Nginx: Stat() Failed (13: Permission Denied)
The stat() failed (13: Permission Denied) error in Nginx typically indicates that Nginx does not have the necessary permissions to access a file or directory. This can occur due to improper file or...
How to Run Nginx Within a Docker Container Without Halting?
Running Nginx within a Docker container is a common practice, and ensuring that it continues running smoothly without halting is crucial for maintaining a stable service. Here’s a comprehensive gui...
Nginx Serves .Php Files as Downloads, Instead of Executing Them
When Nginx serves .php files as downloads instead of executing them, it usually indicates that PHP processing is not correctly configured. Unlike Apache, which can handle PHP directly through its m...
How Do I Prevent a Gateway Timeout With Fastcgi on Nginx
A gateway timeout error in Nginx, often represented as a 504 Gateway Timeout, occurs when Nginx is unable to get a response from an upstream server (like PHP-FPM) within a specified time limit. To ...
413 Request Entity Too Large - File Upload Issue
The 413 Request Entity Too Large error occurs when the server is unable to process a request because the payload (such as a file upload) exceeds the allowed size limit. In the context of Nginx, thi...
Increasing Client_max_body_size in Nginx Conf on Aws Elastic Beanstalk
To increase the client_max_body_size directive in Nginx configuration on an AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment, you need to modify the Nginx configuration used by the Elastic Beanstalk environment. ...
Nginx: [Emerg] Could Not Build the Server_names_hash, You Should Increase Server_names_hash_bucket_size
The error [Emerg] could not build the server_names_hash, you should increase the hash size in Nginx occurs when the number of server names in your configuration exceeds the default hash table size,...
Locate the Nginx.conf File My Nginx Is Actually Using
To locate the nginx.conf file that your Nginx server is actually using, you can follow these steps: 1. Check the Nginx Process The Nginx process usually has a command line that shows the path to th...
How to Edit Nginx.conf to Increase File Size Upload
To increase the maximum file size upload in Nginx, you'll need to modify the nginx.conf file to adjust the client_max_body_size directive. This directive controls the maximum size of the client req...
Nginx: Send All Requests to a Single Html Page
To configure Nginx to redirect all requests to a single HTML page, you can use the try_files directive within a location block in your Nginx configuration. This setup is commonly used for single-pa...
Nginx.service Failed Because the Control Process Exited
If the nginx.service fails to start with the error "failed because the control process exited," it usually indicates that there was a problem with the Nginx configuration or the service startup pro...
Default Nginx Client_max_body_size
The default value for the client_max_body_size directive in Nginx is 1 megabyte (1M). This setting controls the maximum size of the client request body, which includes file uploads and POST data. I...
How Can Query String Parameters Be Forwarded Through a Proxy_pass With Nginx?
When configuring Nginx as a reverse proxy using the proxy_pass directive, query string parameters are automatically forwarded to the backend server. This behavior is built-in and doesn’t require ad...
Nginx Error "Conflicting Server Name" Ignored
The Nginx error Conflicting server name occurs when multiple server blocks in the Nginx configuration file have the same server_name directive. Nginx uses the server_name directive to determine whi...
Nginx Showing Blank Php Pages
If Nginx is serving blank pages for PHP files, it generally indicates a problem with how PHP is being processed. This issue is often related to the configuration of PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager...
Nginx Server_name Wildcard or Catch-all
In Nginx, you can configure server_name directives to handle requests for different domains using wildcard or catch-all patterns. This allows you to handle various subdomains or domains with a sing...
Api Gateway Vs. Reverse Proxy
API Gateway and Reverse Proxy are both networking components that manage and route traffic, but they serve different purposes and offer distinct features. Here’s a detailed comparison of the two: 1...
From Inside of a Docker Container, How Do I Connect to the Localhost of the Machine?
When you're working inside a Docker container and need to connect to services running on the host machine (i.e., the Docker host), you need to handle network routing carefully because Docker contai...
How to Configure Nginx as a Reverse Proxy for Node.js Applications
Node.js has built-in web server capabilities that is perfectly capable of being used in production. However, the conventional advice that has persisted from its inception is that you should always ...
What's the Difference of $Host and $Http_host in Nginx
In Nginx, $host and $http_host are variables used to represent different aspects of the HTTP request, specifically related to the Host header. While they may seem similar, they serve slightly diffe...
How Can I Tell if My Server Is Serving Gzipped Content?
To determine if your server is serving gzipped (compressed) content, you can use several methods. Gzip compression helps reduce the size of the data being transferred between the server and client,...
502 bad gateway Nginx
If you are getting the 502 bad gateway error when accessing a Nginx server, here are a few solutions: Check if Nginx is running To check if Nginx is running run the following command: systemctl sta...
Where can I find the error logs of NGINX, using FastCGI and Django?
By default Nginx stores its error logs in the /var/log/nginx/error.log file and access logs in the /var/log/nginx/access.log. To change the location of the log files, configure the following direct...
Nginx Logging: A Comprehensive Guide
This article will teach you to effectively leverage Nginx logs for enhanced visibility and control over your web server
Nginx 403 Error: Directory Index of [Folder] Is Forbidden
The 403 Forbidden error with the message Directory index of [folder] is forbidden in Nginx typically occurs when Nginx is trying to serve a directory listing, but directory listing is not enabled o...
Nginx -- Static File Serving Confusion With Root & Alias
When configuring Nginx to serve static files, it’s important to understand the difference between the root and alias directives, as they handle file paths differently. Here’s a detailed explanation...